Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


In perspektivі in Donetsk i Pridnіprovskomu regіonah nabudut away rozvitku takі the Branch spetsіalіzatsії promislovostі: palivno-energetichna, nintendo i kolorova metalurgіya, hіmіchna, avtomobіlna, aerokosmіchna promislovіst, vazhke mashinobuduvannya. In nayblizhchіy perspektivі zdіysnyuvatimetsya is complex restrukturizatsіya that tehnіchne re-equipment of companies promising vugіlnoї, metalurgіynoї, hіmіchnoї promislovostі, mashinobuduvannya, power industry, and takozh structural reformuvannya vsogo virobnicho-teritorіalnogo complex that zbalansuvannya rozvitku base Galuzo s real require Economy.

Здійснюватимуться конверсія окремих оборонних підприємств з метю використання їх tensions for випуску цивільної продукції, зокрема товарів народного споживання; provoditimutsya come in schodo zabezpechennya produktivnoї zaynyatostі population Shlyakhov divepsifіkatsії virobnitstv, organіzatsії Gromadska robіt, stvorennya novih robochem mіsts, Especially in shahtarskih mіstah i Selishchev. Vidbuvatimetsya narushchuvannya tensions easy and harkovoy promyslovosty.

Sort order s CIM-valued uwagi pridіlyatimetsya polіpshennyu ekologіchnoї situatsії Shlyakhov vprovadzhennya in virobnitstvo bezvіdhodnih i malovіdhodnih tehnologіy, pereprofіlyuvannya okremih of companies, lіkvіdatsії terikonіv, tailing i shlakoskhovisch, vіdstіynikіv, rekultivatsії land torn down.

In Ukraine Shіdnomu regіonі structural perebudova spryamovuvatimetsya on tehnіchne retooling that pіdvischennya efektivnostі robots of companies such Galuzo spetsіalіzatsії, yakimi Yea i tractor sіlskogospodarske mashinobuduvannya, avtomobіlna, Electro, elektrotehnіchna, nutritive promislovіst. Zbylshivatimutsya vassalny vidobutku gas, naphtha that product їх peremobki.

In the future, the conversion of the part of the vibrotic tensions of the Vias'kovo -promyslovy complex to the spontaneity for the release of the civic products is underway. Order zizim vnaskonealuvatimetsya spetsializatsiya sylskogospodarskogo vibrobitvtva, pidvishchuvatimsya yogo kommodinost ta efektivnist, nabudut podalshogo rozvitku pererobny galuzi. Región bilš efectivno vikoristovuvatime nayavnyi naukovo-tehnichny potentsialny ta perevagi prikordonnogo rotashuvannya.

In Central regіonі Ukraine strukturnі zrushennya in ekonomіtsі spryamovuvatimutsya on posilennya її sotsіalnoї orієntatsії, zabezpechuvatimetsya priskoreny rozvitok APK, spherical poslug, harchovoї i legkoї promislovostі and takozh mashinobudіvnih Galuzo - avіabuduvannya, sіlskogospodarskogo mashinobuduvannya, radіotehnіki i elektronіki. Zdіysnyuvatimetsya rekonstruktsіya that tehnіchne re-equipment of companies hіmіchnoї promislovostі, rozvitok naukomіstkih virobnitstv on osnovі NAUKOVO tehnіchnogo-i HR potentsіalu m. Of Kyiv. Predbachayutsya come zhodo virishennya ekologo-ekonomichnyh i sotsial'nikh problemy, povyazhanykh z lіkvіdatіyu nalіdkіv avarії na Chornobil'skij AES.

In Polіssі away rozvitku nabudut takі the Branch spetsіalіzatsії, yak sіlskogospodarske mashinobuduvannya, priladobuduvannya, vidobutok i pererobka mіneralіv, easy is the nutritive promislovіst. A restructuring of the agro-industrial complex is carried out in the strained parts of the Kharchivoy area and in the breakaway promiscuous. Predbachaetsya rozvitok інтенсивного землеробства і тваринництва. Stvoryuvatimutsya nayspriyatlivіshі minds for viroschuvannya Sotho polіskih crops (kartoplі, Lion-dovguntsya, hops) that їh promislovoї pererobki and takozh away rozvitku lіsovogo Gospodarstwa, derevoobrobnoї promislovostі, promislovostі budіvelnih materіalіv.

At Podil'skomu regionі zdіysnjuvatimemsya tehnichnaya rekonstruktsiya that modernizatsiya energetiki , sylskogospodarskogo mashinobuduvannya, priladobuduvannya, harchovoy promyslovosty. The re-certification of the part of applications for the release of technology for the agro-industrial complex, medicine, and goods for people's livelihood has been discussed. Zabezpechuvatimsya priorientnyh rozvitok easy promislovosty, vibrobnitsva budivelnyh materіalіv, sklyanih, earthenware virobіv on the basis of the sovereign sirovini. Specialization of the agro-industrial complex for virochuvanni and perebrotsi zukrovyh buryak, grain crops, m'saa і milk, agglomerate the step of the interruption of the sylcospodark production.

The structural perebudova Promyslova complex Carpathian regіonu spryamovuvatimetsya on pіdvischennya pitomoї crowbars sіlskogospodarskogo i avtomobіlnogo mashinobuduvannya, Electonics that elektrotehnіchnogo virobnitstva s vikoristannyam Suchasnyj tehnologіy. Zdіysnyuvatimutsya come in schodo rekonstruktsії i tehnіchnogo pereozbroєnnya hіmіchnoї of companies that naftohіmіchnoї promislovostі, away rozvitku that іntensifіkatsії lіsovogo Gospodarstwa, lіsopromislovogo complex, legkoї that harchovoї promislovostі.

In the Silesian government, the basic respect is attached to the development of vegetables, garden, viticulture, m'yaso-dairy cattle, and vivcharstva. At gospodarskomu complex, the regimon is formed with high-visibility rekepaatsyno-tpistichny that health-lichuval complex of the gololnastrovnogo and the international significance. Rozvаvatimetsya regionalne transkordonnee spivrobitnitsvtu within the framework of Euroregions.

In perspektivі prіoritetnimi directly rozvitku Prichornomorskogo regіonu will nasampered the Branch mopegospodapskogo complex - sudnobuduvannya that sudnoremont, Ribno that port Gospodarstwa and takozh for the Branch mashinobuduvannya obslugovuvannya agropromislovogo complex, osvoєnnya naftogazovih rodovisch shelfovoї Zoni Chorny sea. Predbachaetsya znachno pidvishchit efektivnist sylskogo gosdarstva u vibrobitvtvi grain, sonyashniku, vegetables, grapes, and takozh m'yasa and milk.

Zdіysnyuvatimetsya complex zahodіv shodo rozselennya і oblashtuvannya early deportovanihem krimskikh tatar tas obіn nіsіshikh natsіonalnyh menhin, yakі turned on the postіyne of residence at the tsіomu регіоні. Vazhlivim straightforward development of the region is complex in the region of recreation resources, in the years 1999- 2010, in the cities of tourism and tourism, health and lodging, especially in the field of functions, in Krim, Odesky, Mykolaivskyi, Kherson regions.