Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

19.4.3. Especially the creators of robochoi were on the daily stage.

Odnієyu іn principle οf specialities відтворення і rozvitku manіskogo resursu v rozvinutih kraїnah є znachně rozpysyugzhennya підприємницької діяльності. Approximately the top ten are from the United States, France, Great Britain, the leather industry in Japan, the leather industry in Italy and the peninsula. Mayzhe 2/3 of them ocholjayut serednі th malі pіdpriєmstva, і kozhen quarters vede spravu, in yakіy zaynato 20 і menshe osib.

Scales the height of a particular volostin. Vaughn is approved in the citizenship of the country for the part of the national bagatia, is rooted in the social and cultural intimacy of the material and spiritual values, bazhannya їх rozvivati ​​і zmіtsnyuvati. Close 80% zanyatykh u zahіdnih kraїnakh u tіi chіn іnshіy formі vіstryayut vlasniki sіmeinoyї spravi, dribnikh, malіih, srednnіh i velikikh pіdpriєmstv, vlasniki акцій корпорацій.

For the day, the appearance of the robochoi was typical і високий рівень кваліфікації, що доволяє займяся підприємницькою діяльністю представникам практично всіх професій. With this, the workers here must keep their perseverance. In the 1990's. In the United States 23% of entrepreneurs are males of professional skills, 18% are volosts of administrative robots, 18% are boules from trade, 15% are from posts, 16% are poor in agriculture, 10% are farmers.

We introduce the aspect of the appearance of the robotic force, that is, those who are spiraling towards an intractable infrastructure, but also in the organizational structure, which are not willing to economize, but also to keep the national system, including the national system, establish a culture, I, non-commercial societal organization, institute of Sims.

It is important that those who work for the development of working resources, for example, for the raunch of the state budget, pidpriemstv, okremih pidpriemtzv, not obatotkuyutsya, do not maim the special economy, vibronicheskih otsіnok i do not put the worker in zvjazku zim zim zakonichnu chich actualnoe zalizhnnost vid pidpriemstv , Power, suspilstva in tsilomu. Neither the state nor the private capital does not propose to the working rahunks in the form of a contribution to the robustness of the koshti, not vimagayut їх компенсації. Zdіysnjєyatsya, such a rank, its kind of free fіnansuvannya rozvitku robochoї sili to vіcorostannya її як елемента продуктивних сил. With tsymu nі power, nі kapital not є nі from the very beginning, but be-kol by the rulers of robochoi were, ni povnimi, ni neskolkimi monsters bryanogo for the participants of the subektivnogo goods on the market pratsi.

Elements of the creativity robochoi were in the daily mentalities є :

1) дошкільне, шкільне виховання і навчання, середня спеціальна, вища і наукова освіта (approximately 80-90% for rahunok power, private capital and huge organizations);

2) payback, yaka vіdpіdіє рівню освіти і кваліфікації, yak rule, the whip of the prozhitkovogo рівня;

3) subsidized post-harvest preparation and retraining of robochoy force (in the middle 90% for rahunok power);

4) additional assistance for unemployment and social benefits (75-80% for the rakhunok power);

5) pensyne zabezpechennia, in the main vizche prozhhkovogo mіnіmumu (90-100% for rahunok power and private capital);

6) funding for adolescents and health care and culture of births (by 70-80% for rakhunok power, private capital and huge organizations).

Salary, such a rank, to become approximately 1/3 part of all koshtiv (divinity theme 13), yakі ydut at rozvinuti kraїnakh on the appearance of robochoi were on the expanded basis, on the basis of the life of the working people.

Otzhe, mozhna zrobiti visnovok, sho rozshirene vidtvorennya sukupnoї robochoї sili sispіlstva - tse zostannia її chisel'nostі v organіchnomu zv'yazku pіdvistchennyam rіvnya kvalіfіkacii, zrostannyam proizvodnostі pratsі, trivalovі trudovist'yu stazhu ta dobbutu populyarnya.