Modeluvannya ekonomiki - Vіtlіnskiy V.V.

Controlled by those for negotiation

  • To name the basic chinniki, how to vplyvayut on rozvitok sochasnoї ekonomichnoї teorії.
  • Explain the main rationale for the macroeconomic rivnovagi.
  • Analyze the positive negative sides of the filed of macroeconomic policy in the terms "tsil-zasobi".
  • Explain the essence of "criticism of Lucas".
  • Explain the fiskalny aspect vpivu defitsitsu state budget for the economy.
  • Show us the principle of the possibility of a rude default on the boroughs for a depressed economy. Чому є сутєвою відсутність імісіії groschen?

Temi Abstracts

1. Раціональні очікування в умовах незназначеності та відсутності арбітражу.

2. Special attention to the analysis of the economy.

3. The model of small-scale economic reforms.

4. Model of the policy of the National Bank for Small and Medium Economies.

5. The model of exchange rate for economy.

6. The model of the proposition and the vibrobitva.

7. The model of the optimal viborom mіzh інфляцією та безробіттям.

8. Vzaimodіya rivalcії ta інфляції

9. Lііnіynі modelі інфляції.

10. The model of inflation in the transitional economy.

Zavdannya for self-robotics

1. In the region (14.7) the parameter l, 0 <l <1 for the function f ( K ) = l ( K * - K ) is the basis for economic motivation of rational investors. What is the parameter mae viznachatis (a sign of a sin is guilty of a mother?) For the description of the rational behavior of people in systems with a functional function f ( K ) = l ( K * -K )?

2. In (14.3), the foreign currency shall be taken as the base, the volume of the exchange rate dx 2> 0 shall be equal to the value of the national currency. Yakzscho zhyati for the base vlasnu currency, then dx 2> 0 signify її podorozhchannya.

A. Pokazhіt, scho u ts'omu vipadku matritsyа Yakobі sistemi matime takі signs: .

B. Formulate economical methods, for which you can proactivate the policy of financing a penny dx 1> 0 and the price of the government dx 2> 0.

3. Do not forget the Maybutney mill of macroeconomics є bimodalnim. In one stage, the inflation rate is 20%, and in another - 10% in the long run. How will the value of the process be?

4. Do not forget the logarithm of the prin, the discrete process of the vipadkovan blokannya, tobto vidpovidayu rivnyannu: pt = pt -1 + e t , de e t - vipadkovy process

Show that the process for the moment t is just the actual values ​​of the moment ( t -1), then E [ pt ] = pt- 1.

5. Нехай рівняння рівноваги for real ринку є лінійним:

De дохід дорівнює витратам на споживання і державним витратам.

A. Compute the value of the effects of the fictitious policy (zostannya budgetary nadohodzhen І урявих витрат ) On the рівноважний дохід In pripuschenni addition, scho rinkovaya rate vidtsotka ( r ) є nezminniyu. Поясніть, котрий із цих ефектів переважає та чому?

B. Multiplicator Haavelmo . Pripustmo, scho budgetary polity - neutral, tobto takoyu, scho not zminyuet ovigu rіnovnazhnogo income. Yak u ts'omu razi vzasmodіyut zmіni gains and losses to the budget?

6. Потрібно здійснити аналіз рівняння динаміки боргу For різних економічних ситуацій.

A. Nekhai economist perebuvaye at stanі stagnatsії, tobto increase the real income (GDP) dorivnjut to zero ( a = 0), or the order to sell pozdachi on the valley. Vodnochas uryadovi vdalosya ponnistyu zbalansuvaty svety vytrati vidrati i podatkovi nadokhozhennya, then the first (bezvidotsotviy) deficit to the budget dorivnyuyu zero. Emission is not worth a penny.

Treba vіdshukati traektorіy dinamiki of the power borgo for tsikh of minds. Dinamik borgu bude stіykoi chi nestyaykoyu? Chi zdaten unit rozrauvatsya with burgs?

Yakshto the initial value of the pitomogo borgu dorivnyuet 50% ( Z 0 = 0.5), and the rate of rinkovogo vidsotka r = 0.1, then some obshygіv dosugne pitomiy borg through 10 rockiv? Chi Zomozhe order to pay off the cobweb accumulation of the Borg?

B. Economist rozvivaetsya, albeit the rate of growth of national income (chi GDP) dorivnyuet rynkovіy stavtsi vidsotka, for an apparent order obsurgovuєe own borogi, tobto r = a . Yaksho pochatkova borg dorivnyuє Z 0 = 0,5, and pitomiy profitsit to the budget (5%) to the shorter, then the magnitude of the bid to reach the bogu in 5? 10 rock? Chi in zmozi order to repay the cobblestone borgo and through a term?

V. The detachment of Virichis does not take a poke on the valley , And the size of the pitomite proficite becomes 5% . Of the magnitude z * (rіnnovazhny) pitomiya sostavnyy borg mozhe budi razlichov, yaksho rіznitsya mіzh rinkovoyu vyksotyu vidosotka і tempo increment income - 5% rіchnikh ( r - a = 0,05)? Stretch of a periode mozhe budi rafting rіnnovazhny borg? Chi lie down the terminus of the rational borgu void yogo obyagіv? Від питомого профіциту? Від різниці між ринковою відсотка і rate of growth in income?

7. Nekhay rivnyannya macroeconomy rivnivagi mae such viglyad:

De x-subordination of the succinct income, n-riven the budget deficit.

Якщо виконуться нерівності 0 < Fx <1 та F n <0, then yak budget deficit is imbibed to the basic tax to income? Якій економічній ситуації цеможе відповідати?