Legal encyclopedia. Letter T


- the main document confirming the work activity and work experience of the employee.

According to the entries made in TK, a general, continuous and special length of service is established.

TK are conducted on all employees who work in the organization for more than 5 days, including workers working in temporary, seasonal jobs, non-regular workers, homeworkers, part-time workers.

For the first time TK is filled in the presence of the employee no later than a week from the date of his employment. It contains the following information:

1) about the employee (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, education, profession, specialty, qualification);

2) about work (on hiring, transferring to another permanent job, dismissal with references to relevant orders);

3) on incentives and awards;

4) on the discoveries for which the employee has diplomas, on inventions and rationalization proposals used, and on remunerations paid in connection therewith.

With reference to the date, number and name of the relevant documents in TK, at the place of work, before entering information about the work on this production, the following entries are entered in a separate line:

1) about the time of service in the army, the navy, the bodies of the federal security service, internal affairs and all types of protection;

2) about the time of full-time education in higher and secondary special educational institutions and postgraduate study, if this was not previously recorded;

3) about the time of training in vocational schools and other colleges, at courses and in schools for the improvement of professional skill and training of personnel.

Errors and corrections of inaccuracies in TK are not allowed. If corrections are available, they are produced by a separate line by the administration of the production on which the corresponding inaccurate entry is made.

Information on penalties in TK is not paid.

In case of loss of TK, the employee is obliged to immediately notify the administration of the last place of work, which not later than 15 days after receiving such a statement, issues to the employee another T. K. with the inscription "Duplicate".

Upon the termination of the employment contract, T. K. is issued to the employee on the day of dismissal (the last day of work). If it is impossible to extradite TK on the day of dismissal due to the absence of the employee or his refusal to receive TK, the employer sends a notice to the employee about the need to appear for TK or to consent to sending it by mail. From the date of notification, the employer is released from responsibility for the delay in the extradition of T. K.