Legal Encyclopedia. Letter T


- An agreement between the employer and the employee, under which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with the work on a given employment function, to provide working conditions, timely and in full pay the employee wages and the employee undertakes to personally perform certain work functions, compliance with applicable rules of the organization of the internal labor regulations.

Employee is a person over 16 years and has entered into an employment relationship with the employer.

An employer - natural or legal person (organization), has entered into an employment relationship with the employee.

The essential terms of the contract:

1) place of work;

2) the date and the start of work;

3) the name of the position, specialty, profession, indicating the qualification in accordance with the staffing company or specific labor function;

4) the rights and duties of the employee;

5) the rights and obligations of the employer;

6) characteristics of the working conditions, compensation and benefits to employees for work in heavy, harmful and dangerous conditions;

7) work and rest;

8) conditions of payment;

9) the types and social security conditions. The conditions set forth by agreement


1) concerning the dismissal of reason;

2) the establishment is not prescribed by law disciplinary sanctions;

3) The introduction of additional conditions for the workers of full liability;

4) change the order of consideration of individual labor disputes.

Recruitment is done on the principle of recruitment on merit and prohibits unjustified refusal to hire.

At the conclusion of TD went to work a person must submit to the employer the following documents:

1) passport or other identity document;

2) work-book (unless the contract is concluded for the first time);

3) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

4) document of the military account - for military service and persons subject to military conscription;

5) document on education.

TD is in writing and in duplicate kept by each party. On the basis of the contract or order is issued a decree on employment, which declared the employee a receipt within 3 days of signing TD

At the conclusion of TD the employer must inform the employee in the organization with the applicable internal regulations, local regulations pertaining to his work performance, the collective agreement.