Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

4.2. Structure of power

Type of authority. Види власності: приватна і суспільна.

4.2.1. Type of authority.

The structure of the property is the succinctness of the different types, types, forms and systems of authority, which can not be disbursed in susinstvo. In the structures of the government, in the first place, two types are seen: the first is labor, the non-exploitative and the other is the exploitative power. Type of the property is characterized by the opportunity to work with the robots and the vibrobitvita.

Yaksho, a homeless vibro-keeper, should be placed before vobrobnitva yak to his own, such as perebuivayut yogo rybnomu volodinny, rozporyadzhenny i korostuvanni, i yakshcoy tsey vyrobnik vladnoi pratseiu vikoristvuye єh s svoeemu vibrobitvvі, then in the basis of this podenannya lie work, neekspluatoratorky type vlasnosti. Until this type of typing, so to form the power, yak kommunalna, simein, farmerska, partno remisnicha vlasnist.

Yakscho Well bezposerednіy virobnik vіdokremleny, vіdchuzheny od zasobіv virobnitstva, pozbavleny right volodіnnya i rozporyadzhennya them yak svoїmi, the tse harakternі Find our ekspluatatorskogo type vlasnostі, bo, yak vіdomo, hto volodіє zasobami virobnitstva, yogo minds that volodіє i viroblenim product.

In the first vipadku product volodіє one і tіmі індиіді - безпосередній виробник. In this case, the product does not vidchuzhuyutsya, to that not існує і експлуатації, бо експлуатація - the process of free vіdchuzhennya product on the corridor of the smaller osib. Navpaks, another vipadku bezposerednіy vibrochnik not volodyі strvorimi sorye pratseyu products. Nimi volodіє Власник засобів виробництва, який, використовойчи свою владу, може виділяти безпосередньму робітникові лише частину продукту, виробленого it.

4.2.2. Види власності: приватна і суспільна.

Крім дух типів власності слід розрізняти два view: private (індивідуальну) та суспільну (колективну) власність. Privatnaya vlasnist - tse such a kind, with a three-function law vlasnosti nalezhat okremіy privatnіy individual. There is private vlastnizst realize yak privetne izvestenya і spozhivannya. Privatnaya form of power led to the fall of the primitive community, appeared economically and socially, and became members of the economy, which became the foundation for the subsistence of the state in the country and the country.

Istorichno spochatku vinik trudoviy, neekspluatatorskiy type of private ownership. Ale is potim z posilennjam private pryvlasnennja, majnovoj rosharubovnya in resulti zrostanja proizvodstvennosti praci i masi viroblenij productiv tsei type posrediisja miсcце експлуататорській власності. Nybilshogo rozvitku private ekspluatoratorskaya vlasnist dossyagla for slavlasnitsvva, de slave pririvnyuvavsya before zabobivv vibrobitvtva, buv, for the Vistovoy Aristotle, rjadjadjam praci, scho rozmovlya.

Daly, near the world of the yak without a vinegar, using the legal means of freedom, but in spite of the economic independence, privately exploited the power of the ives of slavery. З більш жорстокої і нелюдської рабства вона переростає у феодальну і капіталістичну. Pid vplivom dії INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY forces octannya poctupovo peretvoryuєtsya s drіbnoї burzhuaznoї the great monopolіstichnu, yak itself porodzhuє superechnostі, rozv'yazannya yakih Mauger zdіysnyuvatisya lіkvіdatsієyu її samoї i viniknennyam rіznih forms kolektivnoї, suspіlnoї vlasnostі.

The problem of transforming private ownership of the problem is the problem of the interpretation of the rights in the historical progress of the human susceptibility. In spite of the virgin, private vlasnist - the form rozvitku process vіdchuzhenna pratsі. Хоч наверхні сучасних економічних відносин private vіslіnіst vіstudі yak basic іnovа і reason відчуженої праці, у дійсності вона, навпаки, виявляється її byллідком, тобто засіб відчуження є actually yogo product.

Vigodachi zciogo, the problem of transforming privatnost vlasnosti at svoemu rozvitku neprozrivenno povetsyana z pitannyam usunennya vidchuzhennya pratsi, and takozh z problemu vuschunenya vidchuzhennya productive forces and vibronic vedosin. Zokrema, K. Marx, the problem of transforming private ownership in the form of a communal and communal economy, communism, simplification of the anchorage, and the impasse of the privatization of property, and the impasse of the past, the transformation of the form, adequate to the productive forces and the new technical basis Suspilnogo vibrobitvtva. Tom and himself communism at the Rozumin K. Marx on the adversary of the adepts of the Chi Kolishnyi Radyanskoi system, or on the homegrown ideology of democratizing capitalism, is not a static suspitism (chi svitlimim maybutnim, chi іperperiyeju evil), but an historical epoch, zmіstom yakії і podlannya vіchchuzhnya. І get fit tie vidchuzhennia nemozhlivo stretching one naveit arcing progressive method virobnitsvva.

For tsiogo potrebna tsila is an historical epoch, yaka hoplyuvatime, mozhlivo, dekilka vіdіvі vibrobnitsva. Process podolannya vidchuzhennya, vchevid, maee go through the ring of its own approval, yakone vosprodoshlo vprodovzh tisyacholit, hoch for the hour minds sotsialny hour will priskoruvati svyy plin.

In zv'yazku s CIM praktichnі zavdannya lіkvіdatsії privatnoї vlasnostі polyagayut not kavalerіyskіy atatsі on neї Shlyakhov dekretіv about natsіonalіzatsіyu, while svіdomomu ovolodіnnі ekonomіchnimi vіdnosinami, usunennі urechevlenoї vіdchuzhenostі їh od of sub'єkta.

For biloshosty of everyday economical masks, private vlastnіst vystuda yak nepushnaya zverdinya tsivіlіzatsіy і foundation in itself, on all the architecture all yak past epoch, so і сучасні будови, немов станційні railway stations on шляху in майбутнє. І to that analіz її сутнісних знак, соціальних та економічних витоків, тенцій і розвитку і, нарешті, її perspectives викликає beside them непримне враження, як fear of earthquake, scho мож зруйнувати їх порохнявого ідола.

Suspilna vlasnist - taka, de three її functіії - Володіння, розпорядження, koristuvannya - nalezhat not one private sub'ektu, and bugatom, gruppi osib, kolektiv chi suspilstvu v tsilomu. Such form is exercised through the management of the estate. Suspilna vlasnist protivotne private. Understanding "suspilna" is similar to the word "spilna", tobto taka, when yakіy zdіysnjuyutsya "spilne", kotktivne volodinya, koristustannya, rozporyadzhennya vmovami vibrobnitsva va individualne volodinnya tіeyu odorkoyu vyroblenogo product, sho distas kozhnomu spivvlasniku zgіdno sіpіlno priinyatim rozpodilu principle. Pіslya zniknennya obschinnoї vlasnostі i appeared vseohoplyuyuchogo panuvannya privatnoї on the high road rozvitku suspіlnoї vlasnostі Bulo Perche Kroc pererostannya privatnoї burzhuaznoї vlasnostі in aktsіonernu de postupovo great one is private vlasnіst sub'єkta zamіnyalas іndivіdualnoyu vlasnіstyu bagatoh aktsіonerіv. Aktsionerna, abo korporativna, vlasnist - legally privatnnaya vlasnіst at the form of the indiviualual share in the succinct, collective capital, or economical zmisty її realizvezhe vzhe through kolektivne the right volodinnya, rozporyadzhennia i korostuvannya.

Process aktsіonuvannya privatnoї vlasnostі, s one side, oznachaє її lіkvіdatsіyu, transformatsіyu suspіlnu in shape, and s іnshogo - postupove usunennya vіdchuzhennya pratsі, dokorіnnu zmіnu printsipіv rozpodіlu natsіonalnogo product odnochasnu lіkvіdatsіyu vіdchuzhennya urechevlenih virobnichih vіdnosin. Humankind, such a rank, has already entered into the post-apostolic era, in the era of the Ruhu on the way to a positive outcome of the adherence to the rule and privacy.

If you want our syspilstvo, - write P. Samuelson and V. Nordhaus, - turn to private authorities, ask about your rights ... You do not have to call your fortune "(Samuelson PA, Nordgauz VD Macroeconomy: Trans. In English - K.: Basis, 1995. - P. 68).

Widespread rozmahu nabuli corporations from the United States, de von were reorganized at the head of the organisatsionnu form kapitalisticheskikh pidpriemstv. Ninі in the people's complex of the United States of America corporate governance of loans are over 90 in the amount of time, tdi yak privatn - less than 5 nadsotkiv. At the duma of J. Gelbreit, corporations є диdino mozhlivi for day-to-day minds the forms of vizrobnitsa's organisation, and the results of their actions were given for the sake of such social-economical theories, the theory of "post-industrial sospinism" and "collective capitalism." The head of the field is in that, the stench transforms the mechanism of rospodilu and the vicarage yak unnecessarily, and the over-the-groove product. Nadlishok product pravtsi over vitratami for pidtrimki pratsi (vidtvorennya robochoyї sili), and takozh osvita, science and nagromadzhennya zyogo nadlisheku sispilnogo vibrochnichogo i reserve fund - everything is to be covered with the basis of every suslinny, polichnichnomu and rozumovu progress. At the end of the epoch the fund became the power of privileinovyh klassіv. Sutcarny sotsialny progres re-create the vibronichesky and reserve fund in a dysyne with spilny, zabavlyayuchi privleleyovany class rozporyadzhennya him і transmitting postupovo in zrostayuchih scales osoomu suspilstvu yak zagalny nabudok. Tse protsess socializatsii vibrobnitsva і spizhivannya naybіlsh kharakoniy for vysokorozvinuti kraїn.

У міру зростання рівня усуспільнення виробництва збільшуються Zoom і виникають нові форми суспільної власності. Behind the daily minds, the syspinal power is realized in such forms: group, active, collective, municipal, the authority of the huge organizations - profspilok, partnership, comrades, fondіv ta іn. Історичних відмінностей між ним небагато. Heads from them polegayut in the recognized, tsitsya, ways utvorennya, in forms rozpodilu product chi pribudku.

The problem of management, the settlement of the suspended sovereignty є naybіlsh folding, bo is peacefully repaired in accordance with the results of the springs. Yaksho functiії upravlyennya і rozporyadzhenny sushpilnoy vlasnistyu vichchuzhuyutsya uncontrollably at the corridor of managerial bureaucrats, then vіdbuvaetsya vіdchuzhennya "pracіі vіd viasnostі", tobto sub'єkt vlasnostі factually pozbavlyaetsya ob'єtta vlasnostі. Suspіlna vlasnіst nabuvaє Figure ekspluatatorskoї and class upravlіntsіv peretvoryuєtsya on Collective ekspluatatora, bo yogo predstavniki oderzhuyut mozhlivіst privlasnyuvati materіalnі not good for Pratzen, but for sotsіalnim encampment at derzhavnіy, partіynіy chi upravlіnskіy ієrarhії. Such a power actually is not a prank of the whole people, but a vukko-burden, which does not correspond to the declared form. So it became і з суспільною власністю in економічній systemsі quantitative СРСР. In front of the total, the total power over the minds of the usurpation of the political authorities in the SRSR changed the party-state bureaucracy to a collusive exploiter, and the peace-free vipers - robots and villagers - into robust strength, yakas asked to finish the high stage of exploitation.

With the total support of the quantitative SRSF, the product of the virgin's virgin, nourishing, keeping its compartment, not with a cloak of a mutual exchange, is up to the costs of prac- tices, and through the channels of the centralized rozpodil for the power priorities, it does not justify the admission of the righteous. Protect the possession of power in an economically unprofitable and progressive manner, if there is a vibrobit and is affected by it, the infrastructure is to overhaul the method of managing the emergency forms of the sushilinas. Kolya Bismark, on his way to becoming an overseer, then, after the fall of F. Engels, the special kind of falsified socialism, dislodging the socialistic bi-Markivness of re-creating the vilobnitsva for sovereignty. Gluzuyuchi z tsiogo, Engels kazhe, scho Todi slіd viznati sotsialistichnimi pіdpriemstvami korolіvske comradeship morskoi Torgovly, korolіvsku porcelainovu manufactory і навіть ротні швальні в армії. Same on the basis of self-esteem, without podnannaniya z іsimi factors not є criterі sotsіalistіchnostі syspіlnih vіdnosin. (Div .: Laznia I. Vidnosini vlasnosti in the form of the economy of the economy in the Ukraine .- K., Logos 1997.)

In the process of the historical development of the estate, the visions of the authorities were recognized by the zmіn, the number of factors that were transformed in the різні типи, apparently, the formation of power. The middle of them at the leathery Istorichno viznachennomu syspіlstvі pivniy type і kind of vlasnosti zamamav pannivne stanovishche, buv head mowing, nakolko yakogo obertalas Usya ekonomichna sistem danoogo sospilstva. Suupnnost riznyh tipіv, vidiv і forms vlasnosti, scho viznachayut sposib podegnannya dvuh vzryvnitv vibrobnitsva i sotsіialno-ekonomichnom stanovische bezposeredredogo vorobnik, become a system of vlasnosti.

At kozhnu istorichnu epokhu vlasnist rozvivalas in a rіznomu і at різних суспільних відносинах. Tom vlasnist can not rozglyadati yak samostіynі vidosnoni, nezalezhny vіd specifically vіdorichnogo vibrobitvtva. The leather dnomu rivnyu rozvitku productive forces vidpіada its own історична system власності: оскільки продуктині сили мають колективний суспільний nature, то ця їх nature can be appropriated, vicaristh people lishe in a concrete social and economical form. Tsya suspilna form of appropriation vystupaє concrete form vіdosin vlasnostі yak form vzajmozv'yakіv i spіkulvanya mіzh people in the process of vibrobitvtva.

This rank, vlasnіst vikupaє yak provіdna warehousing systems ekonomichnih vidosin. Відповідно до прийнятої історичної градації человеської історії ми моемо виілитити Decilt of systems власності, що відрізняють one economical епоху від іншої. The system of power in the despotism of the Aziat, for slavery, feudalism, capitalism and in post-literary syspils. Otzhe, system vlasnosti mozhe servits kriterієm stadіynostі rozvitku suspilstva.