Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.

25.2.3. Міжнародна кооперація.

Міжнародна виробнича кооперація - це форма оргаізації спільного ok vzaimouzgodzhenzhenogo vibrobitniva for the party dvuh abo dekilkokh kraїn. NaiBilshogo rozvitku won from machine-driven, elektronitsi, himichnyi and deykikh iznikh galuzah promyslovosty, persh for everything in the vygonovlenny vysokotehnologicheskoy produktsii. In the remaining 10-15 years, the rock band of the international cooperative has vznachno vpplanula na pidvistchennia tempiv NTP, diversifikatsiyu vibrobitvva, rozvitok kompanіy-konglomerativ.

Міжнародна виробнича кооперація об'єднує resource виробництва в єдиному оргаізаційно-технологічном процесі. Zdіysnennya such process at the international scale izobachaet ukladannya vidpovіdnih kontraktiv ta ugod kotr regulate vibrochno-tehnichnі ta trade-ekonomichny pitania, and takozh vyroblenya adequate forms і methodів співробітництва.

The main methods of managing the cooperative zv'yazyv at the literature are to be built up to three methods: zdіysnennya spilnih programm, dogovirna spetsializatsya ta integrated cooperative.

Ostannim hour at the site, and especially in the postsocialistic regions, to finish the burdensome rozvivayutsya integrativnee kooperuvannya, scho zdіysnyuєtsya beside formi ob'ednannya kapitalyv dokіlokh sub'ektivov z riznikh kraine for dosyagnennya okremihn, spіlno uzhodzhenyh tsіley. The simplified form of integrative cooperation was the rule of the spinal forms. At the same hour, it is not important for the type of integrative cooperation, the rosettes of multinational corporations, yakis, schopravda, makut nabagato shirshu gamu osoblivostey pobyvnyano zі spilnimi pіdpriemstvami.

Glyboki zmіni at rozvitku mіzhnarodnogo podilu prači, yakі were at 1980-90 rr., Zoumovleni izvim etap naukovo-tehnichnoy revolutsii, podal'shim process globalizatsii ekonomichnoy sistemy vibrobitvva. Tsiomu actively interact with so-chinniki: the formulation of post-industrial systems of transport and telezvyazyu, strengthening of the production of promyslovyh capital, robochoy, strength, vertical integration integrals. Principal new aspects of the development of the international sub-tradition were reflected in the process of inclusion in the economy of the states of the col nest sociologic territories.