Держане регулювання економіки - Chistov S.M.

3.4. To hold the yawning zakolb zadovolenya sovrevennyh consumption

The Sovereignty of the State Presence

Derzhavne zamovlennya - tse zasib sovereign state economy, a kind of peredachaє, in the first place , formovannya on kontraktnіy (dogovіrnіy) basics of the warehouse, that of the products of production (robot, service), neobhіdії for the satisfaction of the state needs, that, in a friend , розіщення державних договорів на поставку (Purchase) of products of the means of support (installation, installation).

The legal basis for the function of the mechanization of state procurement in Ukraine is to establish the Law "On the Supply of Products for Power Needs" (1995 p.), Decree the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the order of formulating the order of state holders for the supply of products for the state needs of control over their vikonanns", "About (Tenders) in the spheres of state purchases of goods (robot, service) "," About the securing of goods and services for goods and services (robot, service) for rakhunok koshtiv. To the state budget, and to loans, to receive a guarantee, to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, "інші Regulatory and legal act.

Organіzatsіyna robot schodo vprovadzhennya derzhavnoї polіtiki sferі in government purchases zdіysnyuєtsya Mіzhvіdomchoyu komіsієyu s power regulyuvannya zakupіvlі tovarіv (robіt, poslug) for Reigning required when Kabіnetі Mіnіstrіv that Upravlіnnyam government purchases at Mіnіsterstvі Economy and takozh vіdpovіdnimi pіdrozdіlami іnshih Central Reigning organіv. At the regional level, the robot is built up in the form of a structural pillar of the economy of the powerful administrative administrations.

Power Consumers

The power of the estate is the instrument of the satisfaction of the states of need. Derzhavnі require - tse require Kraina in produktsії, neobhіdnіy for rozv'yazannya sotsіalno-ekonomіchnih problems pіdtrimannya oboronozdatnostі Kraina that її BEZPEKA, stvorennya th pіdtrimannya on nalezhnomu rіvnі Reigning materіalnih rezervіv, realіzatsії Reigning i mіzhderzhavnih CCU, zabezpechennya funktsіonuvannya SET sector zagalnogo sovereign upravlіnnya.

Перелік видів продукції (робіт, послуг), необхідних для забезпечення державних потреб, viznachaetsya Кабінетом Міністрів. Цей перелік формається на підставі політики державних prіоритетів, досліджень коньюнктури внутрирішнього та зовнішньогого ринків, заввня макроекономічних планів (программ). Він може вклюти: озброєння; Військову техніку; Budivnitsvo nayvazhlivshih sverhvnyh ob'ektiv; Rozvitok systems zvyazyka uz informatiki; Transporting waggons and passengers in different types of transport; Fundamental research; The increase in reserves of cinnamon kopalins; Food; Забезпечення функціонування Establishment соціальної шари та оргаів державной управління і т. Ін.

Material Balance

For obryuntuvannya resursnoї zabezpetochenostі sistemvnyh needs Management of state procurement of Ukraine's Economy unites the products of material consumption and products of products that are of interest to the products, which are included to the balance sheet of the state program of economic and social development of Ukraine.

On the 2000 p. Rozroblyayutsya balansi popita і propositsії, scho ohotpljuyut produktsiyu vospitalnogospodarskikh kompleksіv ta galusey ekonomiki: the tear-energetic complex (7); Metalurgical complex (2); Хімічна промисловість (5); Woodworking industry (2); Promislovist budivelnih materіalіv (3); Machine-building (5); Easy promyslovist (3); Agroproblems complex (8 products). In Table. 3.4 is imposed on the stock of the planned balance of popu - tion and supply of cement for 1999.

Ninі, if in Ukraine there is no problem, the problem of non-payment is that the marriage of the turnkeys, popit and supply to the inner market is not meant to be real needs of the partner, but yogo by the financial opportunities. Otsnika will become a material vibrobitvtva, and the tim bishe prognosis yogo rozvitku on pidstavi materialovnyh balance, vobodbrazhayut situatsiyu, sho folded at the time of the balance sheet. At zv'yazku zim vobachachytsya schokvartalne refined materialnyh balance sheet on pіdstavі zvіtnosty Dzhykomstatu. Відповідно здійснюватиметься роробка пропозицій стосовно вжиття необхідних заходів для стабілізації та оптимізації матеріальной виробництва.

Table 3.4





Names of articles

yew. T


Names of articles

yew. T





Vlasne spozhivannya



Import, at once



Exports, at once


The number of:

The number of:


З країн СНД та Балтії



At the edge of SND, the Baltics



Зінших країн



Вінші країни



Інші надходження



Інші consumer






Zamovniki that vikonavtsyavstavnyh zamovlen

Reigning zamovnikami Je mіnіsterstva, INSHI tsentralnі organic derzhavnoї vikonavchoї Vladi Ukraine, Rada mіnіstrіv AR Krim, oblasnі, Kiyivs'ka i Sevastopolska mіskі derzhavnі admіnіstratsії that place the, upovnovazhenі Kabіnetom Mіnіstrіv ukladati derzhavnі Kontrakty s sovereign vikonavtsyami of order.

The main functions of the sovereign zamovnikiv є: competitive vidbir vikonavtsiv stern zamovlennya; Ukladannya sverhvnyh contractov v vikonavtsyam stern zamovlennya; Guaranteeing payment for the vikonavtsyam of the state-of-the-art products, yak to be supplied for the satisfaction of the statesmen's needs in the minds, and be valued by the state contract.

Derzhavnі zamovniki mait the right to the pre-basic principles of the delegate to a part of its functions in accordance with the requirements, establish that organisation on the grounds, and be recognized by the order.

Wikonavtsyam of the state domination є sub'єcti gospodarskoї діяльності all forms of power, yakі vigogovlyayut і and deliver products for the power needs to the minds of the established state contract.

For vikonavtsіv sovereign of order, zasnovanih povnіstyu abo chastkovo on derzhavnіy vlasnostі (Reigning of companies, is the SET organіzatsіy; aktsіonernih tovaristv have statutory fondі yakih controlling stake aktsіy nalezhit derzhavі; orendnih of companies, zasnovanih on derzhavnіy vlasnostі) and takozh for sub'єktіv gospodarskoї dіyalnostі Ukraine of all forms of power - monopolis on the goods market, holding on the supply of products, obekvyazkimi, yakshcho vikonannya sovereign zamovlennya not zbuda zbitkiv designate vikonavtsyam.

Derzhavnі contracti

Stosunki Mizh zamovnikom ikonavets and regulate the contract. Derzhavny contract - the process of stowage by the holder of the sovereignty of the country with the vikonavtsem of the state dovgovlennya dogovir, in which I vyznachayutsya ekonomichnі ta legovі zobov'yana stіrіn і regulyayutsya vzаmovіdnoni mіzh zamovnikom i vikonavtsem.

Deliveries of products for the satisfaction of the statesmen need to be financed for rahunok koshtiv. To the state budget, that is the dzherel fіnansuvannya, scho залучаються для цього. Obligi koshtiv for the purchase of an approved product in the law on the state budget of Ukraine for the current rik ta viznachayutsya vyryadom poddpіdnimi rіshennyami about vikoristanny pozabuzhdentnikh dzherel fіnansuvannya.

In the 1999 p. In Ukraine, the fіnnsuvannya of the state mаdіvlіnіya zdіsnіnya zdіysnjuvalosya for such strains: pіdgotovka фахівців, науково-педагогічних та робітничих кадрів; Zavdanya at the sphere of culture; The launch of a friendly product; The supply of expensive metals; Sustained increase in stock of corysonal copals; Supplies of products of vibrochno-technical recognition; Carried out inventory, land management and land conservation; Procurement of agricultural products; Fundamental research; Інші роботи та послуги.

Ostannnye rock was a feature of the trend of change in the financing of the state secession. Sjogodnyi yogo pythoma vaga in the vitratny part of the state budget of Ukraine is close to 1.5 percent.

The guarantor for zobov'yazannami stavnovnyh zamovnikіv є Kabinet Mіnіstrіv. Він визначає і затверджує: державних замовників; Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Central Organ of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, to coordinate the robot of the powerful deputies of the supply of goods, to form the state of consolidation and to adjust to the zamovniki zbalansovanі z financial resources of the supply of products for the contracting of goods from the vikonavtsi.

Produktsiya, shcho vykonetsya vikonavtsyam derzhavnyh zamovlen, maee vidpovidati obovyazkivim vimog dervomnyh standardov te іnshim umvam, peredabachenim contracts.

Етепи конкурсного відбору виконавців державного мовлення

To the method of effective vikoristania of the main financial resources, the alignment of the competitive middle ground to the market and the preservation of the uninhabited zavischennu tsin zavovniy zamovnik zobov'yaniyakh zdіysnyuvati competitive vіdbіr vikonavtsіv through conducted trading. Held a trade - obovyazykovym, if vartist bought zavisivel 10 tis. UAH І more.

The competition is a form of the resignation for the supply of products (vikonannya robot, nadannya ambassador), yaka vobabacha vibri of the applicant with the insignia of the yogic proposals. The applicant is a potential potentiator of the state power of the state, sub'ekt gospodarskoi diyalnosti be-yakoy form vlasnosti, a kind of pidstverdiv naimir to take the fate of the competition і and submitting (not zabirayesya filing) tendernі propositsіїї.

Contest vіdbіr виконвців здійснюється for such stages: formnannya competitive komіnetu; Unhappy about the contest; Попередня кваліфікація претенів; Tender of tenders; Оцінка й порівнювання тендерних пропозицій; Viznachennya peremozytsya competition; Contracted to the contract.

The form of the competitive committee in the country is not less than the importance of the authority-the deputy. Prior to the comet, the representatives of the zamovnik are invited to enter, and in times of need, the representatives of the ministries of the central and local authorities of the vikonavocha vladi, the organ of the moscow self-adverb. Head of the committee є kerivnik organizatsii-zamovnika neko vnovnovavena him persona.

Ogoloshennya about the contest held publikuyutsya not пізніше як for 30 days to the back of the contest in the newspapers "Uryadoviy kur'er" abo "Voice of Ukraine" and in the unearthly press. Information: The name of the address of the Zamovnik; Stislij the product description and the vimog of the zamovnik; Date of submission of information for the rotation of candidates; The date of the finalization of the tender documents and the contest held; Roz'asnennya shodo order of holding a contest that ín.

Попередня кваліфікація претенів здійснюється з метю визначення списку претенів. For a competitive competition, an anonymous information (claim, questionnaire, etc.), I will hold a candidate, viznachaє on її basics of technical, organizational, financial, medical, and medical assistance. Skinnyi iz zastverzhenykh pretender is required to solicit the request before the contest, and takozh tenderna dokumentatsіya. Tenderna dokumentatsіya - tse komplekt dokalіv, yak mistit іnformatsіyu about the subject of the pampering, uvovi ta vimogi to the warehouse of tenderne propositsії і т. П.

Submitted tenders of proposals to participate in the contest at the address of the competitive committee. Tender of proposals - tse proposozcіya schodo povnogo ob'ekta prochevli, yaka gautuyutsya i nadeatsya to the contest by the applicant before the tender of the tender documentation. Tendernaya propositsiia maє vmischuvati dani shchodo vartosty vikonannya to contract, toto sumi koshtiv, for yak the applicant is zgoden vikonati pomoshi competitive zamovlennya.

Оцінка і порівнювання тендерних пропозицій здійснюється the competitive committee behind such критеріями:

  • Нанижча ціна за умови забезпечення необхідної економічності та ефективності продукції;
  • Найвигідніша з економічного погляду тендерна пропозиція з урахуванням різних критеріїв її оцінки: ціни; Date of delivery; Efektivnosti vitrat; Anchor; It is of these functional characteristics; Ecology cleanliness; Післяпродажного обслуговування й технічної допомоги; Brains of roses; Обсягів застосування місцевих ресурсів; Mozhnolistiy ekonomichnogo rozvitku, sho vіdkryvayutsya zv'yazku z realizatsii yu tendernykh zakazy, zayuchyuchi pidvishchennya інвестиційної activity, rozvitok підприємництва, stimuljuvannya zanyatostі naselenya tochno.

The bailiff of trades is guilty of being delinquent in the tender documents of the criterion, yakі vіn mе nіііr zastosovati for viznachennya peremozhtsya.

Viznachennya peremozhtsya the competition zdіysnyuet competitive komitet z urahuuvannami visnovku spetsialno borrenoi ekspertnoї sake. Protocol rіshennya komіtetu zatverdzhuyetsya zamovnikom. The results of the contest are published in the press.

Dedication of the state contract. Pidstavoyu for ukladannya contract with the Russian competition є zastverdzheny zamovnikom protocol rіshennya competitive komі.

Perekazuvannya koshtiv Derzhavnogo budget for the payment of contracts, stowage from the post-commissars - peremoztsyami Torgov, zdіysnjuyutsya through the head of the management of the territorial agencies of the State Treasury, through the banks, on pidstavi zvіtu, hardened by the Ministry of Education and Science of Economies and Trade, about the results of the bargaining (in terms of procurement) Дорівнює або перевищує суму, еквівалентну 100 тис. Доларів США) chi to the protocol (if the number of purchases becomes 10 thousand UAH to sumy, the equivalent is 100 thousand US dollars).

Слід зазначити, що в Україні переважна частина державних закупівель товарів здійснюється the pose of the statesmen of the state secession. Насамперед, це стосусується закупівлі товарів іноземного виробництва. The finance of such purchases is due to the lack of kotororis in the Utriman authorities. So it became through those laws of the law "About the supply of products for the people's needs" to broaden the list of veterans of the posts. Tomu is a nagal demand in the legislative support of the function of the system of state procurement, yak syogodnyi regumentuetsya normative-legal acts of the class. Tse krok dast mozhnivist realizuvati namiri Ukraini shodo інтеграції до системи Vsesvitnogo organizatsiia torghivlі (WTO).

However, the entry to the WTO can not be done by the self. Він is guilty of adhering to national interests. Питання, яку стратегигію обрати: протекціонізм chi rivaltosprostomnіst - має вирішуватися в контексті prіоритетів звнішньоекономічної політики.