Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Ukraine Got bearing-down sirovinnu base for hіmіchnoї promislovostі, tobto reserves mayzhe vsіh vidіv mіneralnoї hіmіchnoї sirovini: vugіllya, natural gas, naphtha, sіrki, karbonatnoї sirovini, kuhonnoї i kalіynoї salts, titanium ores toscho. Z of the main types of mineralogy in the region are left untouched by the genera of phosphoric sirovini (vidomi lishe neznachnye gorodovsha phosphoritiv and apatitiv).

About the stock of the Vughillya, gas and naphtha in Ukraine, it is reportedly displayed in the Temi, which is attached to the Palynoenergetic complex. Zupinimosya on the characteristics of the new species of himic sirovini.

Ukraine is practically non- existent in the storage of kitchens (10 billion tons), more than half of them fall on the Artemivsko-Slov'yans'ka birthplace Donbas. Solyani plastic zalyagayut here on glibinii vid 80 to 500 m, їх потужність місцями reach 20-28 m. Wongs rozroblyayutsya miner way with the hat "viluzhennya" soli zavimnim vikachuvannyam rosols. Soliani of the plight of the native monastery is far away from the capital for the Donbas interchange - it is important for the territory of the Kharkov region. Here naybіshy іnteres u majbutnomu mozhe mati Єfremіvskі monstrosity. A number of great families of kitchens in Zakarpattya. Z them for a long time raskrolyaetsya Solotvinskoe the birthplace (mine vidobutok). Значну цінність для хімічної промисловості мають stock salt Північного Криму. Wongs are represented by a self-planting syllume, and by the rivet of the Sivash lakes. In the warehouse of the remaining roschini salts natriyu, magnesium, bromine, iodine, titanium, tin інших цінних елементів. Widely mastered the salts of Krima, the prophets of the pioneering rock began to feed.

In Prykarpattyi there are a number of genera of calylic salts , which are to be supplied to the vibro-chloe without chlorine fertilizing and magnesium. The grandeur of the monasteries in Ivano-Frankivsk (Kalush) and Lvivska (Stebnik) regions is rozroblyayutsya.

Україна має дуже великі родовища самородної сірки, що відкриті at the turn of the hour in Prykarpatty. Cе так так родовища, як Роздольське, Яворівське, Немирівське (Львівська область), Глумаєвське (Івано-Франківська область) та ін. On the basis of the first two ways, great promises of support. Використовуться також відходи коксохімічної промисловості.

Shcho stosuєtsya rozvіdanih zapasіv fosforitіv, SSMSC ydut on virobnitstvo phosphate Welcome, then, yak vzhe zaznachalosya vische, stink obmezhenі and їh vikoristannya to ostannogo hour otsіnyuvalosya yak maloefektivne. So, naybishe Krolevetskoe the birthplace in the Sumy region through gliboka zalyagannya phosphoritic pritatne lisha for rozrobki expensive pidzemnym way. At the same time, yaksho the genera rozroblyati comprehensively (vidobuvati glyboko roztashovany phosphorite and cement sirovinu, sho її prikrivaє), then vno can mother promislovy enteres. Yak phosphoric sirovina mozhut bouti vikoristani apatite rudi, widely represented in the interiors of the Ukrainian crystal shield, and nasampered in the interiors of Dnipropetrovsk and Zhytomyr regions. With tsiomu vitrati on її rozborku mutut bouti nizhimi, nizh on import kol'skih (Rossiya) apatitiv. In Ukraine є у наявності реальні геологічні і економічні передмови для виявлення і використання нових родовищ фосфорної сировини.

On the territory of Ukraine, a number of great titanic ore ores have been planted. Yak rule, stench nalezhat up to metallurgic sirovini, ala vodnochas їх slіd rozglyadati і yak hіmіchnu sirovinu, to the same wo vnichnym mirovu vikoristovuytsya for vibrobnitsva pigmentnogo dvoikisu titanu. The main rocks of titanovyh ores are in Zhytomyr and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Silovina for vibrobitvita titanovih barvnikiv є y soli Sivashsky lakes.

Sirovina carbonate (Kreid, vapnyak), scho vikoristovuєtsya in hіmіchnіy promislovostі, Je have bagatoh mіstsyah Kraina (Prichornomor'ya, Donetsk-Pridnіprovska nizovina, Donbas toscho). Zabezpechennya of Ukraine is a kind of sirovini for hіmіchnoy promyslovostі not є problem.

Хімічна promislovість використовує in the meaningful signings як сировину і промислові відходи. Vony stolyamyutsya at the most important oksyagah in the active galuzah promyslovosty (nasampered in chorny that kolorovіy metallurgii, naftoopererobtsi, televichi elektroenergetitsy, litovski promyslovosti tochno). In tsomu Especially vіdnoshennі slіd vіdmіtiti koksohіmіchne virobnitstvo on bazі yakogo s vugіllya (of order s coke, a blast scho napravlyaєtsya virobnitstvo) otrimuyut bagato іnshih tsіnnih produktіv: amіak, tar, benzene toscho. Velikі koksohіmіchnі zbudovanі creek near the main spozhivachіv coke - metalurgіynih zavodіv - at bagatoh mіstah Donbas i Pridnіprov'ya: Gorlіvtsі, Donetsk, Makіїvtsі, Avdіїvtsі, Alchevsku, Stahanovі, Єnakієvі, Marіupolі, Dnіprodzerzhinsku, Dnіpropetrovsku, curve Rozі, Zaporіzhzhі.

Kombіnuvannya koksohіmіchnogo i metalurgіynogo virobnitstva daє digit ekonomіchny efekt, oskіlki at tsomu domennі Ghazi vikoristovuyut obіgrіvu for coke ovens and visokoyakіsnі Ghazi - to require tehnologіchnі stalevarnih i rolling tsehіv metalurgіynih zavodіv, of companies hіmіchnoї promislovostі i gazifіkatsії punktіv population.

Vazhlivim postavalnik sirovini for chemically promyslovosty mozhe servits naftoperebrobna promyslovist. With a visually insignificant vidobutku naphtha in the region (approximately 4 million tons) in the ni зна зна зна зна зна зна зна зна зна зна. Velikі naftepererobnі zavodi, sho pratsyuyut head rank on імпортній нафті, розташовані у Lisichans'ku, Kremenchutsі, Odessі, Khersonі. At the same time їх потужності for цілей хімічної промисловості використовуться is not enough.

In the past, unaffordable in the presence of an excruciating syrovinnoy basis, the nature of the supply of sirovini (natural gas, apatite concentrate, syruppy pyrite) and synthetic rubber (synthetic rubber) is very characteristic for the region. It is especially badly embedded in Rozvitok galuzi in the rest of the rock at zv'yazku in the transition to zinc and venezhninym nedoskonalim legislated schoda їх регулювання.