Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

Dodatok 4. 100 nayvplivalyshih companies in industry

Щорічно one of the most authoritative computer journals of PC Magazine is warehousing the top 100 industriya, the rating of some of them is viznachavsya behind the factor vplyvu companies on rozvitok industriya. Doslіdzhennya base on the names of such visions on the computer market of marketing companies, Dataquest, komputer Intelligence and Soft.letter.

Microsoft - її extravagance with rosettes of industriousness. At the time in the past, 10 million rockets sold 100 million copies of the operating system. For the results of 1998 р. The company secured a surplus of $ 8.67 billion.

Intel потрібно було всього 10 років, Щоб завоювати першість на ринку мікропроцесорів (сьогодні їх використовує понад 80% виробників ПК). Intel dictate, in fact, not those that yakimi makut bouti sami protsiori, ale th constructive rіshennya roz'єmіv for them, the design of the chipset, cache-pam'yatі and naviny maternal motherboards. And otrimany pributok at 20.85 billion dollars. Lishe zmіtniv hegemony Intel on the market.

IBM, yakschoo d not dominue so clearly, one after it, yak і rіshe, vаzаzyayut bahato podіy, shоо відбуваються віндустрії. Її sumarniy pributok for the past rik napyag $ 75.95 billion, and for the sale of software vba viperedzhaye naivit Microsoft.

Netscape at the Svidomosty Baghdah is compelled to go to the World Wide Web, ajsha zavdyaki їй ця технологія дісталася до корстувача. Netscape on those Netscape Navigator is the most popular product that protested the main part of the company's surplus ($ 346.2 million) over the past year becoming server software sales.

Sun - the company's surplus amounted to $ 7.09 billion, not just for the Java ravine, but for the robots, for the Sun Microsystems, 32%.

Koмpaq (a surplus of $ 18.11 billion) does not adhere to yourself with all the concepts of the idea (hoca і є participant of the richest technologic consortiums). However, the company sells its products to all PCs.

Hewlett-Packard - лідер з sale periferії, але 38,42 billion dollars. Torik Won did not crush on ts'omu, ale th for the sale of PCs, robotic stantsy, metzhevoi stomatkuvannya і complexny rishen.

Cisco - the visions of the leader on the market of the least developed countries, the production of the Wi-Fi of the Internet in 80% of the main Internet cores.

Oracle is the number one selling the relational DBMS, 44% of the sales are coming to the її site, the surplus is $ 4.22 billion. Already, the concept of NC is forced upon her.

Toshiba (Tokyo Shibaura Electric) has a 1939 roku і Pershuyu vypustila 1 Mb chip DRAM in 1985,., Ale bіlsh vіdoma yak vіroblnik laptopів і посідає перше місце в цьму сегмі ринку. The sale of corporate bonds increased $ 48.30 billion.

Dell komputer - lіder on the market of direct selling PC, naybіshih іпіхів досягла в розвитку збуту через WWW. Already, Dell sells technics for $ 1 million. The day, and in the year after year the company collected a surplus from 7.76 billion dollars.

Apple komputer in the rest of the rockes recognized the great shocks, they were not inveterate on the road, they became 708 million dollars., The authority of the company, as well as early, high, and її surplus having transplanted 9.8 billion dollars.

Adobe Systems has secured $ 786.6 million in trade. I shifted from the Macintosh to the Windows platform, with its own innovations in the Galus PZ, which is written in graphical form.

Gateway 2000 is truncated for vypusku soderzhdnogo alternatives to the expensive brandname-tech of such vibrokniv, yak IBM і koмpaq, сьогодні її PC - not a slim brand. Gateway is one of the direct sales and sales of Dell. Gateway 2000 was forced to increase the volume of the rally sale of the last rock by 37% and bring the surplus to 5.04 billion dollars.

Novell , unsuccessful on the penny fіnansovі problems, domoglasya зростання populatnostі Windows NT, mіy perevazhne stanovishche na rinku mnezhevih operatіnyh seredovishch. Pributok kompanії for the past рік having become 1,37 billion dale.

3koм , sho disconnected about zlottya її from US Robotics (in order to settle for $ 6.6 billion), set the tone for the market of low-fatigue for LAN and WAN, which allowed the person to retain a surplus for 1996. U sumi 2.33 billion dollars.

Corel entered into direct competition with Microsoft WordPerfect pribannya. Corel one of the first companies to start the crumbling of the official package, written in Java, and its strategy is to respect internet-technologies. Uspіh on the market of graphical and office software, having secured the company's share of profits from $ 334 million.

America Online - the Internet provider has found it, її a surplus of the ice, having transplanted 1 billion dollars, ales of the companies out of Internet Internet to settle down the market, it is important to over-emphasize (for all of us, the USA).

PointCast , utovorena shche 1992 p., Through chotiri roki coped spravzhnyy furore in the sector, the Internet has been delivered from the delivery of new.

Packard Bell NEC , that is, the computer, is a part of the global alliance, in some 35% of Japanese NEC, and 20% of the French group Bull. Packard Bell NEC has become another for the sale of PCs to the US market tirik, otrimavi pribudok 7 billion dollars.

Softbank is based on 1981 p. (Masayoshi Son), lie beside the waitress Ziff-Davis, the Interface Group (the organizer of the komdex), part of the Kingston Technology, and at 20 future companies (for example, BackWeb and Yahoo!).

Intuit маловідома корстувачам. Intuit маловідома корстувачам. If Microsoft tried to use the Intuit, then the Antimonopoly Committee would take care of it. The Intuit Quicken package is 80% at the time of the program of personal accountancy in the United States, and the company's prinis pributok at $ 538.6 million.

Digital Equipment in the avant-garde technology with the 64-bit Alpha chip, and the broader propohana rіshen i iz rozvinutiї sistemi підтримки on the svіmu svіtі забезпечили компанії прибуток у 14,56 млрд дол.

Silicon Graphics , is grounded in 1982, posidia positsії head of the fast-paced high-performance computer systems, killing the torch Cray Research, one distala takozh bagato problems at once to the pridbannyam grandee supercomputer industry. The SGI surplus was $ 2.92 billion.

Symantec , scho zdobula z kompanієyu Peter Norton populnitist product Peter Norton, virishila zosereditisya Lisha on kolkol strains: Utiliti, PZ for remote access and compiler software. Zyogogo drive all PZ for administrunnya measure bool resold by Hewlett-Packard. Zalagozheno poses from the company Borland, one spalahnula superechka from McAfee z pitannii nіbito neansanktsionovannogo kopiyuvannya programmnyk kodiv antivirusnih programm. The surplus of Symantec reached $ 472.2 million.

US Robotics , pridbana, yak already zagadulosya, kompanієyu 3kom, showed itself yak legislativya mode vidrazu in kilkok galuzah. Z one side, it is decoupled from the new standard, 2 for transferring data to shvidkistyu 56 KBps for the modem's modem, and for the other - the project for the PalmPilot digital personal organizer,, mabut, the most suitable for the rezentation of ninі on the market. Products, as well as traditional ones, brought US Robotics $ 1.8 billion.
Canon komputer systems hooked on the back of the rock of sales of PCs and laptops to the US market, after being zaseded for periferous tiredness. In the main goal, the company brought the company $ 1.2 billion in surplus. (Batkivska Canon has gained $ 22.05 billion).

Progressive Networks - її extravagance with the development of Web technologies is important to overestimate, wanting to increase the income of the 25 million USD. The RealAudio and RealVideo technologies have become practical de facto standards.

Macromedia like a product of Shockwave, Freehand, Author-ware і Director, but they brought in $ 107.4 million.

Id Software was described in the tridtsyatomi mitstsi zavdyaki its own programs - Quake і Doom, and takozh rozroblennu і prosuvannu programmny zabezpechennya. The marketing tactics of the company "Try before you buy" brought real income to id Software from $ 16 million.

Seagate Technology in the fall of 1996 p. Sold a 100-million zhhorstky drive, a small surplus at 8.58 billion dollars. The company і лідером у своєму сегменті, and for zrostannyam прибутку утримує one of the first місць in industriії.

Advanced Micro Devices MEE great vplyv on kompjuteromnomu to rinku, especially pislja vypusku a new chip. AMD gained a surplus from 1.95 billion dollars.

S3 - Lider in the galus of graphical priskorjuvachi, dostigla znachnyh uspihiv for the past rik, її picture і chipi vikoristovuyot takі vibroniki PK, yak kompaq, Dell, Digital.

Acer із a surplus 5.82 billion dollars. - naybіlsh tayvansky vibrochnik, після придбання laptop bіnessu kompanії Texas Instruments вийшла на четверте місце у світовому табелі про ranks.

Marimba boole is founded on 1995 p. Chotirma vikhidtsyami from the Sun team, without any meddlesome jabbering Java, alle vzhe zazra bagano company bajayut enter into it alliance, oskilki vona rozbila technologiya Castanet for remote rozpodilu PZ that information.

McAfee Associates - one of the most popular vibrokine programs for botrybis with viruses and bezpepechennya bezpeki - not tilki progomogla to bring zhitotrezdatnst marketing shareware, ale zharbiti 181.1 million dollars.

Micron Technology , is based on the twin brothers Ward and Joe Parkinson, who is not alone in the United States, not in the middle of the vibroks, but in direct PCs. Micron nemizinno yde on krebli hvil novytnyh tehnologij, pіdverdzhennyam chomu є nagorodi, ykimi іnznacheno її PC from prestigious computer'yunnih vidannyah. Pributok companії досяг 1.76 bn USD.

Autodesk - a program for CAD, packages for architectural design and design, cartography, PP for the dismantling of multimedia elements of animate dodatkiv. Autodesk vandalized in the forging of the last fate of 496 million dollars. Vona is one of the best people in the industry, the best of women, the vikonavchy director is Carol Bartz.

Bay Networks at the same time IBM and 3koM - the defense of the alliance Networking Interoperability Alliance, meta-yakogo - rozrobiti vidkriti lzhevevі standard. However, the surplus of 2.06 billion dollars. Zabezpechiv їй sales of real routers, committers and concentrators.

Creative Technology із Сінгапуру - one of the most interesting companies in the industry of multimedia products. Lisha on the sound card of sound cards, it is 70% liable to bring unguided surplus; Toric stinks reached 1.31 billion dollars.

GT Interactive Software відома through Duke Nukem та інші ігри, on яких вона заробила 365 million dollars.

Ascend kommunications - at least a company, producing products for the Internet-infrastructure, it brought companies

549 million dollars.

Sony, chii zagalny pributok dorivnyuet 43.33 billion dollars., Dominuet on rinku monitors, drives in CD-ROMs and in the background. In addition, the company went to the PC market.

Cyrix , third for rozmіrom viribnik mikroprotsessorov for personal komp'yuterov, zmogla zarbiti more than 183.8 million dollars. On the market, it is estimated at $ 15.4 billion. Recently її bought the company National Semiconductors.

Diamond Multimedia Systems із with a surplus of 598 million dollars., For a long time already with its own graphical cards, I turned to forgive the superstructure of penetration into the markets, von pribbala viriknik modems - the company Supra.

CUC International zapori zarabiti 2.35 billion dollars. To the local market, chomu chimalo fought nezchodavnest pribbanya such vidomih vidavtsiv igor, yak Davidson & Associates and Siera On-Line.

Komputer Associates International is proud of the way in the very way - through the pribdannya of third-party companies and far vichoristan, zavodyki chomu vona zmogla hold $ 4 billion.

AT & T in the first place with a surplus of 52.18 billion dollars. To fill in with the telecommunications company, and invest in the minerals of the new technologies.

Texas Instruments has 80% of the market share on the chip, DRAM has lost 13% ($ 9.94 billion).

IDG (International Data Group) is represented by 275 journals, newspapers and books 450 book is honest and holds 100 vystavok in 30 territories; Zarobila 1.7 billion dollars.

Seiko Epson set the tone for the rynka strumenyvichh printers, scanners, VGA projectors and digital cameras, yaki brought їй прибуток from 5.67 billion dollars.

Xerox, більш відома як виробник копіювальних апаратів, сьогодні просуває технологію digital друко, що bring company 34% of the surcharge for 17.38 billion dollars., Отриманих торік.

Lomega shvidko zrostaє, zmogla to bring the surplus to 1.21 billion dollars, and її Zip mae stati standard in the galus Masovian nosіїv informatsiії.

Dialogic hoarded 59.4 million dollars., Okkilki poured zagalnu respect for the technologii obobka movi.

Samsung - svitovy lіder u vibrobnitvі chіpіv DRAM і one з nаbіbіshih vibroknіv napіvprovіdnikovyh pristroїv - osoblіvіh іпіхів досягла також у випуску моніторів і периферії. Придбання ж AST Research з її мільярдним бізнесом to let змгу Samsung поісти домінуючі позиції і на ринку ПК. The bulk of the Samsung Group's profits totaled $ 87 billion.

Logitech International , is based on 1981 p. Dumna graduates of the Stanford University, began to rob the software. Sogodnі z Logitech, chi pributok became USD 413.6 million, it is necessary to issue a number of add-ons for introducing information - from mouse to joystick to scanners.

Matsushita Electric Industrial More than a minute vedomy sledyaky svetyu pіdrozdilu Panasonic, vypuschee досить різноманітний асортимент продуків - від батарейок до ноутбуів, сума її sale for the past рік became 64.1 billion dollars.

National Semiconductor після придбання Cyrix має зміцнити своє становище в секторі напівпровівникових пристроїв, доповнивши compony, що випускаються для побутових і промислових приладів, ще

Th microprocessors. Очікують, що прибуток from 2.62 billion dollars. Natio-

Nal Semiconductor in the face of the Maybutn will be forced to bring to

3 billion dollars.

PC Connection zdіysnyuє direct sales PZ і komplektovnya before them, the company is practically invisible behind the US borders.

Sharp piled up $ 15.4 billion, chemala part of tsієї sumi nadіyshla vіd sale ofіnії іn portable technology.

Fujitsu on додаток to printerів, сканерів, МО-нагромаджувачів і жорстких дисків нещодавно has begun before випуску ноутбуів (серія Lifebook). In addition, vona є liderom vibromnitvі plazmovikh ekraniv, yakim prophetuyut velikie majbutne. Overstocking surplus Fujitsu having increased 35 billion dollars.

Hitachi vypuchaet Mayzhe all - from chips to supercomputers, crashed $ 75.7 billion.

NEC , assortment of products, which is a part of the allotment to the surplus - 41.38 billion dollars. Practically, we do not go for two times to the alternate spivvitychnikam.

Borland International , nezvajazyuchi on majcheznі vtrati ($ 108 million from 1996), from a surplus of $ 151.4 million. Є one of the best practices in the galvanizing of technical databases, deconstruction of dodatkіv, it was predicted that the license of its solution from C ++ to Java and so on, Oracle.

MetaTools , reshaped from the zlottya Fractal Design from MetaCreations, on zagalnoy tli roasted 28 million dollars. Alie її programmnі products, so Kai's Power Tools and especially Vgus, have become a technological breakthrough on the market of packages for the country.

Matrox Graphics sold vzhe ponad shіst мільйонів відеокарт, and the popularity of її graphіchnih accelerators Millenium and Mystique allowed the company to help increase the amount of riches up to 500 million dollars.

Sybase після кількох невдалих років мала зростання бізнесу і прибуток у 1.01 млрд дол.

MCI committees - one of the largest telephone companies, having surpassed 18 billion dollars; Після злиття з British Telekoм лише зміцнить своє становище як з зббільших провайдерів Internet service.

Motorola perebuvaye sred lіdirujushih postachalnikіv napiv-

Провідникових componів (at that number мікропроцесора PowerPC), and takozh utatkatvannja for bezdrotovy zvoyazyku, vona has crumbled 23,96 billion dale.

Hayes MicrokoMputer Products (pioneer in mobile devices), overcame financial problems and experiencing pidnesennya, її surplus becoming 280 million dollars. Hayes, krіm traditional modems, zosredila zusilya on rozoblennyi PCMCIA-varіantіv cih productіiv і tidykutvannya for viddalenogo access.

Adaptec is one of the most popular SCSI adapters. The company is well-established in 1986; Through 11 rockies a small surplus of 934 million dollars.

Philips - the Dutch conglomerate, which at the same time as the Japanese, Sony first received a CD-ROM; Як і раніше, set the tone for the zinc ridge. In addition, Philips perebuvayet in the number of the first vibrobitnitsa monitors of the same products, it brought the company 39.7 billion dollars.

Western Digital - third of the company for the sale of vibrokivіv zherstkih discs with a richer surplus of 3.1 billion dollars.

Activision started in 80 rockies with the release of cartridge cartridges for Atari, survived bankruptcy in 1991, pokmomlyasya pіdnatisya i vypustiti gr MechWarrior 2. Дохід від її sale becoming mainly part of the surplus from $ 86 million.

Cirrus Logic , відома насамперед як виробник чипів для граіч-

Them акселераторів, виробляє більш різноманітний асортимент напівпро-

Vidnikovoi produkcii (napriklad, controllers for jorstkikh diskiv i

CD-ROM). Unfettered at the competition, it was predicted to shut the ric with a demonstrator of a surplus of $ 917 million.

Cabletron Systems to enter before the past of crimping jigs; With a small surplus of 1.41 billion dollars.

ATI Technologies emits graphical controllers for PC, so for Macintosh, it sells Rage technology, it brought companies $ 466 million.

Aimtech specialize on a Wi-Fi account for downloading multimedia-dodatkіv, i hocha pributok kompanії becoming more than 10 million dollars., I especially respect the adherent її system Jamba, is strongly motivated by Java.

Koмputer Discount Warehouse (CDW) - trading dіm, one із flagship in direct marketing (naylіпше vdaetsya kompanії sales through the Internet). The back of the strategy gave the CDW a chance to get home with a surplus of $ 927 million.

Quarterdeck - the vibrok of the diagnostics, the personal protection of the PZ and the PZ, the productiveness of the computers; Moe pributok at 165 million dollars.

KompuServe , the other for rozmіrom in the US market, the provider has served the Internet, has secured 793.2 million dollars for its own sites.

Idealab! - zovsіm noviy type of company, is itself a sіm'yі із 20 fіrm, scho borrowed by business on the Internet.

DeLorme Mapping is a classic application of the company, it is the traditional product. Ranishe tsya fіrma vypuska geografichnye karti (besokar'komu varіanti), ninі vona robit їh in elektronnomu viglyadі, torіshnіy pributok becoming $ 20 million. Recently I have a rozpoto pylot project for vibrobitzwas GPS-attachments in front of e-cards.

Informix Software one of the first rozpochala vault op'ektno-reljatsinyh DBMS, shcho operuyut s unconventional types of dannyh. Її surplus - 939.3 million dollars.

Lexmark International is launching a printer, the recent

лому — підрозділ IBM, нині — незалежна компанія з оборотом у

2,38 млрд дол.

Madge Networks — лідер АТМ-технологій, що одержала прибуток в основному від продажу багаторівневих комутаторів IP/IPX із функцією маршрутизації для локальних мереж.

Broderbund Software — видавець ігор з оборотом у 186 млн дол., що активно опановує ігровий простір Internet.

Phoenix Technologies — виробник BIOS, її продукція використовується більш як у 13 млн PC по всьому світі, що принесло компанії прибуток у 72 млн дол.

Power koмputing — найвдаліший клонмейкер Macintosh, зумів продати Мас'ів на 400 млн дол. торік.

Be — ще одна компанія, тісно пов'язана з Macintosh. Хоча прибуток Be не перевищив 2 млн дол., однак з її операційною системою BeOS пов'язують великі надії не тільки прихильники платформи Macintosh.

Number Nine Visual Technologies підкорила ринок ще на початку 80-х років випуском плати прискорювача ЦПУ для Apple II. Сьогодні з прибутком у 118 млн дол. компанія виробляє різноманітний асортимент графічних і відеоакселераторів.

Eastman Kodak — компанія, причетна до винаходу фотографії, зробила ще одну революцію у цьому секторі — цифрову. Уже сьогодні Kodak пропонує великий вибір цифрових камер, сканерів і спеціалізованих пристроїв збереження даних. Eastman Kodak придбала за 260 млн дол. фірму Wang Laboratories (що не дуже позначилося на її обороті у 16 млрд дол.) і, перейменувавши її в Kodak Soft ware, має намір виступати також у ролі виробника програмного забезпечення.

The Santa Cruz Operation асоціюється із системою UNIX. Компанія має великі плани відносно збільшення частки цієї операційної системи на ринку та свого прибутку, що досяг торік 207 млн дол.

ViewSonic , раніш називалася Keypoint Technology, заробила 550 млн дол. на продажу моніторів і джерел безперебійного живлення.

Rockwell Semiconductor Systems з оборотом у 1,59 млрд дол. — виробник напівпровідникових компонентів для модемів та іншого телекомунікаційного устаткування.

SAP AG з Німеччини контролює майже третину світового ринку корпоративного клієнт-серверного програмного забезпечення, що дало їй змогу довести оборот до 2,40 млрд дол.

The Learning koмpany , прибуток якої становить 343 млн дол., працює на ринку мультимедийного та навчального ПЗ.

Tektronix відома своїми кольоровими принтерами з розширеними мережевими можливостями; після придбання компанії Lightworks, що виробляє продукти для редагування відео, має намір усталити свої позиції і на цьому ринку. Прибуток компанії — 1,77 млрд дол.

Yahoo! — один із самих популярних у світі пошукових серверів у Internet, але ця, по суті, безкоштовна послуга все-таки приносить прибуток у 19,1 млн дол.

Firefly Network зародилася в надрах MIT Media Labs і пропонує на ринку технологію фільтрації, що дає змогу знаходити інформацію в базі даних за запитом користувача відповідно до його особистих потреб, використовуючи при цьому спеціальну еталонну БД.