Legal Encyclopedia. The letter P


(From the Latin Resumption -. "Assumption"), the right - established experimentally an assumption that is usually observed a link between the facts and phenomena inherent in the particular case.

Legal PA are fixed in the law. One of the key P. - P. innocence.

Considerable importance is also VP of knowledge of the law. This PI is based on the fact that all laws are published, transmitted via radio and television, so the citizens know their content and act in accordance with them. Usually laws perpetuate behaviors inherent in the legal sense or religious laws, so citizens fulfill these laws, not even knowing them.

No one has the right to ignorance of the law excuses. If the law is published, it must be assumed that all citizens are aware of it and in case of violation of the law shall set them responsibility. P. refutable knowledge of the law, allowed proof that a citizen does not

could know the law was published as a result of serious illness, delays in delivery of newspapers to the remote areas, disaster, military operations and other. And in these cases it is discharged.

P. so misguided public danger and wrongfulness of the act binds, for example, the fact that failure to reach an adolescent age of criminal responsibility (16 years and for a variety of crimes - 14 years) with the lack of criminal responsibility for the crime. This PA is undeniable: it is impossible to prosecute young persons under 16 years of age (14 years), even in those cases where, in accordance with the level of their intellectual development they understood the significance of his actions and could control them (proof of this fact is not allowed ).