Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

14.6. Prospects for the development of the Internet network

Internet users of the United States have subscribed to such a rank. Merezhu in the package komutatsієyu rozhoblyati sent to zamovlennya vіyskovich, and in 1968 p. Before the sprinkling, the laboratory was completed and the science centers. Across the river, the Persha was experimenting with the basic infrastructure, but the decal of the university's municipalities at the gymnasium, yaka pratsyuvala. The vvchichi і vkoskonaliti її mozlivostі і rozrobiti tehnologіa ta zastosuvannya її vzhichiti vіchichi іn vіdkі. Z'yavilisya first steps in the service, which are at the same time bases for the Internet. In the first half of the 1970s, the TCP / IP protocol was decrypted, for which the bug is truncated. In doslidnye projects contributed to the main penny American.

On the cob of the 90's. Before the projects, you can re-enter into the commercial products, you are ready to switch to the commercial company. So, in reality, it demanded on the svіy rozvitok znachnih інвестицій держави, попопово вийшла на самоокупність, з'явилися комерційні products і фахівці, быможні обслуговувати їх. Stvorena meta pobnistju has passed in komercinyu ekspluatatsiyu. So the Internet was announced.

З 1995 р. The United States has a large scale program (up to 2005). The development of the Internet 2 on the basis of the shvidkisnoi magistral vBNS, which is not approved for the Internet. The project will take the fate of hundreds of American universities, science centers, kozhny z them rozroblya yakus a part of the new technologies, services and dodatkiv on the basis of that waterway for the need for rozvitku kadri. To be formed is highly productive, and through the decree of the rock, the camp is the basis of the access to the new generation, which is based on commercial ambushes. In the new project, the state contributes to the cost of not making the base of the basic infrastructure, but also for the specific prospects of technology, service, and add-on. In the 1999 p. The US government for vitrification on the design of Internet-free Internet is close to $ 1.5 billion.

The main lines of Internet 2 are as follows: the least developed version of the new version of the Internet protocol (new protocols for routing and bassetting); Безпека мережі (захищені операційні середища, active audit, керелоість мережі, сучасні засоби ідентифікації та аутентиції); Rozpodilenny dodatki; Bagatoaddressi and wide-media systems; Сучасні кластерні технології; (Monitoring of ATM-channels with prompt analysis of the results); Models and methods of the accomplishment of great minimal structures.

Yak і in the US, in Europe and in the Asian countries contribute to the future. Європейські мережі об'єдналися not in національну structure, yak at the USA, and in міждержавну TEN-155. Vona takozh is closed and does not care about direct access to the Internet, or in the framework of the Bulletin of the Rishennya, they became the basis of new technologies: new protocols for routing, distribution, IPv6, services, securing some bools in the Internet of the first generation, Technology buli passed in commerce.

Bezpospestivno zamikati nezhezhevu infrastrukturu in the boundaries of one's territory, neobhіdno rozvivati ​​vzaimodіyu mіzhnarodnomu rivnі. Щоб з'єднати високопродуктивні дослідницькі мережі, the United States has created a university STAR TAP yak point of the international information exchange. For kraine, Ikіі pіdіklyutimut svoї szhezhi to STAR TAP, the US will pay for half the channel to the point, and the world is known as the digital sign of the computers of the new generation. So, at the Internet 2 standards, the infrastructure is minimized by the traffic.

MirNET - the first application of Russia on the Internet. 2. The program is to be enforced for the development of new technologies. The tasks, which should be performed within the framework, are adequate for the structuring of infrastructures: the alignment of the least-developed medium for shvidkikh enumerated, high-productivity systems and visas, obmin by great masivami given in the real hour, distance education from vicarities to visokosvidkisnoi least. Сьогодні до програми MirNET приєднався Єкатеринбург, Санкт-Петербург і Krasnodar. The geography of programs in Russia, in the USA, in the USA, in the world, is not accessed by the highly productive United States, but by the science and development of the European countries, the territories of the Asia-Pacific Regions. To that the state is guilty of self-financing in the way of high-tech projects, and the incentive of large companies to contribute to the groveling from the commercial to the commercial plots.