Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Зміни в динаміці загальної чисельності поселення визначаються змінами у розміщенні міського і сільського населення. Розміщення міського і сиільського поселення має істотний вплив на раціональне розміщення та оптимальний розвиток productive forces.

Yaksho on the pillar of the table in Ukraine overvalued the country's population - close to 82% of the population, then ninety-sixth of the 68% of the population is in the world of mosquitoes. Analis statisticnyh danyh slishchit, sho mis'ke populated area in the course of an important historical period, little stіyku tendіtsіyu to zrostanі. Lisha for the period of 1979-1998. Yogo pririst deposited 3.5 million chol., Or 11.4%. During the period of period, the ptoma of the Vaga of the Myskaya Settlement was increased to 60.8% in 1979. Up to 67.8% in 1998

Pokaznik pitomoi vagi mіskikh zhitelevі mє suttєvі teritorialnі vіdmіnostі - vіd 38,5% in the Zakarpattya Oblast up to 90,1% in Donetsk. Analis of the showers is shown, in six regions of the region the population of the country is overridden, and in the region of the regional inhabitants the part of the population of the population becomes half the population. So, especially in the concentration of population, the population is in a social, economic, ecological and political way, rooted in the country and in the countryside in the countryside of the population of Ukraine and elsewhere. Thus, in the course of the remaining tenths of the dinamika of the Chiselnost city of the population, it resumed: yakshcho in the mizhkhripisnyy period 1979-1989. Zrostannia mіskogo populyarnya bulo bіlsh іntensivnim, then nadalі vono postupovo vyshchuvalosya. In 1994, the population of the Ukrainian population of Ukraine changed to yogo speed. For the years 1994-1998. Міське poplareni kraїni it was fastened on 1,4 million чоловік.

Міське поселення України lived in riznyh types of settlements: malich mistakh (with populations of up to 50 thousand inhabitants), middle (50-100 thousand inhabitants), great (100-250 thousand inhabitants), large (250-500 thousand inhabitants) That nikakrupnіshih (ponad 500 tis. Inhabitants), and takozh at the villages of the Miskoy type.

On the first day of 1999 p. In the Ukraine, there were 448 people, including 169 oblasny pidporyadkuvannya, 897 villages of the miskogo type that ponad 28775 silt. At міських поселеннях, які becoming mensh ніж 5% всіх населених пунктів України, зосереджено більш як 2/3 population of the territory. In the middle of the city, to become a tretene of the Mis'k settlements of Ukraine, they live almost 90% of the population of the Misian population. When the main part of the yoga falls on a large and naykrupnishy mist.

In the villages of the Miskoy type, there are 20 thousand yew. Chol. Live 2% of the population, and the settlement of the population lives at settlements up to 20 thousand. Cholovic.

Sylske population of Ukraine became on the ear of 1999 p. 16124.0 yew. Cholovic. Taka yogo chiselnist and dinamik - tse result of ambiguous for the character of the processes of people dispersing in the course of an important historical period.

Naybіlsh suttivim factor of the formuliness of the Chisel of the Syl'sk population - socially-economical, and stored in Ukraine at the peak of the history of development.

Oskіlki mainly ekonomіchnoyu bazoyu gospodarskogo rozvitku sіlskoї mіstsevostі Je sіlskogospodarske virobnitstvo, the zalezhnostі od spetsifіki tsogo virobnitstva in Pevnyi Natural i-sotsіalno ekonomіchnih minds zdіysnyuvalosya vіdtvorennya zagalnoї chiselnostі population i yogo Especially pratsezdatnoї Chastain and takozh rozmіschennya on teritorії Pevnyi punktіv population.

Yak chiselnіst sylskogo populated area, so і kіlkіst sіlsskih population of points not є postіynoyu size. Analis statisticnyh danyh for znachniy period an hour giving zmogu vstanoviti dovgostrokovu і стабільну підприєєю - postійне зменшення загальної чисельності сільського населення України. So, for the years 1979-1985. The number of inhabitants of the Silesian inhabitants in the territory has changed by 2.6 million choloviks, by 13.5%, and for 1986-1998. - by 1.2 million choloviks.

The dynamo of the Chiselost village of the Syl'sk population is designated as the most important territory of the world. So, yakshcho for the years 1979-1998. Чисельність сільських жителів Автономної Респубіки Крим, Закарпатської і Херсонської области зросла, then in the regions of the region, the speed of the settlement of the Silesian population has decreased. With the help of the Nybilshiy Pririst of the Silesian population of Buv is characteristic of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Naybіlsya skorochennya sylskogo populated (Mayge on tretinu) vіdbulosya at Vinnitsky, Chernigivskiy, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyrsky and Sumy regions. Such a rank, the population of the population in terriotії thаt іѕ special іѕ thе yоsе zоseverage in the різних types, the settlement is equipped with the specialty of socially-economical development of the territory, concrete crashes in economical and social spheres, as well as in territorial structures and organization of people's government, especially of the material vibroits.