Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


On a monthly basis, the socially-economical development of the Ukraine is underway with the help of 100 krainyami svitu. Провідну role at розвитку зовнішніх економічних зв'язків України відіграють країни близького зарубіжжя. The most important trade partners of Ukraine are: Russia, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere.

The structure of the country's tourism is geared to the special economy. In 1997 the river. In the structure of the country, chorni metali virobi from them (38% of the total export of Ukraine in 1997), food products (more than 9%), ore and mineral fertilizers (8.0%), products of commercial production (more than 10% ) That product is machine-brewing (13% -13%). In the airport, the mineral oil was handled (min. 46%), the nuclear reactors, the boilers for the electric power industry (more than 11%), the products of the new cars (9%), the production of commercial vehicles (more than 8%).

Внаслідок впровадження mode вільної торгівлі з країнами СНД і Балтії звнішньотогорговельний balance з цими країнами Істотно покращується. Ninі pitoma vaga zovnіshnototorgovelnogo turnover zimi kraineami pereishchuet 63% vid zagalnogo tovarobogu, in the number of eksportu tsei pokaznik syagaye 60%, and for importu - bolshe nizh 65%.

The main trading partner of Ukraine is Roslyska Federatsiya, on the yak, half of the zagalnyh tendencies of trade in Ukraine fall. Росія задовольняє майже 100% consumers of Ukraine in годиниках, sewing machines; It is delivered to the part of the passenger cars, caravans, radiosprilmalnyh pristroїv, progravachіv, vіdeogomnіtofonіv, personal komp'yuterіv, odyagu, vzuttya, fabrics, cellulose, synthetic rubber, products of Kolorovo metallurgy, ribo and riboproductiv, are satisfied with Mayzha 4/5 consumers in pieces, May 90 % Of consumption in naphtha and naphtho products, 70% of consumers in natural gas; Part-by-lot deliveries of electric power and types of rent.

In the export of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, the Chorni metali, the yakis are satisfied with half of the consumption in them in the face of Rosii, and such pipes, manganese ore, tractors, sylvskospodarska technika, rolled steel utilities (in the number of blast-furnace and steel-smelting), metal-and-wood, woodworking, excavator , Automotive cranes, amyak, cement, buses, slopes, televisori, cassette magnets, refrigerators, virobis of gold, platinum tare, tsukor, oli, m'yaso i m'yasoproditi, milk products.

In the remainder of the rock, the growth of the export of Ukraine to the rest of the Republic of Kaliningrad Radyansky to the Union, in the number of the remaining two or three rockies, export to Bilorus zris Mayge to Tertina, to Moldova - 1.6 times, to Georgia - more than 10 times, to Uzbekistan - in 1,6 times and so on.

Ukraine has a positive attitude towards the balance of Belarus, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Estonia. By the way, Ukraine is great for trade with the balance of Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan.

Крім країн СНД і Балтії, Україна розширює звнішньоекономічні зв'язки з багама розвинутими країнами світу. In the remainder of the nation's exports exports, Ukraine has raised to China ($ 1.5 billion in May, or 10% of the pegged export), Turechcini (700 million USD, close to 5%), Nimeccini (Mayzhe $ 600 million ., Abo 4%), Italy (close to 3%), Poland (Mayzhe 3%), Ugorshchina and the United States (more than 2%), Slovakia (2%).

Naybіlshі імпортні deliveries to Ukraine to get over from Nimeccini (more than $ 1.3 billion, or 8% of the zagalimo import), the United States (700 million USD, 4%), Poland (more than 3%), Italy (Більше ніж 2%), Франції (майже 2%), United Kingdom (1,5%), Чехії, Словаччини, Угорщини, Куби та ін.

Сущна зовнішньоекономічна політика України it is cramped on the form of a new trading regime with a subordinate integration before the social and economical space with the sham of the post and soviet zobilishenya step of the vidkritostі natsionalnogo ekonomiki. Persh for all vobachaetsya:

  • Підтримка національних товаровиробників with a whirlwind of vicarities of international legal mechanics zahistu Іх інтересів на сітовому ринку;
  • Prikorennya ekonomichnih reforms by harmony of harmony of economical legislation before the system of trade (GATT / COT);
  • Зняття технічних bar'єрів у торгівлі з провідними країнами - members of СТО (US, ЄС), розширення торгівлі з якими забезпечує nadegzhnya currency, stimulate the development and technology of the promyslovost, protect the vineyard of the vineyards, and protect against the hardships of unincorporated innocence.

One of the main zavod shodo rozvitku zovnіshnіh ekonomichnyh zv'yazyv Ukraії є zabezpechennya prosunvannya vіdіvі of Ukrainian virbitnіtva na novіі зарубіжні ринки. One-hour robitimetsya all mozlive for zhreberzhennya traditional rinkyv Ukraine with powers, which were set on the theaters of Kolyshny Radiansky union. Саме ці країни в найближчій перспективыі повинні бути найбільш are privatized for the Ukrainian export. The rozvitok gidnogo trade-economical співробітництва з them є one з prіоритетів України в звнішньоекономічних зв'язках.

Аналіз structurіі іsіngів звнішньої торгівлі України за останні роки сідчить about those who are in the territory of СНД і Балтії набільше зріс товарообіг при випереджаючому збільшенні обсягів експорту.

Vazhlivim for rozvitku vzaєmovigіdnih torgovelno-ekonomіchnih zv'yazkіv s kraїnami LICs that іnshimi kraїnami svitu Je zmіschennya spіvrobіtnitstva s emphasis on state-sponsored rіvnі to spіvrobіtnitstva on rіvnі gospodaryuyuchih sub'єktіv Shlyakhov stvorennya spіlnih of companies, transnatsіonalnih Promyslova-fіnansovih group, virobnichih korporatsіy that іnshih gospodarskih structures .