Legal encyclopedia. The letter P


- an independent non-governmental public organization whose main goal is to protect and support industrialists and

Entrepreneurs by means of the formation of the corresponding legal, business and moral situation in the country.

RSPP was established in 1991, its founders are enterprises of various forms of ownership, research organizations, commercial structures and public associations. The headquarters of RSPP is in Moscow. The highest governing body is the congress, which is convened in the cases established by the articles of association, but not less than once a year. At the congress, the president, the board, the control commission are elected, and the main directions of his activities are determined.

The main task of the Union is to adopt

Participation in the improvement of economic legislation, the promotion of international business cooperation, the creation of the infrastructure of enterprises that are necessary in a market economy.

The main principles of the RSPSP activity include:

1) a strong commitment to a market economy;

2) advocating for state regulation of the transition to the market;

3) consideration of the national specifics of Russia in carrying out reforms;

4) orientation on own forces, on resources and the highest potential of domestic industry;

5) openness of the Russian economy and the need to attract foreign investment.

The RSPS includes 4,333 collective members and 420 individual members: 72 corporate unions and associations, 73 regional branches and representative offices in various regions of Russia, over 4,000 enterprises of various forms of ownership, 452 research organizations and a university, 97

Corporations and consortia, 78 banks, stock exchanges and insurance companies, 58 public associations and foundations, 76 foreign companies and firms, 33 publishing houses and mass media.

RSPP is a member of the World Economic Forum, cooperates with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and with other international organizations. Long-term agreements with foreign organizations are concluded
