Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

3.5. Methods and models for managing inventories in marketing

The method is vikoristovuyutsya at rozv'yazanny optimizatsionnyh tasks, in some way about:

  • Postachanja to the goods;
  • Sip on the goods;
  • Vitrati ta umovi zberigannya commodity stocks;
  • Criterie optimization.

Principles of the system of regular stock of goods. The main task of managing reserves is to reduce the theoretical theoretical threshold to the tasks of regulating stock. In praktichnіy dіyalnostі organіzatsії i marketing services vikoristovuyutsya prostіshі Sistemi regulyuvannya trademark zapasіv, zasnovanі on rіznih strategіyah popovnennya zapasіv, tobto on Pevnyi rules tsogo popovnennya. The parameters of the systems are the quantity of stocks stored in the warehouse, the number of stockpiles allowed, the amount of money deposited on the stock exchange, the yogo periodicity of the stock. Systemi rіznyatsya mіzh soboju zalozhno vіd that, yakі z parametіv vibrany yak regulyuyuchi. Principles and systems of regulation of stocks, which are to be visualized in practical marketing, are described in detail in the Baghdad pidruchnikah i posnibnikov (div., Napriklad, [81, 125]). To that it is inadvisable a short survey of systems.

The system is fossovanim rozmіrom zamovlenya. Tse nayposhirenisha system, in yakіy rozmіir zamovlenya na popovennennya sistіv є postіynoju mnogojuju, and the chergovaya party of the goods to step up for zmenshennja storіv up to the pivotal critical рівня, called by a point момовлення. The following adjusting parameters of the systems for fictionalization of the rozmіr izoblennya є: 1) the point of consolidation; 2) rozmіr zamovlenya, tobto the size of the party. Taku system often nazivayut "dvobunkernoyu" oskіlki at її zastosuvannі stock zberіgaєtsya nache in dvoh bunkers: in one - for zadovolennya popitu protyagom perіodu mіzh factuality popovnennyam stock i datoyu the following nayblizhchogo of order, and in іnshomu - for zadovolennya popitu protyagom perіodu od time filed of order Up to the descent of the chergo partners' goods, in the other bunker zberiagaetsya stock on the rivni points zamovlennya.

The system is subjected to a stabilization. For such systems, the stake on the cherepovets postavannya of the stock of commodities is repeated again through the river promyshky hour. У кінці кожного періоду перевіряєється рівень запасів і виходячи з цього визначається розмір партії, що мовляється. With ts'mu reserve popovnyuetsya kozhny times to the pivnogo pivnya, but do not overload the maximum. In this way, the regular parameters of the system are: 1) the maximum number of stocks, up to the total number of priests; 2) trivalist pereodu reiterated zamovlen. The system in the fictitious periodism is buried effektivno vikoristvuvati, if you can zmіnjuvati obmyg zamovlenya, and vitrati on the formalities of be-yakom zamovlenya not great. Odnієyu з переваг цієї системи є можливість переіодичної перевірки залишків на складі і відсутність необхідності how to conduct a systematic way of ruhu zalishki. Vadoiu sistemi є te, scho vona not viklyaet mozhnivіst shortage of commodity stocks.

The system is designed to be installed in the upper part of the lower part of the permissible reserve area. To the maximum of the upper river the reserve is set at the bottom riven (point of the pit). Yakshto rozmіr reserve to be seen up to the bottom of the river until the fountain of the fountain hour is replenished reserve, then to be killed in the potholdown. In the other vipadkas, the system functions as a system in a fictitious periodism. Such a system has three adjustable parameters:

  • Maximum riven stock;
  • The bottom riven stock (point zamovlenya);
  • Trivalist period mizh zamavlennami.

The first two parameters of the post, the third can be changed. The system folds behind the front, one-third of the wagon is allowed to turn on the shortage of the commodity stock. Short-term systems є those, poko popovnennja stocks up to the maximal рівня can not be carried out unrelatively in the actual витрачання запасів.

The system of a dwelling is equipped with a fictional system without storages without a postoperative perforation. Qiu system nazivayut takozh strategizіyu upravlenya reserves ( s , S ), abo system "minimum maximum". Vona usuvaet nedolіki sredemnyi sistemi і є її модифікацією. In this system there are two regulating parameters: the lower (critical) riven to the stock s the upper rivet to the stock S.

Yakscho by x poznachiti value zapasіv of acceptance to rіshennya about їh popovnennya through z - value popovnennya and by y = x + z - value zapasіv pіslya popovnennya then strategіya upravlіnnya inventory (s, S) zadaєtsya minds:

Drain the inventory management strategy (3.2)

Otzhe, povopennennya not vidbuvayutsya, yakshcho rіvenь storіv bіlshy for critical rіven, scho є s ; Yakshchu zh rіven, scho є, menshy abo rіvniy s , then priymaetsya rіshennya about поповнення a stock to the upper рівня S так, що the amount поповнення дорівнює:

Z = S - x.

Self-regulated systems. Roslyatnuti, the system regulates the supply of energy, and the vagaries of the minds of the functioning of the cych systems. On praktitsі such postіynіst minds not Got Georeferencing scho sprichinyuєtsya zmіnami demand from inventory, minds їh postachannya t i. E. In zv'yazku іz CIM vinikaє neobhіdnіst stvorennya kombіnovanih systems s mozhlivіstyu samoregulyuvannya (adaptatsіya zmіnyuvanih to drain). Otzhe, snovemyutsya sistemi zі zmіnuvanniem periodichnistyu і rozmіrom zamovlen, vrahovuyuchy stochastichny (nedtermіnovany) umovi. In the kozhnі takіy sistemі, the singing of the tsіl'ov function is ensured, but the service is critically optimized in the function of the systems, within the framework of the unified eco-nomic and mathematical model of inventory management.

One s elementіv tsіlovoї funktsії at pobudovі samoregulovanih systems upravlіnnya reserves Je vitrati, pov'yazanі s organіzatsієyu of order that realіzatsієyu Yogo, pochinayuchi s Poshuk postachalnika i zakіnchuyuchi pay vsіh poslug s trademark zapasіv delivery to the warehouse.

Іншим елементом цільової функції є витрати, пов'язані зі зберіганняням a stock.

Sche one (tretіm) Elements tsіlovoї funktsії scho rozglyadaєtsya, Je vtrati through defіtsit, if postachalno-zbutova organіzatsіya Nese materіalnu vіdpovіdalnіst for nezadovolennya require spozhivachіv through vіdsutnіst zapasіv.