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Legal Encyclopedia. The letter P


- Is guilty of a wrongful act committed by a person capable of self-responsibility for their actions.

The main features of P .:

1) the illegality - an act that violates the law and is prohibited by law;

2) expression of human will, acting reasonably, - acts capable and sane persons;

3) the existence of guilt.

Signs of the legal structure P .: objective side, the subjective side, subject, object.

Wrongful act may be done by acts prohibited by law and by omission. Subjective and objective symptoms of PA form part of IP, which includes:

1) subject - a natural or legal person capable of answering for their actions;

2) object - public relations,

which are protected by law;

3) the objective side - action or inaction direction Goes to a specific object;

4) the subjective aspect - the guilt of the perpetrator of a wrongful act, describing his mental attitude toward crime.

The absence of any of the features of AP does not entail statutory liability.

P. divided into:

1) crimes - illegal acts, responsibility for which is provided by criminal law. Crime damage conditions of existence of society, its social and political system, fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens;

2) offenses - illegal acts, responsibility for which is not expressly provided for by criminal law. Depending on the object of offenses are divided into:

a) administration;

b) disciplinary;

c) civil.

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