Legal Encyclopedia. Letter F


- The main activities of the state to address the challenges ahead.

FG Lieb have a class, or general social orientation.

Features modern developed countries are divided into types:

1) depending on the political orientation:

a) internal (domestic activities);

b) external (activities abroad);

2) on the implementation of the time:

a) permanent (carried out at all stages of development of the state);

b) the time (caused by any specific terms and conditions, the disappearance of which the function is no longer);

3) on the basic spheres of social life:

a) economic;

b) social;

c) policy;

g) in the spiritual realm.

Internal functions - the main directions of activity of the state within the country, characterizing the internal policy of the state:

1) economic - long-term planning and forecasting of economic development, the formation of the state budget and control over its spending, taxes system, creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity;

2) social - social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population, old-age pension, funds for free education, health, road construction, public transport, communications, etc .;.

3) political - security law and order, human rights and freedoms, prevention of ethnic and religious conflicts, assistance to internally displaced persons and migrants;

4) cultural - government support and funding for art, national culture, care of the moral health of society.

External functions:

1) mutually beneficial economic, political, scientific, technical, military, cultural cooperation with other countries;

2) protection against attacks, external aggression, the protection of state borders;

3) prevention of wars, disarmament, elimination of nuclear, chemical and other weapons of mass destruction, the fight against international terrorism.

Internal and external functions of the state are closely related, since foreign policy is largely determined by internal conditions of existence of the state.