Legal encyclopedia. Letter C


- any changes in the material situation associated with the event under investigation (in a broad sense); Trace-mapping, formed as a result of displaying the characteristics of the object on the next-receiving object (in the narrow sense).

Objects of S. are divided into:

1) the sequence-forming-leaving C;

2) sledovosprinimayuschie - on which remained S.

The following species of C. are distinguished according to


1) the object of trace formation:

A) C. people (hands, feet, teeth, nails, etc.);

B) C. animals;

C) S. objects, tools of breaking, vehicles;

2) Interaction areas:

A) local (volumetric C., S. tools of breaking);

B) peripheral - a faded outline on the wallpaper from the picture, which was removed from the wall;

3) the direction of motion of the objects participating in the formation of the traces:

A) static (fingerprints, S. shoes);

B) dynamic (C. cutting, sliding slip);

4) the nature of the change in the follow-up surface:

A) bulk - S. shoes in soft ground or wet sand;

B) surface - C. dirty shoes on the floor or S. shoes on a freshly dyed surface;

5) observation conditions: a) visible;

6) little or little visible; Invisible.

Investigating S., one can establish the group belonging of the object that left S., and solve the question of the identity of objects.