Business plan: the technology of the box is that obgruntuvanya - Pokropivny SF,

10.2. Organizing a presentation of the business plan

Shcho enter the presentation process? On the basis of a well-known world, lies the oath of that very best business plan. Beruchi zagalom, yakshcheo Vi vvazhaete, scho pevne pintannya varte prillyudnogo rozglyadu - then yogo neobhidno included in the program presentation. Більшість презентацій охоплює сім ключових моментів, а саме:

  • Fіrma (kompanіya) та її produktsіya, ambassadors;
  • A rink, a competitor ;
  • Strategy of marketing ;
  • Першочергові фінансові заввання та необхідні обсяги почакового фінансування;
  • Tsіlі, on досягнення яких спрямовуватимуться кошти;
  • Team, yaka zdіysnyuvatime tse plan;
  • The manner of the manner in which the creditors of those investors have contributed to the contribution of the koshtis.

The process of presenting the business plan to the frontier is as short as possible for the development of the property. Можливо, що інвестор іще до презентації наводитиме довідки about ділову репутацію фірми та її майбутній бізнес. Treba nagoloshiti at uspihah companies for the rest of the rock, and takozh podati shkrytі vidomostі shodo tehniko-tekhnologicheskoi basi organizatsicnoi strukti pidpriemnitskogo project.

Characterizing the product, the trek is more pidkresluvaty ti perevagi, yakі tsya producty give potentiynimi spizhivacham, і menche - tehnichnye podrobitsi. Varto put yourself on the map of potential ventures. Nayibilsh імовірними mumut Buti soi napitannya:

  • What is the consumer's satisfaction with the product (service)?
  • What is special in production? Чому споживачі відрізнятимуть її від товарів і послуг конкурентівів?
  • Do you want to buy a new product in the market?

Відтак на презентації доцільно постійно наголошувати саме на відповідності даного товару (послуги) запитам ринку, на можливості стренний стійкого попиту на оого. To the oncoming fragment of presenting dotsilno prisvyatiti shortly rozpovidi about the school that the marketing marketing strategy. Peredusim treba pochati z otsinki potentsiynoi mistkosti rinku that segment of the market, which will be the head for the company. Майбутні Investors in the process of presenting a loan to hold an admission on the basis of the following:

  • Яка місткість ринку та парка ринку даного підприємства?
  • Hto є potentiynym klіentom?
  • Yakі perevagi ta slabkі sideli vlasnyi rivalіv bachit himself pіdpriєєmeь?
  • Yaka strategie zabezpechennya rivalryprodostnostі pіdpriemstva this method of competitive Borotby?

In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to clarify the potential partners to those investors with the basic elements of their marketing plan: the scheme for the distribution of goods, advertising, promotion, sales promotion, and the organization of goods and services for warehousing (for folding technical goods).

Especially the treble of nagolosity at the port of origin of its goods and commodities on analogical competitors. Bazhano filed in the tables in the in-depth correspondence material, yak zrobiv, napriklad, F. Kotler, zasnamnichi tsinotvorennya tractor company "Caterpillar". The calculateness of such a small wiggle is blocked:

20 yew. Dol. - a price for a tractor of a competitor, analogous for exertion;

3 yew. Dol. - націнка за збільшену довговічність of the tractor "Caterpillar";

2 yew. Dol. - націнка за підвищений рівень сервісу;

1 yew. Dol. - Warranty of trivalous guarantees for higher education and details;

28 yew. Dol. - the price of the new tractor for the farm "Caterpillar" has been calculated from the worn-out condition of the pass before the competitor's tractor;

4 yew. Dol. - zaochchuvalna znizhka z tsini for zaluchchennya kupytciv;

24 yew. Dol. - The price of the tractor Caterpillar has been sold.

Taka demonstratsіya in nayadnotіshіy formi i clarify tsіnovu polіticu fіrmi.

Urakhovoychi type of psychology sprijnyatya people novoy propositions, do not slip "vypleskuvati" on the potential investor odrazu "pimky ta burhlivy" potiq kilkisno ya yakіsnoї іnformatsії. Ve povinni vidchuvati, yaki strazimi і zamochki zapocatkovuvanogo biznesu zdatnі naybіln zainteresuvati an investor, a lender, a Maybutny partner.

Attend the presentation of the guilty trocha "zviknuti" to Vashoi proposoziії, puffs її proanalizuvati і pozbutisya negative stavlennya before majbutnyogo biznesu, if takke boolo. The head of the "above-the-top" presentation of the business plan is a field in which you can take your own mailbuilding partnerships to get your visions on the issues.