Politically economical - Krivenko K.T.


27.1. Causes of appearance, the essence and classification of global problems

Глобалізація світової економіки. Classification of global problems.

27.1.1. Глобалізація світової економіки.

Economical, socially-polichnichny, cultural growth of human beings in the rest of the twentieth century. Відбувається під знак глобалізації. Zrostanjat mizharodnaya torghivlya ta інвестиції, нечечених досі масштабів has been known to diversify the strength of the financial and financial markets, the role of TNCs has been visibly grown in the light of the recent developments, global competition has become evident, and systems have been revealed to global management.

Глобалізація світової економіки - tse folding, bagataspektna problem, for the sake of prihovuyutsya bezlich yavishch ta protsessiv, scho vidbuvayutsya odnosasno, and takozh problems, kotrі zachichayut ysya uzhchestvo i yakі priinyato nazivati ​​globalnym problemy prisadnostі. Semantically, tse ponatetja povjazane with anglijskim a word "globe", scho meaning "terrestrial kulja".

In the minds of the interregional economy, the economic and social progress is to cover the global problems all the more. Виникнення tsikh problems - an obvious manifestation of the globalization of the svyatogo gosdarstva, scho pass at conflict, problem, superechlivy form. At the turn of the XXI century. Stubs nabuvaivat zhitstevogo znachennya for dolі tsivілізації.

Global problems - all-zazhalny problems, which are considered to be globally planetary for its scales and values, the character of people who are involved in the life of the people in the countries of the world, to become obnoxious to the people for the world's population, and to allow them to wake up with spirits of all the world.

Sereda global problems naychastіs fіguruyut problems in the world tazbroєnnya, ekologichna, demografichna, energetichna, sirovinna, food, podilannya bіdnostі ta vіdstalostі. At mіru rozvitku manshkoї tsivіlіzatsії mozyut vinikati і vzhe vikanayut new global problems. So, before the group of global became aware of the problem of development and the vicarities of the resources of the Holy Ocean, the development of that cosmic cosmos. Дослідження цих проблем дозволяє помітити, що вони тісно взаємопов'язані, zokrema, energetichna ta sirovinna problem svіvіdisyatsya zekologіchnuyu, ekologіchna z demograficnuyu, demografichna z foodstvoi і t. Tom ikh analiz, poshuk shlyakhіv virishennya is itself a folded zavdannya.

Зміни, що відбулись у 1970-80-ті і особливо в 90-ті рр., I want to talk about the topic of priorities for global problems. Yaksho in the 1960's and 70's. The problem of keeping the holy nuclear issue was dominant, then the problem of finding one's eco- logical problem, the friend of demographic problems, and the problem of the problem of access to information. In all cases, problems can be identified with priorities, problems globally with problems, without problems, with people living in the cities, hogs and rocks with different factors, and with others, with the help of a number of sciences: economics, sociology, law, biology, geography , Екології, океанології та ін. Ninі began to develop globalism, yak proponue vyvchennya zaznachenyh problems in the three last postions - global, regional, national.

Globalistika - tse samostystnaya galuz know about nizagalnіshi, planetary problems of the hour and the future development of people's civi lization.

Globally with problems, the jakravo vyrazheny economical aspect. Wongs vplyivayut on the structure vіdtvorennya, on the dynamics of economic processes, on the pokushki efektivnyh forms and methods of management. Uspishnev vivchennia global problems mozhlive lishhe within the framework of the analysis of all the systems of the holy state.

Nezvazhayuchi for the whole riznomannitnost global problems, stink mnayut zagalnu specifiku, scho vidilya їх on the background of the problems of the economy. Specific features of global problems are in the presence of a number of spicy rice:

1) Skin problems and all the time are fundamentally important for the Maybutn people. Zatimka z їx virishennyam is itself a deadly zvrozu tsivіlіzatsії abo degradation of the minds of the life and the vibronichoi dіyalnі on the Earth;

2) they show signs of stagnation and maintenance of the Svyatogodospasski zv'yazyvіv інтернаціоналізація інших суспільних процесів на Землі;

3) The first rozv'yazannya mozhlive lishe for the name of the confluence of the ussil powers and peoples. Know the fate of global problems - mean zabezpechiti umovi vizhivannya vseih peoples and the advanced rozvitok tsivilizatsii.

27.1.2. Classification of global problems.

Behind the march, the character and the ways of globalization, problems are classified into three groups.

Prior to the group of people , they have problems, yakі vinikayut in the spheres of nature and nature (supernatural possession of the people with syring, energy, food, which is natural, preserving the natural middle ground, developing resources in the Arctic Ocean, ovolodinnya cosmic space). Another group is the problems of socially-economical and politically-sensitive issues , and the self: the visions of people by the edges and the edges, and are rooted out; Відносини між розвинутими країнами і postsozіialisticheskimi kraїni that the powers of the social and economical organizations, the economy of the economy and the problems of the world, the problems of the world and the world, local, regional and international crises. The third group is hunted by problems that have been caused by rostick people , zabezpechennyam її майбутнього, зростанням population, боротбою із зубожінням, голодом, хворобами, наркоманієєю тощо.

Globalno problemov vidriznyayutsya zagalnoplanarnym character, povyazhany z zhutt'vimi іnteresami narodіv usіh kraїn nezalezhno vіd іх соціального ладу, рівня економічної зрілості, geograficheskogo pozlozhnya і mozhut бути вирішені shalom vzєmodії vseіh powers.

Їх невирішеність порожує загрозу для майбутнього всіх людей. Наприклад, науково-технічна революція has called to незаченого розвитку засобів розрухи і військової справи. Lyudina vyyavilas zdatnoyu znishchiti all life on the planet. The accumulation of arsenals, which respect the scientists, is sufficient to ensure that 58 billion rubles are spent, 9.7 times more than the life of people on earth.