Legal encyclopedia. Letter P


- The final stage of the legislative process.

P. is that the law passed by the houses of parliament is sent to the head of state, signed by him, and then published and comes into effect. p>

The law provides for most of the existing constitutions of states. Signing the law, the head of state states that the law has been adopted by the parliament properly and is subject to execution upon publication and entry into force. Stage P. gives the head of state the opportunity to express disagreement with the law or its separate provisions and return the law to parliament for a new consideration. This power (the right of veto) is recognized by the head of state not in all countries, it is more typical for republics of presidential type.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not use the term "promulgation", it refers to the signing and promulgation by the President of the Russian Federation of the adopted

The parliament of federal laws. The federal law is sent to the President within 5 days from the date of adoption, and the Constitution allocates 14 days from the moment the law is enacted to the President so that he either writes the law or returns it to parliament for reconsideration. The signing of the federal law is an indication of its publication, i. Official communication to the public. If the parliament overcame the veto of the President who returned the law for reconsideration, the latter must within 7 days sign and promulgate this law.