Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Automatizatsiya vibrobitvtva - we are straining the scientific and technical progress, which will be protected in the future and in the system of machines, equipment, hardware and devices, including the EOM.

Інвестиційна політика - сукупність годарських рішень, які viznachayut fundamentals strains capitalnyh contribution, come schodo їх concentrates in the awnings prorititnogo rozvitku. Інвестиційна політика на сучасному етапі передбачає покращання співвідношення між капітальними депозитнями в ресурсозберігаючі, перероблюючі і споживаючі галузі, перерозподіл коштів на користь галузей, що забезпечимть прискорення науково-технічного прогресу.

Інновація - contribution of коштів in new technology, technology, new forms of organization and management, yakі hunted not only in the environment, but in the galuz. Vodochas tse і process, rectification on the road, vibrobitnctvo, rozvitok i vkasskonalennya novih vidiv vibrobitvtv, tehnologiy, organizatsynykh forms. Include three basic stadії: від початку дослідження до промислового освоєння; Vіd promislovogo vospitanie up to vipusku (vprovadzhennya) ob'ektiv, neobihdnih for zadovolennya needs spozhivachchiv; Vicorestanja at spizhivacha, including obysgovovuvannya і utilizatsiyu.

Іntensifіkatsіya virobnitstva - zbіlshennya rozmіrіv virobnitstva for rakhunok zastosuvannya bіlsh efektivnosti zasobіv virobnitstva, doskonalih forms organіzatsії pratsі i tehnologіchnih protsesіv, SSMSC vtіlyuyut ostannі dosyagnennya NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso and takozh maintained upstream vikoristannya nayavnogo virobnichogo potentsіalu.

Капіталомісткий технічний прогрес - uzkosonalennya tehniki i tehnologii, yake will require a greasy kіlost kapital. Vdoskonalennya tehniki і tehnologii, yake allow virobljati great kilkіst kapitalu chi taku z kіlkіst produkcii y menshomu yogo obyazі, nazivayut kapitalozberygayuchim tehnichnim progress.

A complex programa NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso - a document yaky viznachaє Meta rozvitku science i tehnіki trivalu at term (20 rokіv) prіoritetnі NAUKOVO-tehnіchnі problems SSMSC povinnі rozroblyatisya Tsey perіod, i ochіkuvanі sotsіalno-ekonomіchnі naslіdki їh realіzatsії.

Komp'yuterizatsiya - the process is all broadly zastosuvannya EOM in the people's government, in the blinds, on pidpriemstvah (ob'ednanney) and in organisatsiyah.

Mekhanizatsiya vibrobitvtva - we are straining the scientific and technological progress, basing on zamіnі rukhnih vyrrobnichih operatsіy machines and mehanisms. Behind the steps equipped with vibrotic processes with technical hints, the mechanization of the virbitnitsa is subordinated to the parton and complex. In the case of partial mechanization of the operation of the chi, it is evident that the work is done on the basis of the basic operations of the technological process and the additional robots with the reserved part of the manual operation.

Mіzhgaluzevy NAUKOVO-tehnіchny complex (IRTC) - a form of science spoluchennya s virobnitstvom, yak poklikat on prіoritetnih directly NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso zdіysnyuvati Shvidky i efektivnosti formuvannya cycle "science-virobnitstvo" spriyati priskorennyu rozrobki novih i іdey efektivnosti vikoristannyu їh on praktitsі. For virіshennya vazhlivih narodnogospodarskih zavdan in the IRTC, yaky yavlyaє him єdinu NAUKOVO-virobnichu odinitsyu, vklyuchayutsya NAUKOVO-doslіdnі іnstituti, konstruktorskі Bureau i tehnologіchnі organіzatsії, Naukova-virobnichі i virobnichі ob'єdnannya, pіdpriєmstva rіznih mіnіsterstv i vіdomstv.

Natsionalniy íntelekt - tse sintetichniy otpaznik rozvitku natsії taї індивідів. Він виражає рівень знань природних і суспільних процесів, рівень милення, національного самоусвідомлення, гуманістичних відносин, morality, етики, естетики, ідеології, міжнародних зв'язків тощо. The purpose of this element of the labor potential of susinstvo, a kind of virazhaye yogo prcecezdatnist, creativity, vinakhdlivist, poshuk new, rational, optimal in the ush spheres of life of the nation, suspilstva, power. Носіями національного інтелекту є вчені, інженери, конструктори, письменники, працівники культури, мистецтва, вчителі, лікарі, робітники, селяни, керівники всіх рівнів.

Novovladenia - the launch of a new product in vibrobytsutvo, in the presence of a new vibrochichogo shop, chi, a new form of organisation and business.

The scientific-vibroniche-Ідидиний науково-виробничий and the gospodarskiy complex, the progressive form of science in the form of virobnitsvom, one of the basic forms of promiscuity for the decommissioning of viribnitsva in the line of high-security complexes of machines, obednannya, priladiv, tehnologicheskih protsessiv і materialov, Scho viznachayut scientific and technical progress in the field of tension and majesty of the important people's values. Wongs are talking about the bases of science-doslnichnyh (design and engineering, technologic) organizatsiy chi pіdpriemstv (vibrochnichih ob'ednan), yaki maiyut konstruktsku i dosslidno-experimental base. Deykі z them enter the warehouse mizhgaluzevikh naukovo-tehnichnykh kompleks.

Patent lіtsenzіyna dіyalnіst - structural warehouses іnformatsіynoї dіyalnostі of companies, Naukova-doslіdnih i design konstruktorskih organіzatsіy, Naukova-virobnichih ob'єdnan, yak polyagaє in viyavlennі NAUKOVO-tehnіchnih rіshen, spromozhnih be the subject of patent Zahist chi lіtsenzіynih uzgodzhen. Її viznachaєtsya values, s one side, spriyannyam NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso Shlyakhov active vplivu on stvorennya i novih rozrobku machines priladіv, obladnannya, materіalіv i tehnologіchnih protsesіv, SSMSC for svoїmi tehnіko-ekonomіchnimi pokaznikami perevershuvali b vіtchiznyanі i zarubіzhnі analogues; On the side of the side, - to the counterparts of the practice of the international rozpysyugzhennya patent information, vikorstannya vozmozhno vozrolyaet virobljati i realizovuvaty novuyu produktsiyu na osnoviі vіdkrittyv i vinokhodiv.

Applied research is a kind of science-based dossier, the main meta-type is the practice of practical problems. Їh result without a mean in the practice, to know the spirit in the new technological processes, constructions, materials, and so on.

Resursozberichayucha tehnologiyya - is termed the name of the technology, for some vibrotic processes, it is necessary to use the minimum vitrification of resources and energy, material and technical support, and so on, when you assign a product to a product or product.

The technical preparation of vibrobitvtva is the succinctness of the robots, which are imposed on the strictures and in the ways of the virgin females, and to the widowers of the earlier developmental products and technological processes. Include the project of the new and early acquisitions of the advanced design of machines iz to the customers of the vibrochnits technical documentation; Proektovannya new and vdyskonalennya diyuchih technologicheskih protsessiv; The separation of technical standards; In the course of the new technology. Robots for technical preparation of vibrobitzwas are conducted in galusies of science-doslnichnye, doslidno-konstruktorskih bureaus. On pidpriyatstvah they take the fate of the head designer and technologist, viddil chi bureau planning of the preparation of vibrobitvtva.

Technologiya bezvidhodna i malovidhodna - the system of technological processes, but it is ensured that the complex of natural resources of the industrial products and products is not protected. Necessity of її decommissioning and inprovodzhennya obmovlyuyutsya virishennyam zavdan resursozberzhennia і zharoni navkolishnygo sredovischa. Organizing uninhabited and malovidhodnyh vibrobitvt mozhe bouti zdіysnena on rivnі okremogo pіdpriemstva, promyslovogo complex, galuzі chi region. The scope of such technology is one of the most important day-to-day strains of scientific and technical progress. Їх впровадження забезпечує значний економічний і соціальний ефект.

Fundamental access is a kind of science-based dosage, the goal of recognizing some - you know what you know, vyyavlenya legіv rozvitku nature, suspilstva, myslennya. Їх result - the basis of the implementation of applied applications. Shchob zabezpechiti prisokorennya naukovo-tehnichnogo progress, fundamental doslіdzhennya povinni viperedzhati in svoemu rozvitku prikladnі doslenija, stvojuchuchi for them teorichnochnu base.

Економічна ефективність нової техніки - співвідношення економічних результатів від застосування нової техніки та расходы суспільної праці на її виробництво і впровадження. Nainovisha technics will require great capital contributions to development, transfer in virgin vibrobytsutvo, prosuvannya in the field of ¬її застосування. Prote vona mozhe dates znachny efect. Nova tehnika require a little capital contribution to vpprovazhennya udooskonalennya, yes, obmezheny for rozmiryami efekt, sho mozhe bugi obscheniy u shkrykі strani i shvidko realizovany.

Electronisation of the people's government - the process of widespread galvanization of electronics in the common areas of the people's government. Elektronika is the basis of automation of technological processes, it is important to verify the veracity of program management, calculators and other. Vona сприяє прогресу засобів інформації. Zavshyaki їй has become a canonical part of the realignment of the physical and phisical, astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine. Shiroke zastosuvannya elektronіka moe u bankinskii spravi, raskoskom gosdarstvі, rozdrybnyi Torgіvі ta іnshih galuzah. Tempi rozvitku elektronіki znahodyat vidobrazhennya z zostannі park EOM.


1. Viznacht understand "scientific and technical progress" and "science and technology revolution".

2. Brisk the role of science in the development and growth of productive forces.

3. Analyze the structure of the science and technology potential of Ukraine, the yogo territorial authority.

4. Visvitlit basic problems of reconstruction of the people's state of Ukraine.


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1.   Science is the productive power of suspenstvo.

2. Scientific and technological advancement of yogi vpivv on riven rozvitku vibrobitvtva.

3. Problems rozvitku naukovo-tehnіchnogo potentsialu Ukraini.