Modeluvannya ekonomiki - Vіtlіnskiy V.V.


2.1. Modelyuvannya yak method of science piznannya

2.1.1. Suit modeling

Modeluvannya in the science of the dossiers, yaku rushed to zastosovuvaty in the gliboku for a long time, hunted nin all new novy spheres of science know. However, the methodology modulyuvannya vprodovzh trivalogo hours rozvivaetsya nezalezhno vid of the latest sciences. Bula vіssutnya єdina system to understand, iodina terminologiya. Lisha zgodom rushed sivіdomlyuvati role modulyuvannya yak universal to the method of science piznannya.

The term "model" is widely represented in the various spheres of humanities and manhood, meaningless semantic meanings. Roshlyadatimemo tilki takі model, kotrі-іnstrumentami for the well-known novyh know.

The term "model" resembles the Latin word "modulus" - the image, the norm, the world. The model is the topic of the project, it is the original and the declarations of the original and the authoritative original for the given access, the given attachment for the reverse system of hypotheses .

A mathematical model is a concept of abstraction of realistic diznost (svitu), in which the real elements are mapped, and the text itself, and the text of the booklet, are replaced by the mathematical mathematics categories. Ці відноішення зазвичь зазвичиться подаються у формі рівнянь і / чи неівностей, віdіdіbіїsія formallyї logії між otkaznikami (змінними), які characterize the function of the real system, but model.

It is impossible to evolve the time of science, zokrema economics, without the widespread zastosuvannya mathematical modulyuvannya.

Sutnіst tsієї metodologії polyagaє in zamіnі vihіdnogo ob'єkta yogo "image" - ically mathematical Modell - i away vivchennyam (doslіdzhennyam) modelі on pіdstavі analіtichnih metodіv that obchislyuvalno-logіchnih algoritmіv, SSMSC realіzuyutsya Komp'yuterniy for Relief program. The robot itself is not іz ob'єktom (yavischem, processes) and s yogo Modell daє mozhlivіst vіdnosno Shvydko i bezbolіsno doslіdzhuvati yogo osnovnі (suttєvі) vlastivostі that povodzhennya for whether yakih іmovіrnih situatsіy (tse perevagi teorії). Vodnochase obchislyuvalnі (komp'yuternі, simulyativnі, іmіtatsіynі) eksperimenti s models ob'єktіv dozvolyayut, spirayuchis on potuzhnіst Suchasnyj ically mathematical she obchislyuvalnih metodіv i tehnіchnogo іnstrumentarіyu іnformatiki, retelno that dosit gliboko vivchati ob'єkt in dostatno detailed viglyadі scho N Sotho theoreticity pіdhodam (The goal of the experiment). It is not marvelous, but the methodology of mathematical modeling is rambling to rouse, willingly analyzing excessively folding economic and social processes.

At our time, mathematics modelluvannya come in from the third principle of important importance of its own rozvitka, "vbudovuyuchis" in the structure of the so-called informal susspiness . Burhlivy progresses zasobiv analizu, opratsyuvannya, gears and zberіgannya informatsii vidpodіdaє perchasnym tendentsijam sotsialnogo buttya. Without volodinnyinformatsіynimi "resources" not varto dumati about rozv'yanya dyadali bilsh folding and riznomanitnih problems, yakі postayut before svitova spilnotoyu. However, the information itself is not enough for analisys and predictions, for accepting riches and controlling vichonanns. Unpublished supernodes for the production of information in the "syrovini" for the preparation of "product", tobto in exact knowledge. Історія методології математичного моделювання переконує: вона може й повинна бути інтеле ктуаним ядром інформаційних технологій, усього процесу інформатизації суспільства.

Tehnіchnі, tehnologіchnі, ekonomіchnі, polіtichnі that INSHI system scho їh vivchaє Suchasna science, all Mensch mіroyu pіddayutsya doslіdzhennyu (in neobhіdnіy kompleksnostі that tochnostі) zvichaynimi theoreticity methods Hoca ostannі Je Nadzvychaina sytuatsia vazhlivimi. Bezospodredny naturny experiment on them є natto trivalim, expensive, often naveit nebezpechnim chi just neremozlimim, especially tse sosuetsya ekonomichnyh systems and processes. This mathematical model is the inevitable folding of the scientific and technical progress.

Already the very formulation of the nutrient of the mathematical modularity of the be-yo obekta breeds a clear plan of the dy, which can be subtly added to three stages: the algorithm-program model (Figure 2.1) * 1.

* 1: {Samarskii AA, Mikhailova AP Mathematical modeling: Ideas. Methods. Examples. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2001. - 320 s.}

The scheme of mathematical modeling is superseded

Fig. 2.1. The scheme of mathematical modeling is superseded

In Persha etapі obiraєtsya (chi buduєtsya) "ekvіvalent" ob'єkta scho vіdobrazhaє in matematichnіy formі nayvazhlivіshі (klyuchovі) Yogo vlastivostі - laws, Yakima vіn pіdporyadkovuєtsya, zv'yazki scho yogo pritamannі warehouses Chastain, toscho. The mathematical model (chi її fragments) is supplemented by theoretical methods, but allowing it to be important (conceptual character) new knowledge about the subject.

Another etap - vibir (chi rozoblennya) algorithm for realizatsii model on komp'yuteri. The model is presented in forms, zruchny for zasosuvannya numerological methods, viznachaetsya poslidovnist obsochlyuvvalnyh і logiychnih operatsi, kotryi nehohіdno zdіsniti, shchob otrimati shukanі magnitudes із predetermined accuracy. Computational algorithms are not guilty of creating a basic power model, but of announcing a vihidnogo ob'ekt (origi- nal), but it is economically adaptive to the needs of the tasks and tasks of the computer system.

On the third stage, the programs are designed to "transfer" the model and the algorithm to an accessible computer. Before them takozh vіmyvayutsya vimogi ekonomnosti adaptivnostі. You can name the "electronic" eqvivalentom doslidzhuvanogo ob'ekta, scho - pripatnim for bezserednego eksperimentyvannya on komp'yuteri.

Having created the triad : " model- algorithm -program, " the detainee (the system analytic) otrimuє universalny, gnuchkiy i vidnosno cheaper instrument, which is tested in the "trial" obscheblyuvlnyh experiments. Pіslya of yak adekvatnіst (dostatnіy rіven vіdpovіdnostі, zvazhayuchi tsіlі to take that system gіpotez) trіadi schodo vihіdnogo ob'єkta zasvіdchena, h Modell conductive rіznomanіtnі that detalnі "doslіdi" SSMSC give nova іnformatsіyu about neobhіdnі yakіsnі that kіlkіsnі vlastivostі th characteristics ob'єkta . The process modulyuvannya saprovuzhuyutsya polipinshennyam that clarified, for neobihodnosti, all the warehouses (lanok) triadi.

Yak methodology mathematicians modelyuvannya not підміняє math, економічну теорію, фінанси та інші дисципліни, do not compete with them. Navpaki, it is important to re-create the yogi synthesizing role. Створення та застосування тріади можливе лише за смови використання різноманітних метоів і підходів - від якісного аналізу нелінійних моделей до сучасних мов програмування. Vano yes, additives and stimulate the strains of science.

In the broad aspect of modeling in reality in the same types of creative activity of people of different specialties - pre-admission and publishing, poli- tic and viiski. Introduced in the sphere of the exact knowledge of the dopomagah obmezhiti іntuyetivne "modulyuvannya", rosshiryu interi zastosuvannya ratsionalnyh metodiv. Zvichayno, mathematicians modulyuvannya plishny deprive for the vikonannya professiynih vimog: chitke formulyuvannya basic understand і gipotoz, apostereiarnyi analiz, shchob perevіdchitisya v dokumentnosti vikoristovuvanih models, the accuracy of the calculable algorithms is guaranteed.

Yaksho z analizuvati problems modulyuvannya ekonomichnyh systems, de nehhhodno brothers to the respect "manny chinnik", tobto khidde for about analiz maloformalizovanyh ob'ektiv, then to chih vimog neobhidno dodati low, zokrema, auratne rozmuzhuvannya mathematicheskih i polotovivikh terminov, zavbachliv zastosuvannya vzhe finished The mathematical apparatus before the appearance of apparitions and processes (the priority is "for tasks to the method," not for navpacks).

Rozv'yazuchy problems of informal sospilstva, boolo na naivnim pokladati nadiyu lishe na potyuzhnіst komp'yuterіv ta іnshi zasobi іnformatiki. Postiniyno vdoskonalennya triadi matematicheskoj modulyuvannya ta її vprovazhenzhenya suhasnnі іnformatsіyno-modulyuyuchi sistemi - methodologichniy імператив . Lisha yogo vikonannya daє mozhnivist otrimati taku neobhidnu vysokotehnologіchnu, rivalskosprostomnu ta rіznomannu materіnnu іntelektualnu product.

Signifi- cantly, I'm learning the mod- els of the model is the principle of so-called informational accessibility . Tse means, scho system analitik povinen mati dostatnyo chitke uyavlennya about those who vvazhati for vhіdnі ta vihіdnі zmіnnі doslidzhuvanoї sistemi, yakі chinniki suttevo vplyavat on the process funktionovannya. Якщо рівень інформаційної affordability low, then create a model, for the add-on kotroї mozhna bulo b otrimati novyі znannya about ob'ekt-original, mayge is inconceivable.