Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

15.3. IT consulting

In Suchasnyj minds dinamіchno rozvivaєtsya rinok іntegrovanih complex systems of companies that avtomatizatsії SET rіznogo profіlyu (fіnansovih, Promyslova, ofіsnih) i rіznih masshtabіv s rіznomanіtnimi ієrarhії schemes. Takі sistemi are recognized for the task of the tasks of piadpriemstva zagalom, so і рівня його виробничих підрозділів, цехів і дільниць.

Actually, the problem of complex automation became topical for cutaneous pidpriyatstva. To explain these basic reasons:

  • Підвищенням оргаізаційної та фінансової самостійності;
  • Pragnenyam coming to the zarubizhny tin;
  • Pragnenjam zahіdnih kompanіy virobljati svoї com in the Ukraine;
  • Completing the period of part-time automation;
  • Orієнтацією підприємств на бізнес-процеси, що мають цінність для клієнта;
  • Appear on the market yak zarubizhnih, so і vitschiznyannih systems avtomatizatsii, dosvіd їх vprovadzhennya i vikoristanny tochno.

Golovna osoblivіst іndustrії systems avtomatizatsії rіznih of companies that have SET polyagaє kontsentratsії uskladnen on Pochatkova Etap analіzu vimog i proektuvannya spetsifіkatsіy System vіdnosno nevisokoї skladnostі i trudomіstkostі etapіv away. Actually, here and iznachaetsya, scho robitim mikebutnya system і a certain rank vona pratsyuvatime, scho zadovolniti visuti vimogi. Нечіткість і nevnovnota sistemnih vimog і pomіlki, admitted on the stages of analizu and project, breed on the most important stages, important things, often with problems, і призводять до невдачі всієї роботи.

On the other side, not the two of the new organizations, that is, simply tyrazhuvannya navyat good system management pidpriemstvom can not vrachuvati specifier zamovnika. In the case of the problem of viboru sama tієї sistemi, yaka naibіlsh is attached to a particular pidpriemstva.

For biloshostі pіdpriєmstv neobhіdnyi і pereduyuchy automatіcії іtap - inducted order in іх діяльності, the alignment of rational technology and business processes, it is not rejected "automated chaos".

Samostіyno іz zavdannyam viboru і tim bishe rozoblennya vlastnoї sistemi without zhodnoy concept of automation pidpriemstvo vporatisya not zmozi. Виникає необхідність у послугах консалтингових фірм, незалежних від виробників системы автоматизації.

Consulting companies should be shown to the market at the same time as the pope on their services for the transition from private to complex automation, if the facility is not self-sufficient to solve problems and ready to pay, not for the program, but for advice, and for consulting.

З усіх напрямів бізнес-консалтингу виокремився ІТ-консалтинг , освільки всі суб'єкти економіки operuyut big kіlkіstyu інформації у своїй діяльності, і role of professional advisers in the field of information technology in the field of technology.

Види діяльності у областиі інформатизації:

  • Consulting on the supply of the Viboru type to the confi-guration of computers, the analisation and the poshuku optimal rіshen;
  • stvorennya PP (analіz, proektuvannya i programuvannya Ready systems klієnta; rozroblennya, vigotovlennya, postachannya, dokumentuvannya of order on the PP; rozrobka, vigotovlennya, postachannya, dokumentuvannya standard i applied the PP; koriguvannya program for Bazhanov koristuvacha) without tirazhuvannya;
  • A block of tribute (for Vicorestanians of the PZ clint of abbreviation of the noble PZ of the decommissioner, the ration of the tribute, the problems with serfs).

In the group of consulting services, the technical information is visible so:

  • Komp'yuternі sistemi upravlennya;
  • Застосування комп'ютерів в аудиті та оцінюваніі діяльності;
  • Електронна видавнича діяльність;
  • Інформаційно-пошукові системи;
  • Projecting and separation of systems.

For uspіshnogo vprovadzhennya Sistemi IT consultant zabezpechuyut spіlnu robot management i komp'yuternoї groupies klієnta іz systemic іntegratorami zzovnі, zdіysnyuyut perepіdgotovku i klієnta personnel management. Consultants spivprotsyuyut z vibroks for the optimal range of modules and functions, yakі b zabezpechili naybіlsh ratsionalnye ta efektivne їх застосування для досягнення поставленх цілей.

Garantuvati povni uspіh navіt u razі zaluchennya konsultanta nelmozhlivo, especial for realizing complex projects in the analysis of information technologies.

Deyaki, please, shocho pidvishchu shansi na dosyagnennya uspihu:

  • Unusually, it is very important for you to stick to consultants, to formulate your own work in concrete terms, but, putting on a job, you should read the letters.
  • Щоб uniknut nadmіrnyh vitrat, it is important to sign up for the project until the lump-sum consultant (for the third pillar of software storage).
  • It is necessary to bring the consultant's wine to the results in the project.
  • Pіd hour pіdpisannya to the contract about the hardship of the service is not necessary vimagati inserted before the date of consultation, yakі zdіysnyuvatimut the project, the consulting consulting firm did not speculate with the names of its own theft consultants for the loan, and the written contract was not signed by the yogo forces of the young Fakhivtsi.

Duzhe often velikі projects in the technical information technology of the participants of the early firs-postavilnikov: the post-programmer of the programs, the system integrator and the consultant. For the effective management of the project, it is necessary to negotiate an alliance and get a consultant to manage all the vikonavtsi.

Збільшення попиту на інформаційні технології значною мірою зумовлене зацікавленістю виробників у впровадженніі projects to type "підприємство - ресурси - планування" (ПРП). The result of the simplification of such projects is the replacement of the old software by new integration modules, and the general acceptance in the document. Taky projects realizovatsya in a complex, on їх slovavazhenzhennia potrіbno bahato hour (for 6 months before 2 and more rock) and capitals. For example, Coca-Cola Co and Gillette Co companies have been stamping for $ 250 million of leather for the project.

Corporacii takozh zaluchayut consultants for robot at such strains, yak outsourcing, novy technologii zberigannya daniih ta informatsionnyj management. Zrostania consultative biznesu z іnformatsіynih tehnologij obymovlennye thim, scho all bіshe more fahіvtsіv in the sphere of informational technologies to pass із працюючих компаній у консалтинговий бізнес. Унаслідок цього у компаній виникає нестача кваліфікованих фахівців у областиі інформаційних технологій, і компанії вимушені more and more to put on the profession of ззовні.

Якщо раніше більшість консультантів з інформаційних технологій lishelas lishe konsaltingom, then syogodni basic respect to pridilyayatsya vproprovazhennju projects. Prior to the consultancy, I am going to sit seriously. The main accent is to be built on the building of Keruvati by the whole process of simplification, toto secure the old life cycle for the project.

To that act of the company-integrator of systems to buy consulting consulting companies with the method of assigning a wide range of services: to the strategic analysis to the project in front of the project (pridbannya company Electronic Data Systems Corporation chikazkoi AT Kearny Inc.). To the side of the side, and to the business consulting firms, to speak alliances with systematic integrators. Such a synthesis is important, the result of the project is not the result of the project of glibok know-it-consultants, but know how to supply the necessary information for the project.

The central point is the transfer of technology to cliens. Consultants can help the client in the process of technol- ogy novochivi, yak tsebrobitsya. Zgodom klієnt mozhe zaluchit adviser to vrdan, for vikonannya yonyh nyogo voproshno vlasnih resursiv.

Spivprotsia with consultants can be rooted in such a strain, such as the dismantling of inventories and technology, the conduct of business, based on informational technologies. For example, Farmland Industries Inc., an agro giant in Kansas, has a turnover of $ 9 billion, creating a spindle with Ernst & Young-One System Group LLC. The company is not in the process of proving the software for the PRP of SAP (one of the most important suppliers of software products), but for the financial support of the most technically advanced projects in Farmland in the course of the oncoming 15 rockivs.

Spetsіalіzovanі centerand priskoryuyut rozroblennya software zabezpechennya i suttєvo zmenshuyut rizik, oskіlki testuvannya programs conducted at Ernst & Young engines rather than komp'yuterah klієnta de pomilka Mauger prizvesti to neperedbachenih zboїv in robotі.

Pіdpriєmstvu chi organіzatsії ekonomіchno nedotsіlno mother spetsіalіstіv s іnformatsіynih tehnologіy, oskіlki profesіyno rozroblena іnformatsіyna system pratsyuvatime digit hour neobhіdnіst modifіkuvati qiu system vipravlyati pomilki not vinikaє Leather day. Otzhe, organizatsii vigіdnіshe u razі zakvertatisya za dopomogoju up to professijnyh konsul'tiv, yakі vіdpovidayut for nalіdki svoyh rіshen.

Moreover, the consultant in information technology is an integrated specialist, a well-known knowledge worker at his home, and in the management of the office, the building up the system of organization, developing in a weak environment, optimizing restructuring on the basis of new information technology.

Consultant vikonuetsya two visibility: biznes-analiz and re-structuring (reengineering biznes-processiv). Він is guilty of becoming defeated at such functions, persuading the models on the basis of the proposals to implement the robotics of the active lacquers abo business processes of the cli- nite, and the business consulting.

Dali vikonuetsya system analiziz і proektovannya abo vibir ready systems, yaka b as much as possible complained zamovnika vimogi.

Vazhlivy Element Consulting - Formulation and navchanya robochih grupp. Bud-yaki projects are necessary. Tom spivnobitniki pіdpriєmstva vіd початку повинні брати uchast 'projektі, ім pokalko prodazhyayut vnutrіshnjofіrmovі technologії. І після закінчення робіт вони самі здатні аналізувати та поліпшувати бізнес-процеси в межах власної оргаізації.