Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Виникнення більшості металургійних заводів України відбулося по суті в останній чверті ХІХ ст. From 1872 to 1899 rubles. Їх було забудовано 14. Part of їх з різних causes in a short hour attached to its існування.

At radianskii period of the development of chorno metalurgy in Ukraine, it was scrolled at a shaky pace. Buli rekonstrujovіі і розширені старі малопотужні заводи - Алчевський, Макіївський, Єнакієвський, Донецький, Маріупольський ім. Ілліча, Дніпропетровський ім. Петровського та ін.

One-hour buly zbudovany so tak giganti chornoї metallurgii, yak " Azovstal ", " Zaporizhstal ", Krivorizky he. V.I. Lenina.

Нині в Україні налічується 50 basic pідприємств чорної металургії, у склаі яких 14 металургійних комбінатів і заводів, 3 ferroalloy plants, 16 coke plants, 6 pipe plants, 8 girnichozbagachuvalnyh kombinativ and 3 main refinery metal structures.

Розвиток металургії як інтегральної галузі промисловості не міг бути забезпечений без одчасного інсивсивного ровитку оргаічно зв'язаних з нею галузей i виробництв, які створююють at once the tight metal complex.

To the warehouse of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine to include a number of pidgaluzey i vibrobitvtv, without which it is impossible to meddle with vibrobits. Cе так так:

  • Vidobutok, zbagachennia і aglomeratsіya zalіznyh, manganese ti іnshih ore;
  • Virobnitsvo chavunu, blast-furnace ferrosplaviv became and rolled;
  • Виробництво електроферосплавів ;;
  • Repeated bulkheads of ferrous metals;
  • Koksuvannya kam'yanogo vugillya;
  • Vidobutok sirovini and vibrobnitsu vognetrivkih budivelnyh materialov (clay, dolomitiv that.), And takozh fluxovyh vapnyakiv;
  • The release of metal constructions.

The metallurgical complex of Ukraine pays for the founding of the river in 1980-1990. At the start with the expansion of intensive economic projects in the Russian Federation, in other regions of the SID, the economic crisis and the economy's collapse, the meaningful shortages of internal metalworking in the heavy capital were discarded and the metal industry promises. For more information, see Table 20:

Table 20



See products



Finished rolling

Steel pipes

Vidobudok ores

Виробництво coke

Million tons

Million m


































































* Statistical member of Ukraine for 1997 p. - К .: Українська Encyclopaedia, 1998. - P. 186; For giving the Ministry of promiscuous politics of Ukraine.

Z navedenih danyh it is visible, scho for ostaninni sіm rockiv rizko vyrobotlosya vyrobnitvo vseh vidіv produktsii metallurgic complex. The crisis in the vocational vocabulary was learned by the short-term view of the coke oven and the vibro cottage. Metalurgy creeks do not pratsyuyut on ponu potuzhnnost. Виробництво основних видів продукції комплекссу - чавуну і сталі скоротилося більш ніж удвічі, rent - майже вдвічі. A vidobutok zaliznoy rudy zmenshivsya Mayge in 2,5 times, manganese ore - more than 2 times in 2 times.

The hourly mill of the Chornobyl metallurgy of Ukraine is characterized by a non-sloughing crisis-recession, which was sharply manifested since 1995. З 50 blast furnaces stole the abo pratsyuvali not on the exertion of exertion 27; Z 65 martenivskih ovens - in the form of 28, z 23 converters - 11, and 69 rolling stations - 30. At okremih factories, the profitability increased to 4-5%. Дніпровський металургійний комбінат ім. Dzerzhinsky became zbitskim, and Makievsky - zbankrutiv.

Suhasna metallurgy is characterized by the presence of plants in the past and the unfamiliar metalurgic cycle. The elementary metalurgy cycle includes virbitnite chavunu, became and rolled. Zavodi nepovnogo cycle smudge, as a rule, one or two of three technologic cycles: virobnitsvo chavunu і stalіі, became and rolled, tilki chavunu, tіlki stalіі, tіlki rolled. Such a rozriv of a different metalurgical cycle osumovlyuetsya riznimi reasons, and Same:

  • Історичними - будівництво завод здійснювалося, vyhodachi z mozhnovostey і tehnichnogo rivnya that hour, and a small potouzhnіst plant did not vimagala large dzherel vodopostachannya that інших ресурсів. For the expansion of the plant in the middle of the hour, the visibility of the reserve terri- tories, the zoning of sanitary plants on the factory, and the pleasant transport calls were drawn;
  • Ekonomichnymi - oriєntatsіya plant on eldi, near the roztashovanni dzherela paliva and sirovini zmіnilasya zv'yazku zih vysnazhennyam, and novy dzherala roztashovany on great viddalyakh, the factory is lapped on the vibrobytnvі tilki one of three tridok vidiv proizvodnoi produkcii;
  • Екологічними - in the large machinebuilding areas and centers, the concentration of the promises of claims, yak zabrudnut natural medium, zekologichnyh mirkuvan, the mother of the shipyard, the factory of the village of vibrobnitsva has become a rental company and has been delivered to the plants.

Zavody pererobnoy metallurgy rozmіschuyutsya in the main in areas rozvinutygo mashinobuduvannya, de nahromadzhuyutsya znachnі vіdіdi metaloobrobki i metalobruht.

At the very beginning of the metalworking plants, єhe ще so is called "small metalurgy". Vona is represented by the workshops in viribnitsvu became and rolled at large machine-building plants, which are made in accordance with the method of the Vicar-statistica vidhodiv in the metal and in the care of the post-construction post-construction material.

Чорна металургія України відзначається високою виробничою і територіальною concentцією підприємств. As a result of reconstruction and expansion of the old factory, the average potency of a metal plant will be close to 2.5 million tons of chavunu, and more than 2 million tons of steel in the river. The main part of the metal in the territory is vypuchaetsya factories potunzhinstyu ponad 2 million tons per pic. Переважна більшість металургійних підприємств України являетсяє субонні потужні комбінати.

Металургійні комбінати України , як і віндустріально розвинутих країнах, є the basic підприємствами галузі. On them zabezpecchuytsya kombinuvannya vibrobitvtva - tehnologichny zv'yazok vplavki metalu koksohimichnim vibromnitsvom, scho spriyayet doyagennenyu bilsh vysokoї ekonomichnoi i ekologicheskoi efektivnosty vibrobitvtva * 1.

* 1: {Take kombinuvannya robi takozh metalurgiyne vibromnitsu mensh ekologichno shkіdlivim. Coke gas, yak is flowing, passing through the pipes to the martenivskiy shop of melting furnace, and the gas is viscous for the coke batteries and the chemical syrup.}

The largest metal companies in Ukraine, the exuberance of some to become 5 million tons or more of metal for the river, "Azovstal", "Zaporizhstal", "Krivorizhstal."

Україна має найбільші в світі металургіні агрегати за їх потужністю. So, napriklad, in Krivoy Rosi sporozheno Naybіlsh potemzhnu domain піч об'ємом in 5000 m3, yak mozhe dates 4 million tons of chavunu for rіk, tobto stіlki, skіlki all Rosіya виробила його in 1913 р. At the other plants, the stagnation of blast furnaces becomes up to 3 yew. M3.

The rostvitok metulurgii in Ukraine in radiansky period was appreciated by the great demigods. As a result of the intensification of the metalurgical process, a wide range of steel nibul was produced in the martenivskie ovens and converters, and in the 80s, the technology of bezdomennoy and bezoksovoe vyplavki metal was actively mastered. І all the same, in spite of the tsyma in Budivnitsvii factory boule admitted serjozna pomolka. Більшість нових металургійних заводів України, як і в усьому Союзі, була зарієнтована на виплавку стаі in martenivskih ovens, тоді як країни Західної Європи віддали перевагу технології більш efektivnogo converternogo vibrobitntsva became, yake zbezpechuyu вищу її якість. У Німеччині, Франції, Българії, Італії більш ніж 2/3 became a vibrator with converters and electric ovens. In the Ukraine in 1997 p. Elektrostal 'and kisnevo-converter steel at once became less than half of the total melting.

The maid of chorno metalurgy was conducting important events of the coke-industry promises. Koksokhimichna promyslovіst є the main warehouse part of the metalurgical complex. Koksohimichnyi zavodi rozmіschuyutsya vidobutku koksivnih kamyanynogo vugillya brands in large metallurgic centers, roztashovany behind the boundaries of the Vughi districts of Donbas. Tsia galuz zabezpechuet metallurgy technologic paliva (coke, coke oven gas), and himicchnu promyslovist - tsіnuyu sirovinoju.

Prior to the revolution, all the vibes of coke in Russia were brewed in the Donbas. In 1929 the river. The ptoma of the Ukrainian vagabond in vibrobitve coke was 96.3%, and in 1940, Won changed to 74.5%. 15.7 million tons of coke was drilled in the north of the country.

For Radyansky period rebuilded and visibly zbilshili his potnuzhnost seni koksohimichnі zavody Makіїvki, Alchevs'ka, Єnakіyvogo, Kramators'ka ta іn. І водночас were going new in Маріуполі, Горлівці, Запоріжжі, Krivomu Rozy, Дніпродзержинську. In the turn of the day, close to Donetsk and Makiyivka (Bulding Station of Avdiyivka), a large coke oven plant was put into operation to consume coke in a metal concentrate area.

In 1965 r. In Ukraine, 35 million tons of coke were bunched, and in 1990, - 34.7 million tons. Naprikinets 1997 p. Yogo vibrobnitsu zanilosya to 16.4 million tons, tobto to the river 1940 r.

The head vibronikom coke є Donetsk metallurgical pidrayon. Він дає більше половини всього йосьго випуску в країні.

Усього в металургійному районі Україі працює 16 koksohіmіchnih zavodіv, z them in the Donetsk region - 9, Luganskiy - 2, Dnipropetrovsk - 4, Zaporizhia - 1.

Significant rozvitku in metallurgy of Ukraine nabuli novy galuzi - pipe and ferroalloy. Vazhlivim factor, a kind of quickening narushchuvannya tubing vibrochnitsva in Ukraine, has become an intensive business of magistral naphthas and gas pipelines of the colossal Radyansky Union in Zahidnu Europe. In zv'yazku s Shvidky zrostannyam popitu the trumpet Especially great dіametra їh virobnitstvo zbіlshilosya not tіlki on Main Pipe Rolling Plant - Nіkopolskomu i Hartsizkomu and second on Novomoskovskomu, Luhansk, Dnіpropetrovskomu Tube-i Makіїvskomu trubolivarnomu plants.

Виробництво феросплавів, необобідних для виплавки чавуну і сталі, забезпечується трьома ferroalloy plants - Запорізьким, Нікопольським i Стахановським.

In the minds shvidkozrostayuchih potreb budіvnitstva largest Promyslova, Transport i nevirobnichih ob'єktіv vinikla GOSTR neobhіdnіst in zabezpechennі їh Oversized metalevimi konstruktsіyami (reinforcing reshіtkami, frames of bridge perehodіv toscho.) W tsієyu metoyu centers metalurgії i vazhkogo mashinobuduvannya - kramatorsk, Dnіpropetrovsku, Marіupolі boule pobudovanі Mainstream plant metal constructions.

Suhasne rozmіschennya pіdpriєmstv metallurgіnogo complex of Ukraine was formed yak in prerevolyutsіyny, so in radiansky periodi. At the site of the metalurgical plants, the most important factors were stored in the basin, such as the maximum distance from the center to the center of the cobble-stone of the coke oven, and also to the great dzherela water supply and storage basin.

By the method of maximum proximity to the base of the paliva, the backwaters in Donbas were coming. A friend of the group was rozmistilas z uraikhuvannami prikladlivyh zaliznichnykh zv'yazyv i z oriєntatsiєyu on the large gerelo vodopostachannya - r. Dnipro. At the shlykhs, the necklaces of ore and potatoes are the most important metal center - Mariupol. Іz vstanovlennyam Zaliznicnovo zv'yazku mіzh Donbas i Krivbasom and takozh pokraschannyam vikoristannya Fuel type in the domain protsesі, yak led to zmenshennya vitrat coke on viplavku odnієї Tony chavunu and mean i vitrat koshtіv on yogo transportuvannya, vinikli spriyatlivі minds for budіvnitstva large metalurgіynogo pіdpriєmstva In Krivoy Rosi * 2.

* 2: {At the first stage, the development of metalurgy for the melting of one ton of chavunu was vitrified with coke bolshe, nizh rudi. Пізніше кількість to the coke for that has changed meaningfully and the naming of the metalurgical plants before the jerel sirovini has become a little bit dotsilnim. For danii chsy the factor becoming as much as possible vplyvovim, azhe vygodovleniy concentrate zaliznyi rudi, zbagacheny up to 62% vmistu hall, razіonalno deliver them to the remote metallurgyyni creek.}

Сучасний металургійний комплекс України майже повністю зосереджений in Донецькій, Луганській, Дііпропетровській, Запорізькій provinces, one of the most well-known metalurgy districts of the world. On the territorial territory of the city, the uranium of minds and specialties rozvitku і rozmischennya galuzey complex look three metalurgicheskih pidrayonyi: Pridniprovsky, Donetsk and Priazovskiy.

Придніпровський металургійний піддйон розташований вздовж правого і лівого береів Дніпра - від Кременчука to півдня Дніпропетровської і Запорізької области. For its znachennyam tsey pidrayon є naybilshim vibrokom became and rolled. On yogo teritorii three large metalurgical establishments were formed: Dnipropetrovsk-Dniprodzerzhinsk, Zaporizka-Nykopolsky and Krivorizky.

In Dnіpropetrovsko-Dnіprodzerzhinskomu vuzlі zoseredzhenі takі Creek: in Dnіpropetrovsku - three metalurgіynih, tube, koksohіmіchny, metalokonstruktsіy, and Dnіprodzerzhinsku - metalurgіyny kombіnat two koksohіmіchnih Creek in Novomoskovsku - Pipe Plant.

In the Krivorozhsky university there is a metalurgical combine, a coking plant, 5 large girnicho-zbagachuvalnyh kombinativ, 15 mines, which are owned by mine operators.

In Zaporizka-Nykopolskomu university there are: in Zaporizhzhia - metalurgical combine "Zaporizhstal", plant "Dniprospetsstal", coke plant and plant of ferroalloys, in Nykopoly - pivdenno-trumpet and ferroalloy plant. Immediately, the Nishopolsky, the Velikotokmaks pidraioni Pridniprovskogo manganese ore basin with pidpryemstvami, yakі vidobuvayut ore, and takozh Bilozerske zalizorudne gorodishche і girnichozbagachuvalny kombinat. The ore of the Kremenchuk monastery is vikorostvuetsya factories Pridniprovskogo pidriyonu і transportutsyatsya is important in Dnipro.

Донецький металургійний підрайон охоплює металургііні підприємства Донецької і Луганської области. Tse basic pidrayon on virobnitsvu coke and chavunu. On yogo teritorii three universities were formed: Donetskko-Makiyivsky, Stakhanovsky-Alchevsky and Pritoretsky.

Donetsk-Makiyevsky university - naybіlsh potuzhny із трьох. Before yogo warehouse incoming Makіїvsky metalurgіyny kombіnat two koksohіmzavodi i Pipe Plant, Donetsk metalurgіyny i koksohіmіchnі two creeks, Avdіїvsky koksohіmzavod, Єnakїіvsky metalurgіyny kombіnat, Єnakіїvsky i Gorlіvsky koksohіmzavodi, Hartsizky Tube-i cable-drotovy Creek. Until a collegiate college, there is a tense complex of waxing material and flux wapkins (Dokuchaevsky, Komsomol'sk, Novo-Troitsk, etc.).

On півночі Donetsk region there is a small Pritoretsky high school near the warehouse of the Kramatorsk metal and coke plant, Kostyantynivsky plant "Vtorchermet" and vognetriviv. Close to the center of the vidobutka sirovini and vibrobnitsa vognetrivkih material - Czasiv Yar, Artemivsk, Seversk, and Raiske.

On the territory of the Lugansk region, a metalworking college was formed, the Alchevsk metalurgical combine with a yogo workshop in the Almazna and Koksokhimzavod mine, the Stakhanovsky coke-chemical and the ferro-creek refinery enter the warehouse. Not far from this university you can see the Lugansk pipe plant.

Приазовський металургійний підрайон включає дві території: місто Маріуполь з його двома металургійними комбінатами - "Азовсталь" та ім. Іllіcha, koksohіmzavodom and takozh i pіvnіchnu skhіdnu Chastain Kerchenskogo pіvostrova de znahoditsya zalіzorudny area i Komische Burunsky zalіzorudny kombіnat, that nevelichky, chastkovo vіdbudovany pіslya vіyni metalurgіyny Plant IM. Voikova. The call of the sea to the piedraion is to be done by sea transport along the Azov Sea.

Nezvazhayuchi on the crises of the mill, the metallurgy of Ukraine is the main supplier of foreign currencies to the power. Vartizst eksportnoi proizvodstva chornoї metallurgii Ukrayiny became in okremi rock 3 billion dolariv. And the її private sector in the fictitious export tripled to the riverbank 40%. In the territory of the SND eksportsituється більша частина металопродукції України.