Legal encyclopedia. Letter T


- part of the land to which the sovereignty of the state extends.

The borders of T. are limited to the state border, and it includes T. of its subjects (land T.), inland waters (bays, coves, estuaries) and territorial sea (sea belt adjacent to the shore and inland seawater of the state with a width of 12 miles) , The airspace above them.

T. RF occupies more than 1/8 of the surface of the globe.

T. Russia - a single T., characterized by a single geopolitical, economic, political and legal space.

Along with its own T. RF has sovereign rights to:

1) the continental shelf is a surface and

Subsoil of the seabed, areas adjacent to

Shore, but outside

Territorial sea to the depth, not

Exceeding 200 m;

2) an exclusive economic zone -

A region located beyond the boundary of the territorial sea, up to 200 miles from the shore.

Equated to state T:

  1. Military and naval vessels, wherever they are;
  2. Civil air and sea vessels located in the waters and airspace of their State, in the open sea and in the open air space;
  3. Space ships and stations carrying the state flag;

4) T. embassies in other countries;

5) underwater cables, pipelines and other

Objects belonging to the state and

Located in the high seas or in outer space.