Modeluvannya ekonomiki - Vіtlіnskiy V.V.

2.2.6. Перевірка адекватності моделі

Warehousness of economic processes and emergencies, which are designated for the particularities of economical systems, will not be precluded from motivating mathematical models, but rather by adapting adequacy and truthfulness to outcomes.

In the natural sciences, I am able to comprehend the truth and results in modeling, be it any other forms of writing, the totality of the results of the bookings with chickens, and be dispelled. The category "practice" is here із категорією "дійсність". In the economy of the current Suspilnyh sciences, in this way of visions, the principle of "practice is the criterion of truth," cotria are more zastosovuyutsya schodo despicable descriptive models, yakі vikoristovuyutsya for a passive description and explanatory dysnosti (analizu rozvodnogo rozvitku, short-term prognostication of nekrovanih ekonomichnyh protshchov tochno).

However, the goal of economics is constructive: rozoblenna naukovyh metodіv analizu y upravlennya ekonomikoyu. The type of mathematical models of economics is the type of mathematical models that are moderated in the regulation and regulation of economic processes , and they are vikoristovuyutsya peretvorennya ekonomichnoї дійсності. Takі model nazivayut normative. Yakshto orієntuvati normative models on the pidstverdzhennya dіsnostі, then stench not zamozhut servuviatіnomu virіshennya якісно нових соціально-економічних завал.

Specifika verifikatsii normative models ekonomiki polagae at that, sto vony, yak rule, "compete" with the others, such, but already know the practicality of zastosuvannya, methods analizu planunuvannya y upravlenya. At the same time, it is far from impossible for us to establish a detailed experiment on the verification of the model, having stuck in the shrouds of some of the cherubic chinnikivs on the kerosene ob'ekt. Situation shche bishe dyskanyuetsya, if vinikaє pitannya about verifikatsiyu models predgostrokovogo prognozuvaniya і planuvannya (yak descriptive, so i normativnyh). Ajer can not be 10-15 rockin 'and bishe pasivno chekati nastannya podi, schob pereviriti pravilnist conceptual position model. Nezvazhayuchi on the well-known uskladnichi obsnovani, vidpovidnost model ob'ekta (process) facts and trends of real economical booty zalishaetsya vzaimolivim kriterієm, yazy viznachaet strained recomposing models. Всебічний аналіз розходжень, які виникають між model та дійсністю, зіставлення результатів, одержаних on the basis of concrete economical and mathematical model, with the results of zashosuvannya інших метоів пізнання дійсності допомагає визачити шты кірекції models.

Significant role in perevyrtsi adequacy of models lies in logistic analysis, in that number by the very math of modeling itself. So, the formalization of the priory models, the improvement of the statistics, the revision of statistical statistics about the problems of the world with the parameters and models, the identification of the values ​​of volumes, can be heard in the class of potentially "right" models. Внутрішня непереперечність положень перевіряється також shalom порівняння одержуваних за допомогою даної model results with results of "competitive" models.

Otsinyuchi suchasniy stan problems of adequacy of mathematic models in economics, neobhidno viznati, sch otrarennya structurally complex methods of verifikatsії models, kotra vrachovu yak ob'ektivnyi osoblyvostі modelovanyh ob'ektiv, so i sobibostostі їх пізнання, зашається one із наакактуальніших завалнь економіко-математичних досліджень.