Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

8.4. Competition and models of rinks

Competition, ії сутність і функції. Forms of competition and models of rinks.

8.4.1. Competition, ії сутність і функції.

The essential and important element of the rink economy is competition. Competitiveness is the most economical zmagannya for reaching the bottom of the results in the region, be it, dicholas, the struggle of goods for the natives of the wiggis, the state dignity, the maximum sustained. Зміст конкуренції полягає in a broadly dispersed eco-nomic government of all the two principal succesities, which become economics, - receivables and domestics. Коли на конкретну ринку є large amount of purchases and sellers, тоді покупець чи the seller can not pretend to drink the proponuvannya on taku kіlkіst produkії, kotroї bulo b dostat'no, shcheob pomitno vplyuti na ії ціну.

Yakshcho briefly, rivalry means, scho kozhen seller to plow a small extravaganza zagalnyh otnag promonuvannya. Дрібні продавці непропронні помітно вплинути на загальний обпаг пропонування, to that the seller, shоо виступає one of the numerical индивідуальних продавців, не може маніпулювати ціною товару. To the other, sell it, take the fate of the competition, "viddany on mility rink." Such a characteristic is true і for other purchases.

Shiroko rosoredezhennya ekonomichnoy vladi, sho become the basis of the competition, regulate the vichorestaniya tsієї vladi intermozhno mozlovisty zlovzhivannya her.

Economically, zmagannya can not let the economical odnitsyam zavdavati one one ruinivnyh zbitkiv, if stench namagayutsya zbishshit its vpecodu vigoda. The competition will be established between the buyers and sellers of the private enterprise.

In rinkovyi systems of competition, the important function of stimulating technic progress is vikonu . Застосування технології, яка знижує витрати виробництва, забезпечую інноваційному підприємствуству тимчасові переваги перед competitors. The depreciation of virbitnitva vitrate is meant for innovative pidpriemstva gained in economical pribudku. The transfer of a part of the economy to a part of the znizhennia of the vitrification of the form of the sale of goods to the product, the innovation of the product can significantly expand the market of zbutu and impose norms of income for the raunch of competitive pidpriemstv. Compete zmusheni chiniti for the butt of progressive pіdpriєmstva, Bo іnakshe will be pokoranі zinc: the spolka zbitkami, and in perspective - bankruptcy.

Another important aspect of the function of competition is the alignment of the private and suspicious interests. Pідприємства і почальники ресурсів, доблуючи збільшення власної вигоди, waterwatch to foster a safe-keeping of the most important sushilnyh entertainments. For the sake of competition, the struggle to overcome costs of economic development, technology and resources, and the securing of private investment. Ale is a vigidnym i for vsogo sospiilstva, bo yogo Intersesam vіdpovyda vikoristana rіdkіsnikh resursіv z naimenshimi vitratami, tobto naybіlsh efektivnimi methods.

Competition vikonu takozh functitsіyu regulyuvannya. In order to be able to compete with competitors, the company must sell products, yakіy vіddayuyut povyaguu buys (sovereignty of purchase). Tom and the vibrokitnva pid vlivom tsin sent to tl lanki, de them nisnue naybіlsha demand.

Competition is the function of control and the strength of cutaneous pidpriyatstvo. Napriklad, monopolist can itself viznachati tsinu і vyrobi vibrobitvtva. At the very same hour of competition, buy the right viborou verde dekilokh sellers. Chim prekonalіsa rivalry, tim fairness tina.