Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


The process of viribnitz machines is stored in 3 stages:

A) vibroitnitsu billets (vidlivok, stamping, forgings, etc.), z yakih potim vibrolyayut detail and part of the machines. At a price of one ton of finished products, machine-building is necessary in the middle of 1.3-1.6 tons of metal billets;

B) a mechanical block of blanks for the addition of metalographic verstativ and that of the details and models of the Maybut machines. At a time in the shaving, vitrify up to 20-35% of the fine-grained metal, which at the same time with meta-rubble is melted down on metal breakdown devices;

C) storage of parts and parts, the result of the new machine is a new machine.

Suhachnyi machines are stored for a hundred, and then there are thousands of parts and curricula. Внаслідок цього недоцільна, а то і Practically неможлива концентрація їх виробництва on one підприємстві. Great range virobіv scho vigotovlyayutsya in mashinobuduvannі, їh skladnіst and takozh mozhlivіst tehnologіchnogo machines roz'єdnannya on okremі vuzli i detalі sprichinyaє fate in virobnitstvі mashinobudіvnoї produktsії hundreds of companies i organіzatsіy rіznih Galuzo promislovostі. The company is interested in formulating special services and developing cooperative customers.

Spetsіalіzatsіya - form organіzatsії virobnitstva at yakіy vigotovlennya produktsії, її Chastain abo vikonannya okremih operatsіy vіdbuvaєtsya in samostіynih Galuzo i on vіdokremlenih pіdpriєmstvah. W metoyu pogliblennya spetsіalіzatsії of companies i pіdvischennya efektivnostі їh funktsіonuvannya dotsіlnim Je kontsentratsіya virobnitstva unіfіkovanih i vuzlіv parts for cars on skladannya rіznih okremih pіdpriєmstvah.

At the machinebuilding, we also have special services:

Subject, yaka include pidpriemstva, scho vipusayut kintsevu ready product;

Tehnologichna, scho inclusive pіdpriєmstva, yakі zdіysnjut vibrobnitsu napivfakrikativ, blanks, litovu forgings tochno;

The sublethal is that of the university, but it is the release of details, aggregates, universities, sektsiy, neobhidnyh for zibirannya i ucomplektuvannya machines і tjatkatvannya.

Vazhlive znachennia nabuvaє spetsializatsiya pidpriemstv at zdіysnenni repairing robot. Pidpriyatstva obektnoї spetsializatsii є head pіdpriєmstvami, тоді як заводи технологічної, вузлової и подетаальної спеціалізації - суміжников. Pogliblennya spetsіalіzatsії positive vplivaє on efektivnіst virobnitstva, zmenshuє yogo sobіvartіst, robit ekonomіchno vigіdnim zbіlshennya masovogo i velikoserіynogo virobnitstva.

Rozvitok usіh vidіv spetsіalіzatsії in mashinobuduvannі nerozrivno pov'yazany s wide rozvitkom kooperuvannya yak mіzh pіdpriєmstvami the Branch, so i h pіdpriєmstvami іnshih Galuzo, SSMSC Je postachalnikami metal music, Plastics, tires, elektrotehnіchnogo ustatkuvannya, skla, tehnіchnih tkanin i TD Kooperuvannya proyavlyaєtsya in Formulnnyh vnutrishnogaluzevyh i mizhgaluzevikh vibronicheski t vnutrishniororionnyh i mizhrayonneh ekonomichnykh zv'yazyv.

Specialization and co - operation - nayvazhlivіsі straightforwardіng organіazіії machine-building complex. Zokrema, for the needs of a nearby rostashuvannya head pidpriemstva that yoga sumizhnіv stlyamyuyutsya pridmylivi peredumovi for formvanya spetsializovanyh promyslovy raioniV machine-building. Spetsіalіzatsіya i kooperuvannya spriyayut pіdvischennyu tehnіchnogo rіvnya mashinobudіvnih zavodіv, ekonomії sirovini, bіlsh nizkoї sobіvartostі viroblenoї produktsії, masovostі virobnitstva vikoristannya i-line method robot.