Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

15.3. Економічні функції держави

Understanding of the economic functions of the state. Economical functions of the power at rozvinutyh kraїnah.

15.3.1. Understanding of the economic functions of the state.

Economical disposition of the state is realized in the particularities of specific views, functions and functions. Functional classification for singing signs, types and values ​​for devolution, for financial jerks, for the nature of calls (economical, administrative, stimulating, exchanging, national), for the oath and for the subordination of the dyelostnosti (for example, the economics of the choral sphere, the dovgostrokov and the short-line), and so on. Ін.

Naybіlsh rozpusyudzhenoyu є klasifіkacіya za spravoju dії: внутрирішні і звнішні функції. Intrinsic functions - the state of the world in the economy, the political, the social, the social and the other spheres. Зовнішні функції - це прями діяльності щодо ішших держав in the sphere of protection of economical interests of the given state and suspilstva.

The basic characteristic for the classification of functions is the kind of disagreement. In the skin of a specific species, the dignity of the choir is present and characteristic of the riznyh vidiv diyalnosti.

Warehouse zavdan, shcho posyayut before the power, viznachayut і mnogzhinnnist funktsіy, through yakі realizes the disinformation of the state. Скласти пвний перелік functцій держави неможливо. Vodnochas є osnovnі functiiії derzhi, yakі zabezpechuyut normalnoe funcionovannya i rozvitok ekonomiki.

Transformatsionnyi protsessi ved tsentralizovano-planovoї up to socially orientovonovano rinkovoi model of functioning and development of national economy economically vimagayut adequate tsіlesprjamovanyh dі z boku derzhavi, yaka in perehіdnih umovah vikonu krіm zagalnih funkіі tsіlі a number specifіchnih.

Prior to the specific functions of the transitional period, the following can be listed :


Structurally-technologic, inorganic and iznshi peretvorennya, viznachennya mіstsya і rolli kraїni v sistemi geoeconomichnykh vidosnon;

Tsіlespravovane form of the state economy;

Rozpodil і перерозподіл певної частини валового внутришішнього a product (gross national product);

National regulation of economic and social processes;

Carried out gnuchkoї zovnіschnoe ekonomichnoy polity;

Lawful legal and legal basis for sub-sectors of the economy.