Legal encyclopedia. The letter P


- is one of the main sources on the history of the state and law of Russia.

1) a short version of RP (the first written legislation of Kievan Rus);

2) extensive edition (121 articles);

3) a shortened version (the latest edition of RP).

All these Truths were a continuous text without division into articles, chapters, sections, divided it later, in the 18th century, into parts:

1) The truth of Yaroslav (published in 1015-1054 gg.);

2) The truth of Yaroslavich (60th of X century). The final version of the short version of RP was formed at the end of the eleventh century.

In the XII century. Vladimir Monomakh added new legal norms in the Republic of Armenia, as a result of which the RP began to consist of parts, it is called a lengthy editorial:

1) The Yaroslav Court (short version);

2) The Charter of Vladimir Monomakh (reform of the state apparatus and the judiciary).

The extensive edition lasted until the XIV-XV centuries, including the period of feudal fragmentation and the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The abbreviated edition belongs to the second half of the 15th century, which is associated with the name of Ivan III and his reform of the legal system and the systematization of law.

RP mainly regulated the issues of criminal law, but it dealt with issues of family and marriage, inheritance law and issues of the legal status of the population.

The following segments of the population were distinguished according to the RP:

1) the princes (they stood above the law);

2) boyars (they obeyed the law and were called prince's people);

3) the clergy (they were judged only by the church);

4) simple free people (merchants, smerds and some others);

5) purchase (comes from the word "coupons" -a loan agreement, the purchase is understood as an already dependent employee, his dependence on the creditor continued until full payment of the debt);

6) slave (slave);

7) dandychi (from the word "row" to "contract", they concluded a contract about their temporary serfdom


RP did not contain provisions on the right of ownership of land, while imposing sanctions for attempted property, for example, for re-plowing the border, a fine of 12 hryvnia was imposed. The responsibility for attempting the property of different strata of the population was different.

Responsibility for a delicate obligation was established in the amount of the damage caused.

RP regulated contract law. Types of contracts for RP:

1) purchase and sale;

2) a loan;

3) storage of property (luggage);

4) loan with self-load;

5) the contract;

6) personal hiring.

The form of the contract was oral, with witnesses, with the performance of some symbolic actions. Non-fulfillment of the contract could entail foreclosure on property and on the debtor itself.

According to R. P. inherited:

1) by law;

2) by will.