Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Mashinobudivny complex - sukumnnist galuzey promislovosty, scho vibrobyayut machine dyskutkuvannya for the needs of the people's government.

Specialization - the form of the organization of the vibrobitvita, in the case of the production of products, the part of the vikonannya has been hammered into operations in self-contained galvanic chi on the visually-impregnated pidpriemstva.

Subdivision of specialization is a matter of the nature of the preparation of the individual, the unit, the institution of detail.

Subject of specialization is a form of simplicity, with a yak on pidpriemstva zoseredzheni vibrobnitsva okremih vidіv і typrozіmіv dvuhvoy produkcii.

Tehnologicheskaya spetsializatsya - polagaye in that, on the pidpriemstvі vikonuyt lishe okremi tehnologichny process.

To ooperuvannya - system mizhgaluzevih, vnutrigaluzevih, mizhrayonnikh, vnutriorionnyh ekonomichnyh zv'yazviv.


  • How to build a car repair on the rope and rozmyschennya productive forces?
  • Viznacht galuzevu structure avtomobuduvannya of Ukraine, especially the principle of rozmischennya basic yogo galuzey.
  • Name the main forms of the territorial and administrative machinery of Ukraine.
  • Describe the science and technology of the machine industry of Ukraine that specializes in rozmyschennya.
  • Describe transportnoe caravanning of Ukraine, yogo znachennya, galuzevu structure that osoblivosti rozmischennya.
  • Describe sylskogoospodarske mashinobuduvannya Ukraine , yogo hourly stan (osoblivostі rozmіschennya), problems that perspective rozvitku.
  • Obgruntuyte basic problems and prospects of machine-building Ukraine.
  • For the additional work of the statistical representative of Ukraine, we will conduct an analysis of the dynamics of the vibrant vibrobitvtva machine-building and the replacement of the yoga pitoma in the structures of promiscuous Ukraine.
  • Визначте галузі машинобудування, для розвитку яких Україна має найкращі передумови і території, де доцільно розміщувати нові підприємства машинобудування.
  • Obgruntuyte chinniki, scho vplyavayut to sip on the production of machinebuilding on the rink of Ukraine and on pidstavi chyogo viznacht prospects rozvitku mashinobuduvannya in tsilomu that okremih yogo galuzey.
  • By the name of the specialization and the co-operation of the vibrobitvit can you glance at the territorial organization of the machine-building of Ukraine?
  • To explain, chi mozhe prichennja vylnyh ekonomichnyh zones vplyuti on rozmіschennya mashinobudnyh pidpriemstv.
  • Що необхідно зробити для мотивалювання залучення іноземних інвестицій і в які галузі машибудування Українії доцільно напрати?


  • Berzin IE, Kalinina NP The economics of machine-building production. - Moscow: Higher School, 1988. - 303 p.
  • Karpunin MG Perestroika and modernization of machine building: the economic aspect. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1990. - 271 p.
  • Kryzhanovskiy BN Potential of machine building. - К .: Naukova dumka, 1994. - 351 p.
  • Economics of machine-building production. - Moscow: Higher School, 1988. - 303 p.
  • Palamarchuk MM, Palamarchuk OM Economical and social geography of Ukraine with the fundamentals of the theory: Posobnik. - К .: Znannya, 1998. - P. 376-392.
  • Розіщення productive forces: Підручник / За ред. Є. P. Kachan. - K .: Vishcha school, 1998. - pp. 139-149.
  • Розіщення productive forces: Підручник / За ред. VV Kovalevsky, OL Mikhailuk, VF Semenova. - К .: Znannya, KOU, 1998. - P. 376-392.
  • Romanenko V. Regionalnye rinki produktsii machine-building in Ukraine // Economist of Ukraine. - 1996. - No. 6. - P. 90-92.


  • Mashinobuduvnya is the basis for the development and production of the productive forces of Ukraine.
  • Сущний стан машинобудування України та основні проблемми і prospect yogi rozvitku.
  • The role of machine-building in a wide range of high-tech technologies.