Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Vugiln promyslovist - sukupnist vzajmopov'azanikh mizh soboi pidpriemstv z zidobuvannya, zbagachennya biketuvannya kamyanyogo and brown vugillya.

Gazov promyslovist - sukupnist pidpriemstv, scho zdіysnjut vidobuvannya, transportuvannya, zberivannya that crumbling natural gas.

Electroenergetics - galuz promislovosti, scho ekspluyot vibrobntsvu elektroenergii, її transportuvannya, elektromerezhi, kotelnі tіnshі ob'ekti.

Naphtova promyslovіst - sukupnіst підприємств з розвідування і видобутку нафти th associated naphtha gas, zberigannya i transportuvannya nafti, її peremobki; Including naftodobuvnu naftoferebnu promyslovosti.

Plain-energetichesky complex - sukupnist galleys promislovogo vibrobitvtva, yakі zdіysnjut vidobutok paliva, vibrobnitwo elektroenergii, and transportivannya that vichoristan.

The flood-energetic balance is a system of interdependent pokazniki, yaki characterize the oaths and the structure of the vidobutka of the natural water, and that of energy resources, and so are the portents.


  1. Yakі galuzi enter the warehouse of the conservative complex?
  2. Viznachte mіsce of the palyno-energeticheskogo complex in єdinom gospodarskomu complex of Ukraine.
  3. What is the balance-energetic balance?
  4. Viznachte structure of the cloudy-energetic balance of the Ukraine is the most strategic strategy of the yogi.
  5. Describe the hourly stage of the special education of the Ukrainian industrialists.
  6. Give a description of the volcano basin of Ukraine.
  7. To name the problems and problems, then prosvetiv vygvodtuyut rozvitku vugilnoy promyslovost Ukraine.
  8. Describe the special state of the specialization of the naphtha and naphtha pro-peace of Ukraine.
  9. Name the main areas of the vidobutka nafti і оцініть рівень забезпеченості потреб України нафтою.
  10. Проведіть аналіз і зіставлення між соою таких показників, як обсыги видобутку і піляживання нафти в Україні, real demand in the new, can be intermittent, especially the vicarities. Yakis vysnovyvki zither?
  11. Obgruntuyte problems and perspectives for the development of naphtha and naphtha pro-promyslovosti Ukraine.
  12. Describe the day-to-day sta ta osoblyvosti-rozmyschennya gazovoy promyslovosty Ukraini.
  13. Name the main areas of the gas pipeline and the water supply to the consumers of natural gas.
  14. Визначте найбільш актуальні проблемі і реальні перспективи розвитку газової промисловості України.
  15. Viznachte structure vibrochnitsva і spizhivannya електроенергії in Україні.
  16. In what role is the role of electricity in the state complex of Ukraine?
  17. Describe the special nature of the warmth of electricity in Ukraine.
  18. Describe the future of the country's electricity industry.
  19. Describe the fate of the birth of nuclear power plants in Ukraine.
  20. In what did the main problems and prospects for the development of electricity in Ukraine?
  21. Viznachte ekologicchny problems, pozhyana z rozvitkom elektorenektikeki.


  1. Gerasimovich VN, Golub AA Methodology of economic evaluation of natural resources. - M: Science, 1988. - 140 p.
  2. Global Energy Problem / Ed. I.D. Ivanova. - M: Thought, 1985. - 240 p.
  3. Davydova LG, Buryak AA Power engineering: ways of development and prospects. - M: Science, 1981. - 120 p.
  4. Doroguntsov SI, Piirtyshvili BZ . The main directions of the formation of Ukraine's energy policy. - К: The economy of Ukraine. - 1992. - No. 8. - P. 3-8.
  5. Zonova LM US Energy Policy. - M: Science, 1987. - 140 p.
  6. Kuznetsov GA Ecology and the Future. - М: Moscow State University, 1988. - 158 with.
  7. People's State of Ukraine in 1990 r .: Statistical schoornik. - К: Техніка, 1991. - 496 с.
  8. Piirtyashvili BZ Development and improvement of the fuel and energy complex of the Ukrainian SSR. - К: Knowledge, 1986. - 53 with.
  9. Піріаввілі B.   Z. Yakoy will be energetic with a policy, such a camp is our life. - To: Viche, 1994. - P. 47-54.
  10. Reshetnyak A.   A. Efficiency of the development of the fuel and energy complex in Ukraine. - To: Naukova Dumka, 1991. - 124 p.
  11. Розіщення productive forces: Підручник / За ред. Є. P. Kachan. - К .: Vishcha school, 1998. - P. 112-126.
  12. Formation and implementation of Ukraine's energy policy. Cb. Sci. Tr. Ed. BZ Piriashvili - K .: SOPS of Ukraine NAS of Ukraine, 1992. - 140 p.


  1. Місце енергетики в житті суспільства.
  2. Electric power engineering and science and technology progress.
  3. Znachennya netraditsіnikh dzherel енергії.
  4. Сучасний рівень і комплексність використання паливно-енергетичних ресурсысів.
  5. Екологічні by problems rozvitku паливно-енергетичного to a complex.
  6. The role of atomic power engineering in the development of productive forces.