Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.

Materially-predotovy complex

Materially-motivating complex . Zabezpechuet materіalnі umovi zhittya populated. Yogo by the warehouse parts га galuzevi pidkompleksi (Zhitlovo-komunalny, predlitovy, torghivli, gromadskogo kharchuvannya that іn.), Yakі zaprijayut zlіlshennu vіlnogo chasu populyarnya y yogo ratsionalnomu vikoristannu, pidvistchennu kultury igratu, zmenshennu scales and work of home government. Покращання житлово-комунального обслуговування забезпечує необобідну a basis for відтворювального process, positively впливає on шлюбність, народжуваність, зміцнення здоров'я the population.

Zhitlovo-communal complex is pleased with the consumption of people at life. The total housing fund in Ukraine is 10,000 million sq. M. Of natural land, in addition to the number of states, the collective housing fund and the fund of housing and communal services, 292 million sq. M., And 7,106 million sq. M. Are to be privatized by the private property of the Gromadyans. Міський житловий fund to become 604 million m2, Silesian - 367.5 million m2. In the countries of the states, the Suspilny Zhitlovy fund and the fund of the housing-and-everyday cooperatives, it is necessary to become a third-tier, and the housing fund in the special power-tretinu. In sіls'kі місцевості the picture of the Mayzh is antiseptic: the life of the fund in the individuality of the Hromadians is close to 90%, while the state budget is 10%.

Serednya zabezpechenist residents of the residential area of ​​the rozrawnku for one resident in the cities to become 18.7 sq. M. Of plots, and in the silo area - 22.6 sq. M. At the 1997 r. The residents of the city had a 2.1% share of the same number, which were on the housing market, against 9.2% in 1990. Maintained upstream zabezpechenіst population Zhitlo in mіskih settlements Luganskoї, Donetskoї, Dnіpropetrovskoї, Kiїvskoї i Cherkaskoї areas and sіlskіy mіstsevostі - at Vіnnitskіy, Kiїvskіy, Cherkaskіy, Hmelnitskіy, Kіrovogradskіy, Chernіgіvskіy, Zhitomirskіy, Poltavskіy, Sumskіy i Dnіpropetrovskіy areas. Із загальної кількості сімей і одиноких 130,8 тис. To be on the region in the state fund and fund of the ZhBK.

On the hourly stage, the development of the vital population was affected by the trend towards the complex zabudovyh neighborhoods. Zrostaє pitoma vaga zhitla, motivated by innovidualnymi projects, scho vrahovuyut consumers of different vestments of the population. It is necessary to live with yak lives, so і допііжних приіщень, розширюється budівництво будинків for new standard projects with flats of full-fledged planning, but let the people settle down in the piled up population inhabited by the living space with the basic elements of landscaping. For sільської місцевості types of вірядковані (переправчно цегляні) are single-verbatim tuppoverhihi будинки присадибного type з господарськими будівлями, більш поним набором комунальних послуг. Застосування нових будівельних матеріалів, перехід до будівництва жиди будинків з кракращним плануванням, а and takozh for the projects of the new generation have allowed not less than the fullness of the exploited anchorages of the boudinques, ale and the visions of the visions of the bugs, the meadow and the syllable. It was more inhabited quarters of those suspilnyh tsentriv, yakі mayut virazny arhitekturnyi rishennya.

For the rural landscaping of the living in the local settlements, that sylvic landscape is vistrable. Сільські житла гірше забезпечені газо, центральным опаленням, водопровод, канаізацією, гарячим водопостачанням, ванны. Nykrashchy riven landscaped the living fund to mew the new city and sanatorium-resort centers.

At the 1997 r. The State Guesthouse of Ukraine was represented by 1,373 hotel guests on 58,464 rooms with a residential all-room number of 1002 thousand. M2. One-time hotel accommodation became 119 803 sq. M. The prostitution fund is not sufficient (the number of people living in the city has become less than 0.22).

Obyag zhitlovogo budivnitsvva in the rest of the rock znivizsya. Yaksho in the 1990's. Zbudovano pіdpriemstvami і organizatsіami vsekh forms vlasnosti zagalnoi ploshchі zhitla 17.5 million m2, then in 1997 r. - 6.4 million m2. At the 1997 r. Powerful pidpritemstvami і organisatsiyami introduced in the exploitation of 20% zhitla, z them for rahunok kostyv pidpriemstv і organizatsiy - 81%. For polіpshennya rіvnya zabezpechenostі population Zhytlo neobhіdno not deprivation zbіlshiti scale zhitlovogo budіvnitstva, ale i bіlshe uwagi pridіlyati kompleksnіy zabudovі population punktіv, іnzhenernomu ustatkuvannyu, rozshirennyu vulits, budіvnitstvu dorіg s keep talking pokrittyam, kanalіzatsіynih vodoprovіdnih lіnіy, sanіtarnіy ochisttsі, osvіtlennyu vulits, zbіlshennyu kіlkostі pіdzemnih perehodіv , Budivnitsvu ob'їznih dorіg tochno. Farther pidvishchennya efektivnostі zhitlovogo budivnitsvva obmovlyuє neobhindnost znachnogo pokraschannya yakostі budinqіv u vіdpovodnost y zapitam riznyh vistv naselenya i sotsіalnikh grup. Вирішенню цього питання має сприяти широкий розвиток житлово-будівельних кооперативів та індивідуального будівництва на крединій основі so that you can turn into більшості країн Заход. At the same time, the social norm of the guaranteed hav- ing of the skin of the skinheads, the skin families for the rakhunoks of the kostyanovs is necessary.

The galus of the motivational service is borrowed from one of the provinces to the service population, and is ruled out by the yogic functional voice in the creative process. The development and improvement of the motivational service of the population are responsible for the disappearance of the minds of the inhabitants, the distribution of the material well-being of all localities, the population of the regions, and the globokan developments that are all well established. On the tsiu galuz, the niggard of the perverse oath of paid attendants falls. Галузь об'єднує більш ніж 20 окремих, досить самостійних підгалузей, які істотно відрізняються один від одної. Funktsionalnom priznachennya kozhno z pidgaluzey nastilki rizne, sho tse obumovlyuє specifіchnі sobibovostі і in technical equipment Ії підприємств і забизві, іх іх технологічному та оргаізаційному забезпеченні. The range of functions and pidgaluzey, yaki to enter before the courtesy of the service, is broad.

For the remaining rocks, the structure of the viribnitswas of the main views of the premeditated services in the territory is postponed to the structural changes in the popula- tions of the population. The company is attracted to the podvilshuu pidvistchennu step by step, the satisfaction of the population's needs in the economically significant types of courtesy service. Zrostania obyagіv spozhivannya udaloviksh ambassador in the tilom ta nabiblsh efektivnykh z them naprovozhuyutsya pidvishchennyam narodnosposdarskoї efektivnost igrutovogo obeslugovuvannya populjennosti v tsilomu. Підприємства галузі надають поселенню понад 900 видів послуг. Oblag realizatsii iglotovih has served the population of 77.2 billion UAH., In addition, the number of Silesian enterprises - 175 million UAH. Oblig realizatsii zamotovikh the service for one resident is 14.2 і 10.7 UAH. (Table 44).

Table 44

Pobutov services to the soul of the population in Ukraine from 1995-1997. (UAH, in actual prices) *

See the servant





In addition, the number of the syllables

Всеі надані послуги





In addition, the number of repairs that індивідуальне пошшиття взуття




0.0 & gt;

Repair і індивідуальне поштятя одягу





Індивідуальне пошитя і в'язання трикотажних виробів




0.0 & gt;

Repair of radioservice equipment, machinery and equipment, repair and preparation of metaworks





Repair і технічне обслуговування транспортних засобів





Repair and preparation of furniture




0.0 & gt;

Хімічна чистка і фарбування




0.0 & gt;





0.0 & gt;

Repair і будівництво житла (flats)









0.0 & gt;

Lazen and shower




0.0 & gt;

Persuaci perukaren





Sales offices




0.0 & gt;

Transport services





* Statistical member of Ukraine for 1997 p. - К .: Українська Encyclopaedia. 1998, p. 289.

In the case of a perverse nature, the servant of the Naibilsha site falls on the transport services, repairs and maintenance of transport vehicles, repairs and repairs of the apartment, repairs of the radioservice equipment, machinery and repairs, repairs and visualization of metal objects.

For the remainder of the rock, there was a tendency to expand the scope of such services, repair of motivation, repair and technical maintenance of transport intercompany.

Nadannya rostavovih has been subjected to strict localization. The namavishchy pokaznik shchodo nadaannikh igzhg on one resident pripadaet on Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizka, Kharkivska, Kyivsko ta pivdennyi region of Ukraine. Vnutrіobosnі vіdmіnostі zoumovleni perch for all osoblivostyami rozselennya, tobto teritorialnoy concentration of the population.

Підкомплекс побутового обслуговування зазнає постійних змін. There are new features, in the number of specializations, to fabricate factories, tristes, obedinnya, a measure of complex priymalnih items, vskokonalyulyutsya starі ta prokvodzhuyutsya novy formy and visobogovuvannya. In the great transport universities, in the inhabited microcosmions, in the massacre of the visor, on the great podprimenstvah rosshiryuyutsya diyuchi i z'yavlyayutsya novyi pіdpriemstva sluzhby pobytu.

Complex Torgovlі і Hromadskogo Kharchuvannya is pleased for all the special needs of the population. Rozdibnyy commodity turnover vysnachaetsya otnagom sale of the settling goods to the population through rozdrybnu trade to the least of the harsh landscapes with dyichimi pidpriemstvami nezalezhno vіd forms viasnostі, but also by promises, by transport and by those non-traded goods without population through the peninsula. Obogalny oshyg rozdrybnogo commodity turnover state and cooperative trade (including gromadske kharchuvannya) becoming in 1997 p. 19 933.1 million UAH., In the number of state trading - 2328.8 million UAH; 1833.9 - private and 14 870.4 - kolektivnosti tn. Turnover of bulk hurchuvannya in the zagalnoy obyazі rozdrybnogo commodity turnover, becoming 17 435.1 million UAH.

Наприкінці 1997 р. In the Ukraine it was 1275 yew. Підприємств роздрібної торгівлі; On 10 yew. The population of the trade area of ​​residential buildings grew to 1919 m2, and the bulk of the khachuvannia - 468 sq. M.

In spite of the perverse nature of the commodity turnover of foodstuffs, 64% became non-food, 36% - non-food. Turnover per person from 1997 p. Becoming 374 UAH., In the number of food products - 238 UAH., Non-food - 136 UAH. At міських поселеннях commodity turnover becoming 489 UAH., And in сільській місцевості - 130 UAH. Сільське поселення значну кількість товарів купує в міських магазинов.

Wide rozpusyugzhennya nabuvaє sales of non-food products in komіsіynih і komertsynyh shops, at auction.

Goods turnover роздрібної торгівлі відображає один з аспектів рівня життя населення - купівельну спроможність. Differential trade turnover, it falls on one man, explain for all the functional villages of the settlement, we will identify the economical-geographic positions, the populated area, the densely populated locality. Найвищі показники роздрібного товарообороту на одного человену харакні for metro Киева, Автономної Республіки Крим, Донецької, Харківської, Запорізької, Одеської і Львівської области. At Tsei, the representative of the meaningful flock of the mantle neodnakov reach the population in the regions of the region, the unstable rozpodil of trade and commerce, and the unchanging of food commodities in the same way. In the villages, for example, realize less than the product of harshchuvannya in zv'yazku nayavnnistyu pisdobnih prisadibnih gospodarstv.

The structure of food products is very important to me: m'yaso i m'yasoproditi, confectionery virobi, hlib and hlibobulochna products, zukor, milk and dairy products, and in the structure of non-food products a nibbilshu pitovomu vagou become a partner of cultural-incentive and gospodar's confession (mebel, odag, bilizna , Jersey, vzuttya, fabrics, light cars). Deco re-selling the goods of cultural-incentive and gospodar's confession (hominics, radiodines, pianos, photoapparatus, refrigerators, pralines and sewing machines).

The main product of commodity resources is promism. Optovі kontorі і basiсідійснють the basic tenders зв'язки з промислоістю, купують сільськогосподарську продукцію і напрають її in роздрібну мережу, створюють товаріні reserve.

Розіщення об'эктів громадського харчування it is often not zbіgаєється з розміщенням об'єктів торгівлі. Slid pam'yatati, scho pіdpriemstv gromadskogo kharchuvannya nalіchuyutsya is significantly smaller. However, the rest of the hour, the number of cafes, restaurants, buffets, snacks, rozmischeniks of the headwaters of the capital city and the village, near Moscow, on bus stations and railway stations, in the central parts of the population, in the region of the functioning of the road, the road to the highway.

It is not necessary to create a store of goods (fіrmovіh, storeів-складів, комісійних), but thе pідприємств hromadskogo kharchuvannya, especially shvidkogo obeslugovuvannya.

Especially important is the social and economic significance of transport (zokrema, the services of the passenger transport). On the hourly stage, the role of shvidko prodovuzhu zrostati in the world rozshirennya scales saspilnogo vibrobitvtva, podalshogo pogliblennya teritorialnogo podilu sspilnoy praci, rozvitku productive forces okremih regiioniv.

Sered sysіh vidіv transportnыh sgіg basic understanding of the longevity їх structurії non-perervennі zostanіnі pіtomіo vagi has served the automobilіn of the repaired passenger transport and stіykogo znіzhennі zaliznichnogo i vodnogo.

As a result of the planar expansion of the landmarks of land use in Ukraine, the settlement of the population with different species of zvozyka was visibly grown. Zrotanja tzogo otpaznika svidchit pro pidvishchennja stupa dostavnostі posl tsієї галузі. Tendency until the middle of the middle navantazhennya one pidpriemstvo, naybіlsh іmіvіrno, positively вплине на якість обслуговування підприємствами галузі.

Pідкомплекс зв'язку складається із взаємопов'яних paragraphsів і підприємств, ліній і вузлів, які забезпечимть процеспередаі information; Points of contact are represented by telephone calls and telephone stations. In the past, the call, as a rule, is rozmischeny posta, telegraph, telephone.

In Ukraine, there is a wide range of functions (17 tis.) For businesses and businesses. Telephone and telegraphic call - the main form of calling people in places. The main domestic telephone equipment of the foul playground in 1997. Nalichuvalo 6479, in addition to the number of settlements in the settlements - 5592. Telephone numbers are installed and installed, apartments in apartments and villages in villages. In the city, there are automatized points of call, there were 12880, 2467 of them - міські. Residency of the population with home telephone sets is 37 for 100, money telephones are 27 for 100 thousand. Population.

Complex zv'yazku include all kinds of calls, radios and television, special services for repair and installation of utilities. Pidpriemstvami zv'yazku in 1997 p. 1220 million copies of newspapers and magazines, 359 million sheets, 17 million telegrams, 2 million messages, 1,101 million telephone calls (including international calls) have been handed over to the public.

In the future, you can rozvivati ​​telephone calls to the Persh Chergo in the Silk Region, pidvishchuvati rіven automatizatsii, prokvazhuvati bіlsh доскосколу апаратуру, електронну та сортувальну техніку. All tse tspriyatime not deprived zlіlshennju obyagіv that assortment of the service, and th pidvishchennu їh anchor.