Organizatsiya accounting in the budgetary institutions - SVriko S.V.

11.3. Methodology of organisation in the provinces of oblovikiv zavdan

Setting oblіkovih zavdan rіznogo stage, directly rіvnya skladnostі that rіvnya ієrarhіchnogo lantsyuzhka upravlіnnya scho Yea i logіchnim result prodovzhennyam processes planuvannya, realіzuєtsya for Relief vipratsovanoї schemes organіzatsії їh vprovadzhennya. A scheme is outlined for the efficiency in the wake-up phase. Zokrema, Sereda etapіv rozglyadayut vibіr ob'єktіv vprovadzhennya zavdan, legal reglamentatsіyu organіzatsії vprovadzhennya zavdannya, company profile obstezhennya obranogo directly oblіku, rozrobku robochoї іnstruktsії, holding virobnichih Narada eksperimentuvannya dorobku іnstruktsії project, Making Change log to a position Posadov іnstruktsіy, zatverdzhennya іnstruktsії.

Fallow od nature planned zavdan schodo rіvnya rozrobki, vprovadzhennya oblіkovih zavdan Mauger Buti tsіlkovitim abo vibіrkovim and samі zavdannya mozhut OAO All vprovadzhuvatis to place the spherical byudzhetnoї chi okremі to place the i organіzatsії pevnoї the Branch, Pevnyi rіvnya rozporyadnikіv. At the end of the year, it is possible to invest in the bases of one and the same set of organi zations, dovsіd узагальнюється і for positive results, поширюється на інші установи й организаізації.

The legal regulation of the organization in the capacity of the manager to realize for the sake of the order of the keeper is determined by the authority of the ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Zgіdno with a decree to begin roboty on the first rivnі ієррііchnogo lanczyug v voprovadzhenniy oblіkovih zavdan. Zokrema, utomlyuyutsya komіsії, yakimi rozroblyaetsya plan zahodiv on vprovadzhennyu specific oblkovikh zavdan. Prior warehouse komіsії, yak usually included kerіvnik Set (the patron), kerіvnik fіnansovo-chi routine fіnansovo-ekonomіchnogo pіdrozdіlіv (defenders), kerіvniki іnshih structural pіdrozdіlіv that іn. Plan zahodіv v voprovazhenzhennu oblіkovih zavdan zatverdzhuyutsya komіsієyu i surrendered to the galuzovy ministry, viddomstva, Derzhavnogo treasury vidpodіdo rіvnya razborki ostannnogo. The plan of calls is to be submitted to the order of the administrative authority on the installation of the organisation.

Obstezhennya obranogo directly oblіku polyagaє in otsіntsі will ob'єkta for yogo vіdpovіdnostі Suchasnyj specific gospodaryuvannya minds, viyavlennya nedolіkіv, SSMSC pereshkodzhayut vprovadzhennyu Pevnyi oblіkovogo zavdannya. At kozhnyi seti for zdіysnennya perelichnicah zahodіv warehousing plan otestzhennya vidpіdnogo stramu obliku.

Plan obchestzhennya obliku costs for the PDR :

1. Nomenclature of the subjects of science and research for the profession of science and dostolitelnoy establish, zamovniki.

2. Organizatsiya oblku spetsobladnannya for vikonannya NDR.

3. Organizational Obligations for Payments.

4. Organizing a field of materials for science purposes.

5. Organizational costs and the calculation of NDR.

6. Nedoliki system of costs for NDR and calculating NDR.

7. Methodological ambushes in the context of the experimental model of the cost of NDR and calculating the NDR.

8. The automated work station of the accounting region in the science-and-installation installation, can be integrated into the complex systems of automation of oblikovo-obsochlyuvvalnyh robots.

Розробка робочої інструкції здійснюється на підставі узагальнення на рівні об'єкта впровадження (set, install, adjust, budget install in the unit). Robochem іnstruktsіya Got mіstiti zagalny rozdіl, yaky viznachaє osnovnі, termіnologіchnі ponyattya, zavdannya i funktsії danogo directly oblіku toscho, metodologіchny rozdіl, yaky opisuє technique that is synthetic analіtichnogo oblіku danogo directly organіzatsіynogo rozdіlu de viznachatimetsya mehanіzm organіzatsії oblіkovogo vischevkazanogo processes directly. Prior to the construction of the package of documents, the package of initial documents, regional registrations for the visibility of a straightforward region with visas of ČODO izdelennya. Skinnyh recommendations nosі oblіkovei іnformatsії moe bouti zavіzovany nastoyuyu, scho vіdpovіdaє for yogo storana.

The important thing is that the warehousing of the robotics industry is the concreteness of the informational and normative safety of the schodo minds of those particular statesmen of the state in particular.

Conducted in the vibrochnyh narad moe on meti in detail visivitlennya keyovi nourish the problems otrimanih materіalіv schodo іnformatsіnogo zabezpechennya vprovazhenzhenya (іnstruktіі, methods, vkazivok, recommendations), broadly discussed the problem of the practice of the practice of the region for the direct approach, the separation of recommendations from the processing of the technolo- gical proces- ses. Pіsumki narodi komіsії obrazlyayutsya protocol, yakomu obovyazyakovo fіksyutsya rіshennya on vіnesenomu before obitsovrnya pitanu, termіni vidpіdalny for vikonannya.

Etap eksperimentamentannya realizuetsya v formi vprovazhenzhennia і paralelnogo opratsyuvannya dublyuyuchoi up to the basic design model of the region for the straightforwardly straightforward simplification of the situation. The work of the robot's work on the basis of the results of experimental research. Pislya vnebennenya neobhіdnih zmіn up to the position about the resolutions, ordinances of the іnstruktіі іnіshih organіzatsіynih regulations with the method of harmonization of the methodical and those of the organizational field, to the end of the agreement on the project of the structure, after which the remaining document is hardened, nabuvalayuchi the very status of the normative legal document.