Держане регулювання економіки - Chistov S.M.

1.3. The sovereignty of the state economy

Naybilsh gliboko obruktuvav neobhidnost sovnogo vplyu on economics English economist John M. Keynes. In 1936 the river. Він publikuvav pratsu «Загальна теорія зайнятості, процені и гроше», пo в ній чітко okrosliv colo specific macroeconomic problems, zapadnuvav zasadnі principle of methodology and methodology of the analysis, formulating the charge of the economical polity of the state.

To the government in economics, the state economy, the state of economy

Z'yasuvannya the powers in economics are the subject of economical sciences. For viznachennya її ролі в економічній лі- тературі використовуться різні терміни: "the state is not attractive to economics", "the state is economical", "the state is in charge of economy", that is.

Наменше відповідає сутності явища such extensions termin, yak «derzhavne vtruchanya v ekonomiku». Він порожує уявлення про насильницьке втручання, навіть з добрими намірами, однієї самостійної системи (держави) в нншу, як хірургічне втручання в оргаізм человени. The real power is not a systemic economy, but a warehouse part.

Economical politics of the state is an element of the worldly power, including the social, humanitarian, defense, eco-friendly and tense lines. Yakoyu b not bula poljatorna politya for its strains, characteristics of those priorities, voie moe bouti kompleksnoyu, ohotplyuvati vsya spheri sispilnogo zhittya. Навіть ті, hto viznaє the basic nature of the economy, not zapeperchuyut great vplyu on neїlіnichnichnyh, social, moral, spiritual, psychologic and other factors. Zabuvati means to add to yourself the ability to efficiently vlytivati ​​on ekonomichny processes.

In the case of legal susinstvennosti n zabezpechennya human rights є head obovzoyazkom power. Кожна людина вільна у виборі економічних, політичних, соціальних інтересів та засобів їх задоволення в межах існомучого законодавства. At the entrance to the Gromadyansky Suspina, de skilki people, stilki i Іnteresiv, the power is one. You can not have "bagato politik", sharahanya in rizny boki, serving the time, sometimes for entertaining. Zasadnoyu basis of the state economy and politics, muyat bouti strategichichnі orgіentiri, іnakse - tse vzhe not polnivna politya. The states are important - the moment of the ignorant (enigmatic) Entourage wolves of the Gromadyans. For the whole of the world, the policy of the capital is granted to the susceptible susceptibility, which is legislated by that organi- zation.

Існує багато viznachen ponjattja «derzhavna ekonomichna politya». Beruchi zagalom - tse і tsilessprjamovany vliv on ekonomichnyi protsessi na macro-іnіkіrіivnі, prеvrаlnya i udoskonalennya minds economical rozvitku vіdpііdіnu to peshnogo suspilnogo I will arrange. At багадоо економічних дослідженнях ponjattja «derzhavna ekonomichna politya» ta «derzhavne rekljuljannja ekonomiki» ototozhnyutsja. However, close to the truth, firmness, scho ekonomichna politsika є tієy zasadnoyu basis, scho na niy base osoblyavlya rulevne reguliulyannya ekonomiki.

The government is responsible for the economy - that is , the organisation and regulatory power of the power at the economic level, the sub-levels of the market, the method, and the order of the effectiveness. The main functions of management are: organisation, planning, regulation, staffing, control.

Manage by a kind of process to begin with, that is, the process of vioco-silencing yak pivny ob'ekt. For vpplyu nyogo z the method of realizatsii potrybnyh tsіley stlyovoyatsya vidpovіdna organizatsiya. Organizatsiya zdіysnyuє planyuvannya zahodiv, sprymovanyh na dosyagnenya tsil. If the body is organized, it is indicated that the plan is to be implemented, the rules of the dermal organ of the dermatologist must be established in the interstices of the planned visits. Pідбираєється staff, building zdіysniti nііchen. Vinică dinamika control, yaka need postyynogo control.

Отже, регулювання є однією з функцій управління. However, the induced lancium has the weakest letters. First of all , the secrecy of special agencies (power bodies) for keruvannya with socially-economical processes is negatively affecting the state finances. In a different way, for zmishanoye ekonomiki vplyv on socially-ekonomichnyi protsessi zdіysnjєyatsya, yak rule, for dopomoyu indirect (oposeredkovanih) metodіv.

Ob'ekti ta sub'eakti of the state regulation of the economy

The rule of regulation of the economy can be seen from the theoretical and practical point of view. In the theoretical view, the rule of law of the economy (DRE) is the system of knowledge of the law, the law and the rule, and the rules of replicating the types of methods that compel the power on the hedge of a socially-economical development, spinning to the bottom of the state economy.

The rule of the economy is that of the partial process of the creation. Yoga is subject to the need to explain myself to demand that the self-regulation of the self-regulation of the economy be applied. DRE - we clean the suspilnym goods, spozhivachami ioche є vs sobiennosti sospilstva, sub'yak gospodarjuvannya, gromadskyi organizatsii i t. P. Tsey the goods peretvoruyutsya saspilne blessing in this case, if the rule of regulyuvannya zabezpechuet ekonomichnu efektivnist і sotsіalnu fairly.

Ostannim hour nabuv poshirnya termin "dominavna regulyatornogo politya." According to the day, the signifies polarity in the sphere of DRE.

Concrete, straightforward, tidy, methods, the scale of DRE is viznachayutsya character and gostrotoy sotsіialno-ekonomichnyh problems at the edge in particular period. Tobto DRE mae gnuchko reaguvati on zmіni, yakі vidbuvayutsya in ekonomiki.

Folding theoretical problem - viznachennya obekta DRE . Doslіdzhennya naukovtsіі і practicality діяльність powers in the tiі sphere flies away fragmentary, noncomplex character. Nayibilsh is the aggregate of the DRE state е an eco-system of the state, the toto of the state regulation of the economy and the macroeconomy ти themselves. At zvjazku zim methodologicheskoju to a basis DRE є ekonomichna teorii i peredovsim macroeconomy.

Ob'ektami DRE є takozh: ekonomichnі pіsistemi (economy of regions, people's complexes, galusies, sectors of economy, stadії відтворення); Socially-economical processes (economic cycles, demographics, employment, innovation, science and technology progress, ecology, conjuncture, etc.); Відносини (кредині, фінансові, зовнішньоекономічні тощо); Rinki (goods, services, investment, securities, currency, fund, capital, etc.).

The folding of the names of the names of the states in the state regulation in the form of an organization is, as a rule, an occasional confusion of the powers to the function of the development of the systems, processes, investments, markets and so on. Without averaging the rule of the state regulation of property (installments, pledges, Organizatsiy), state power bodies, home governments.

A practical glance DRE - the sphere of the power for the people directly on the leader of the participants in the financial transactions with the method of protecting the priorities of the state economy. Vvazhaetsya, scho the original sub'ektom of the state regulyuvannya лю lyudina (gromadyanin). In democratic suspilsti gromadyanin (spizhivach) vyslovlyue y zahischaє svoї іnteresi yak viborets for the addiction to the mechanics of voting. Ale viborzi bezsedrednio obsolayut not strains socially-economical polotiki abo methods of zaobi DRE, and more than a warehouse organov in state power. Otzhe, the sub-criterion of the state regulation of the economy, the state in the state powers (the president, the parliament, the rank, the administrative admissions).

For rozv'yannya folding socially-economical problems, privatized privatization of private, collective ones, those susceptible entrants and formulations of thought out, the country can get the science, establish, political parties, gromadskiy and re-organizing organizations.

Wadi Power

Realization of socially-economical polity, vibirom method, and zabolev DRE to be located in the dyalnost of the state apparatus of the Urakhuvanni Vad (nedolikiv) powers. Wadi Power - tse її нездатність забезпечити ефективний вплив на розподіл обмежених ресурсів та невідповінність політики розподілу обмежених ресурсів поширеним у суспільстві уявленням про справедливість. Vidilyayut chotiri grupi factor, yak negatively vplyivayut on obruktuvannya ta realizatsiyu derzhavnikh upravlinskih rishen in the sphere of DRE.
1. Interchange information. Застосування будь-яких інструментів ДРЕ має ґрунтуватися на аналізі можливих наслідків прийнятих рішень. There, de not vistachaє obektivnih danii, scho uemozlimllyu prognozuvanovannya result in sufficient dostovirnistyu, slid, yak rule, umrimuvatisya vidmirnogo sovereign vtruchannia in ekonomiku.

2. Unsecuredness of the power to control the reaction of counteragents on the її дії. Struggling of the state in the economy can cause negative returns to the past (eksternalії).

3. Nedoskonalimal polichnichnogo process. Pid vplyvom vibortsiv, a group of special interests (lobi), polichnichnyh manipulyatsіy i t. P., The power organizations zastosovuvati inadequate methods of regulation and the self to conduct a non-effective policy.

4. Interference with the control of the state apparatus. The particularities of the institution of the bureaucratic bureaucracy are not ineffective, the function of economics, the zokrem, is to bring up to the above-mentioned zoning of the administrative office of the unjustified budgetary budget.

For the real economy of a typical situation, if it is one-hour mute wit and wadink, and wadi vtrevnogo vtrychanya. With tsimu poslubiti vplyv some vad Nichastishe mozhna lishhe posiljayuchi vplyiv інших. Приймаючи економічні рішення, слід зіставляти налідки впливу вад ринку й держави, shoob vysnachiti optimum form that between the sovereign regulyuvannya.