Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

Establishment of lower and upper interiors

For the economical theory, the lower boundary of the price for the goods, I will serve as the basis for the vitrification of the virbitnitsu, the upper boundary between the vignette, the spirachus on the law of populism and propositions. With software products, trophies are written in a way.

Lower boundary

Lower mezhu tsini for software product viznachayut decilka factor:

  • Vitrati on vibrochnitsvu software product, yakschoo product stvoryuetsya vyssnymi zusilami, tobto without zaluchchennia strangers інструментальних засобів;
  • Missed the hang,

Відмовою від самостійних дій на ринку в разі передачі to the product to the mediators for the submission of goods;

Mozhnlistyu peredvorennya korostustacha on majbutnyogo the competitor;

Zrostanjanam risiku with rozgoloshennyi functional zmistu і mozmolisti nesanktsionovannogo kopiyuvannya ta rozpusyugzhennya.

Tse є odnієyu z golovinikh problem vibroknіv software zabezpechennya. Чинні в більшості розвинутих країн law about information zahischayut vlasyak be-yakih pozhanyń. Numerical vibrobes from the territory of the Pivdenno-Scіdnoї Аzії, використовуючи вади itsїї legіів, виробляють "проруки" мікросхем, неанкціоноване копіювання програм тощо. Deykі gromadyany nashoi kraїni takozh not vіdіznyayutsya sіdomіstyu i бездоганним додержанням законів. Otzhe, with the formulations of the vibro-wrinkle, you can use yourselves to curb yourself of the potential losses in the sustained superexplosion, and often the vicissitudes of risikov's allowance. Vona is designed to meet the current costs of realizing organizational, technological, legal visits, rectifying to the exclusion of unsanctioned vicarities.

Top of the Interstitial

Якщо when the top-of-the-line intercourse for the zvichayniy product is the main factor - popit, then the top level of the program product will be set up more efficiently, you can visually display the decal of the displays. The goals for the people with such factors:

Vyrobnyk vidhodit z rozraunku otsinki vkrushku pributku, yaky matime koristustach as a result of the dash of the product;

Yakshcho vibrochnik proponeu not unikalny, and broadening the market commodity, then the price of the competitor is the upper margin of the price;

For korostuvacha not vyklyuetsya mozhlіist samostіnogo rozoblennya software product with zaluchennі sobstvennyh fahіvtsіv. The boundary value for the cir- culisteve is the width of the vertical for the crushed stone that is pressed.

Basically, the principle of pricing is in the fact that the product can not be due to the price of a sub-product for a product-deputy. Otzhe, індивідуальні витрати, виведені з регулювання і визначення ціни і цінотворення, podkleno tilki na buktsya.

In the transition to the Rink economy, realizing the software product will require the most valuable vitrates, which are involved in advertising and perekonannya spozhivacha. Thus, the US spivvodnoshennia vitrat on the line of the program of advertising, adapting to the particularities of a particular spojivacha, yogo navchannya tochno dorivnyuet 1: 10. Oskilki program - tse easily tyrazhovany and svidko povnovlyovany product, then the price is guilty of making a gnocchi, vrahovuvati consumer zamovnikiv i sub ' Active Factors. Інформаційний маркетинг припускає можливість починати з більш високої ціни і for the forcibly riddled znizhuvaiti її, нo навпаки, з метю завоювання ринку мімливий вихід більш cheap programs, and після цього, за Інтересу до них споживачів, ціну підвищувати. For example, in the USA, in the middle of the program for PEOM, 35% fall in the middle for marketing, 15% increase in the virginity of the box, 15% in vibro-banking (tyrazhuvannya), 20% in management, and 15% in surplus.

The price of the software for storing a well-known world is to be found in the supernumeraries (abo bases) of goods, for the sake of PEOM. Until then, the PEOP (vitschiznyannі abo zarubizhni) riznotipnі. Відсутність інформації about якість ПЗ веде до доктату продавця над покупцом. Існує думка, що product більш високої якості має більш високу ціну. Serednya yakist lay in the rozmіr panіvnih tsіn. Навіть незначне підвищення якості ПЗ приведе до непропорційно великого підвищення ціни. In addition, the marriage of information about the reality of the program of the acquisition of one confession and close to the anchor, as well as about the average prices on them to bring up to the grandiose of the tsin on the PZ. NaiBilshy rokid tsin - in the sphere of automation installation Адміністративної діяльності. The goal is to clarify the following: the main part of the purchase - "novyi koristuvači" administrative and management personnel, was rejected by the PEOP of the PEOM on the back of the information system. Wongs are rotten oriyntuyutsya on rinku PZ, postavlyauliv vibirajut in the mainstream for the purpose of advertising golosheneno vik vipadkovyh dzherel informatsii.

Naimenshy roksid tsin - on spetsializovany PZ z vidnosno vuzkim kolom zbutu. Butt can be used as a CAD. The goal is to explain the timers, but the vibro-fighters and others, knowing the good, know only one thing.

In the minds of the market for informational structures, special interest is selling the price of information products. Rinok vimagaє vrahuvannya in tsіnі not tilki actual vitrat on vibrobnitsvto such product, ali і yogo rantoprosprozhimostnosti. The price of a new PZ, but analogs, propohuyut rozrakhovuvati for the formula:

The price of the new software ,

De Rn - rozraunkova the price of a new PP; Р 0 - tsin to the analog; K mp, l m, k e n, l еп - groups of viewers for technical and economic parameters of competitors' proprietorships PZ without the loss of sales prices; B - part (for vartіstyu) of the market of basic goods; Q - otraznik, sho vіdobrazhalі spіvvіdoshnya mіzh popitom і propositsієyu on przglyaduvanyy the goods, and takozh prestige yogo firmi.

It is possible to take as a basis the installation of pre-items on the original PP in the negotiation process and in the economy of the economy.