Legal encyclopedia. Letter P


The Constitution and the Criminal Law recognize and equally protect property regardless of its form. Legal protection also extends to private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

Specific objects in the P.P. S. are relations arising from the use, possession and disposition of property.

The right of ownership can be extended to enterprises, land plots, real estate, means of production, raw materials, materials, vehicles, money, securities, products of intellectual labor. The encroachment on such property also entails responsibility for the P.P.

The object of a PS can be any objects of the material world that are in a physical state, having weight, volume, measure, number, etc. The most important feature of the subject of these crimes is the possibility of

Value expression.

Objects not prohibited to civil turnover or in respect of which a special procedure for use are established are not recognized as objects of the item of property.

Do not recognize the number of property crimes numbering, tokens, coupons and other, giving the right to receive property.

Some of the crimes provided for in Ch. 21, are two-object:

1) robbery;

2) extortion;

3) forcible robbery;

4) hijacking a vehicle with the use of violence.

In violent property crimes, the main object is property, and additional - the identity of the victim.

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the types of SPS can be systematized as follows:

1) mercenary crimes related to the unlawful extraction of property benefits;

2) PPP, not related to the extraction of property benefits: intentional destruction or damage to property;

Destruction or damage to property through negligence.