Legal Encyclopedia. Letter Y

concealment of crimes

-sokrytie criminal, instruments and means of committing crimes, objects and traces of the crime, items obtained by criminal means.

Property crime - attitudes that provide justice activities.

The objective side is expressed in unpledged harboring particularly serious crimes.

Obviously not promised concealment -ukryvatelstvo, carried out by a person after the crime and not promised in advance.

High Crimes - it acts for the commission of which is punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 10 years.

A crime is considered as completed from the moment of concealing the criminal, instruments and means of committing a crime, objects and traces of the crime.

The subjective aspect is characterized by fault in the form of direct intent.

The subject of the crime - the physical responsible person who has attained the age of 16 years.

No person shall be criminally responsible for unpledged harboring of a spouse or a close relative who has committed a crime.