Legal Encyclopedia. The letter P


- An abnormal variant of the human person, is manifested in the "ugly" character.

P. manifested in the fact that psychopathic reaction to external stimuli does not match its strength or content. Human reaction can be very strong or conversely weak.

The causes can be congenital P. biological factor (when the disease in the mother during pregnancy, excessive child custody), and acquired factor (the presence of mental disease of the brain).

Types P .:

1) excitable:

a) hysterical psychopaths who want to be in the spotlight, including psychopaths pseudologist-prescribing yourself any unthinkable abilities and talents;

b) The paranoid psychopaths exhibit unreasonable and excessive mistrust and suspicion, including psychopaths, hypochondriacs are prone to

Education overvalued ideas,

psychopaths-kverulyanty (fighters for the recognition of their own ideas and opinions);

c) impulsive psychopaths, including psychopaths who suffer from pyromania (desire for arson), kleptomania (the desire for theft), suitsidomaniey (the desire to commit suicide);

2) inhibited:

a) asthenic psychopaths (people with unstable mentality, which are easy to perform any actions);

b) psychasthenic psychopaths (people who are prone to the formation of obsessions);

c) emotionally stupid psychopaths (people deprived of empathy).

In the presence of PA in humans does not occur intellectual disability and a person suffering from P., is sane.