Фінансова реструктуризація in Україні: problems and perspectives - Fedosov V., Опарін В.


Фінансова політика України в умовах перехідної економіки відображає concrete in the management of socially-economical development of the state and the foreign financial institutions. Sogodnі in zv'yazku s vihodom on positive ekonomіchnu dinamіku potrіbnі kardinalnі zmіni yak i schodo іdeologії spryamuvannya tsієї polіtiki so i napryamіv vikoristannya okremih fіnansovih metodіv, іnstrumentіv i vazhelіv. Nasampered vkrai neobhydna uzgodzhenst in the spheres of fiscally and grosche-credit polity.

Realіzatsіya fіnansovoї polіtiki zdіysnyuєtsya through fіnansovu system, yak in Suchasnyj minds Je rozgaluzhenoyu sukupnіstyu rіznih suspіlnih i Private іnstitutsіy scho spriyayut virіshennyu zavdan ekonomіchnogo i sotsіalnogo rozvitku. Її functціонування як єдиного цілого охоплює два основні прями. First of all, won poklikana zabezpechiti consumer all sub'ektiv in finance resources. In a friend, zabezpechiti ratsionalny, fair and optimal rozpodil і pererozpodіl income from suspіlstі.

Transformatsiya fіansovoї sistemi, shо існувала in умов адміністративної економіки, з a method забезпечення результативності здійснюваних перевинрень guilty conducted compex. Reform scho held i conductive in okremih areas (budget, podatkovih i bankіvska system, stock rinok, strahuvannya that іn.) Without urahuvannya system pіdhodu, boules, Yea i will be of little effectiveness, oskіlki dosit often їh Positive efekt suprovodzhuєtsya negatively naslіdkami in іnshih areas .

Ukraine, Hocha and Bula Union republic, the government finance system is not small. They did not have warehouses with elements of the financial system of the SRSR, but they became the basis for formulating the financial system. The rights of the Ukrainian authorities in the retail and financial resources and revenues on its own territory are mixed. With the use of the financial system, the SRSF in the country, in addition to that in Ukraine, was pestered in the pre-creek station, accumulating problems without problems.

Fіnansova system Ukraїnі porіvnyano s kraїnami s rozvinenoyu rinkovoyu ekonomіkoyu Bula nepovnoyu (practical boule vіdsutnі fіnansovy rinok i podatkovih system slaborozvinenim Bulo strahuvannya, obmezhenimi boule mіzhnarodnі fіnansovі vіdnosini) i funktsіonuvala on printsipovo іnshih - admіnіstrativnih instead rinkovih ambushes, scho i viznachaє skladnіst І direct transformations in our countries.

Transformatsionnyi protsessy u fіnansovyy sistemy Ukrainy vіdbuvalis tlі glibokoї ekonomichnoi krizi, yak was arranged at a high rate of znizhennya usіh makroekonomichnykh otkazniki in the course of 1991-1996 rr. Thus, GDP per capita has shrunk in the middle by 13%, and in the main fund - by 21%. З 1997 р. Situatsіya in ekonomіtsi t fіnansovіy sistemy pozala stabilizovatis. Gradually, the rate of growth in the GDP was slowing down, the financial indicators were replenished, but it gave the zemogu to be able to get started in 2000 rubles. On a positive economy. W usіh parametrіv - dinamіki GDP іnvestitsіy, rіvnya bezrobіttya, defіtsitu budget, balance torgovelnogo balance, rіvnya oblіkovoї NBU rate, currency exchange rate іnflyatsії i - i dosyagnuta makroekonomіchna makrofіnansova stabіlnіst.

Дослідження досягнутої макроекономічної стабільності з позицій фінансової результативності й ефективності показує, scho far not all the financial problems for the dhuns of the night. About the results of the integrated analysis of macro-finance indicators. Znizhennya rіvnya іnflyatsії і стабілізація курю української гривні забезпечувались in basic засобами обменнональної політики, насамперд у облаі грошового обігу - кефіцієнн монетизації економіки быстротився з 80% у 1991 р. Up to 11% in 1996. І hocha vіdbuvaєtsya postovop pidvishchennya yogo znachennya, all the riven 22% in 2001 p. To finish (in approx. 40 percent points) to view the image in the landscaped economy. Takozh nasampered by the vagaries of the interlocutors, the speed of the budget and the deficit of the budget was swift.

Nykladnіshuyu fіnansovuyu problemya syogodnі і істотна обмеженість обсягів фінансових ресурсів та низкоька ефективність їх використання. At the middle of the ric to the hryvnia, resources are vibrolyaetsya bilja 50 kopecks. Of GDP. Odnієyu s the main reasons tsogo Yea those scho-valued Chastina resursіv is staying at nepratsyuyuchomu stanі - obsyagi kreditorskoї i debіtorskoї zaborgovanostі perevischuyut obsyagi viroblenogo GDP (at tsomu mayzhe half danoї zaborgovanostі Je stitched, tobto tse factuality vtrachenі resources). І hocha v ostnnie fate situatsіya postupovo polyshuyutsya, doki tsya zaborgovannist not budet zvedenya pripustimih between, zabezpechuvati stіyku makrofіnansovu stabіlnіst bude doju it is important. Unusual and straightforward solutions in the useless strains of financial security on the basis of the restructured strategy and tactics of restructuring and development of the financial system.

The urgency of the effective and direct management of the social and economic development of the vimage of the economy of the private economic doctrine is that of the financed finance strategy. Narizhnym oriennirom fіnansovoї strategii Ukraine on nayblizhchu perspective myo stati vsebіchne spryannya formavnu ta naschenchennu natsionalnogo kapitalu. By using a method, neobhidno zniziti riven podatkovogo navantazhennya on pidpriemnitsku diyalnist, vyprichti znizhennu interest rates for loans komercitsnykh bankov. At the center of financial policy it is necessary to increase the level of income and employment. It is necessary to create a yak for the self-avoidance of the Gromadyans, so to motivate the motivation to practice, through the reform of the system of pay-as-you-go. Вкрай потрібним є ре reformвання оподаткування доходів громадян, наближення його до європейських стандарів.

As a basis for the financial and economic development in Ukraine, it is necessary to take out a ten-fold zbilshennaya stretching 10 rockyv rivnia GDP per capita, tobto okazygnennya pokaznika, a kind of buv at the middle of the 90th rocky (close to 1500 dollars. USA). Tse to finish folding zavdannja, oskilki perebachaє duzhe visok tempi ekonomichnogo rozvitku - 6-7% schorichno. Yogi rozvjazannja it is required vidpovidnogo resource zabezpechennya. Prote in daniy hour of the vnachi vnutrizhny fіnansovikh resursіv duzhe obmezheni - close to 90 billion dollars. The United States, 100 billion euros. On the basis of financial fundamentals, to secure a ten-rock way to the tempo of an economical zostanie, it is practically impossible to practice it.

Naroshchuvannya resourceful potentsialu fіnansovoї sistemi neobhіdno zdіysnjuvati in usіh strains one-hourly. Насамперед слід сприяти збільшенню і productive використанню фінансових ресурсів підприємств. It is necessary to put "vimivannya" through the system of obedotkuvannya revolving kostyv pidpriemstv and і in tіlomu to transfer podatkovy tyagar it is important zі siрi vibrobnitsva at sphere spozhivannya. Takozh urgently important to compete with Ukraine's banking system and in the secession of the private cliemat for the uninhabited investments.

Naivazhlivіshuyu storing fіnansovoy strategii ekonomichnogo zrostan'na v umovah, scho zakalilisya, maє stati proizvodstvo zatel'stvo rilі derzhi v νнвестиційному процесі. In the minds of the transitional economy and the extravagance of resources in resources without state investment, it is unlikely that the economy will be able to secure the tempo of an economical zostaniya. When the money is spent on insurance, it is not necessary to formulate a budget for the budget, but for the state bank to develop.

By the method of preventing the realiza- tion of financial policy of an economical economy, it is necessary to coordinate the work of the financial institutions and institutions. Міністерство фінансів має перевеститись у мозковий центр вироблення і реалізації фінансовоїграїїї і tactics, not tіlki забезпечувати, як це є it is important in daniy hour, виконавські functції. Vazhlivim zavdannyam є securitnaya Coordinatsii For the sake of the Presidents of Ukraine and the United States of America, the economy is divided into the realities of the income and the population.