Legal encyclopedia. The letter O


- trades that are publicly held in the trading floor for goods admitted to sale on the wholesale market, at a time, place and in a certain order.

The participants of trading on the wholesale market include:

1) owners of goods (manufacturers, wholesale enterprises, intermediaries) or their authorized representatives who have the right to conduct trading operations on the market (sellers);

2) retail trade and other entrepreneurial structures having access to the wholesale market as buyers in the manner established by the administration of the wholesale market;

3) the personnel of the wholesale market participating in registration of trade transactions directly in commodity sections.

OT, conducted in the commodity section, serves a clearly defined composition of employees entering the wholesale market personnel. OT participants should not make announcements that are not related to these trades, while the commodity sections are working.

The wholesale market personnel serving the trading process have no right to carry out transactions, and also directly or indirectly interfere with the bidding process.

Each OT participant must have with him a pass corresponding to his status, issued and accessible for visual observation by the administration of the wholesale market.

The administration of the wholesale market ensures compliance with the established procedure for conducting OT and identifying their participants.

The time of operation of the wholesale market is established by its administration in agreement with local executive authorities.

The general rule is to carry out OT mainly before the beginning of the work of retailers selling vegetables, fruits and other foodstuffs.

Organizational features of the OT are determined by the variety of forms of participation in them.

By forms of participation, the wholesale market should provide opportunities for OT management based on:

1) long-term lease by the seller of a place in the trading floor;

2) short-term lease of necessary retail space;

3) a one-time participation in OT with pennevoj payment of cost of a trading place or the special market duty, differentiated on kinds of the goods and paid from a turn.

Tenants of trading places in the wholesale market need not be owners (owners) of goods.

Technology of reference OT should provide for the possibility of renting trading places by agents of owners, commissioners, other intermediaries.

OT are held, as a rule, on the basis of private agreements between the seller and the buyer. In some cases, OT can be conducted on the basis of an auction or a competition.

Under private agreements, the price and other terms of the transaction are determined on a bilateral basis through negotiations between the seller and the buyer.

At auction the contract is concluded with the entrepreneur who offered the highest price. In competitive bidding, the contract is concluded with the entrepreneur who has fulfilled the tender conditions in the best way, the procedure for holding auction or competitive bidding is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The choice of the form of bidding on the wholesale market is determined by the owner of the goods, unless otherwise provided by law. The issues of organizing and conducting various types of trades are resolved with the participation of the administration of the wholesale market.