Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.

3.2. Statistical displays of insurance

Up to absolute displays of insurance cover: insurance field ( N max); Number of insured objects ( N ); Number of insured vipadkiv ( n in); The number of objects, nos suffered ( n n); Insured sum insured lane ( S ); Insurance of the sum of goods, they suffered ( S n); Insurance payments (insurance premiums, insurance premiums) ( P ); Sum of insurance premiums ( W ).

Insurance field - the potential of potential insurance companies in the form of insurance.

Insurance vіshkoduvannya - tse wage insurance insured (obrimuvachu) zavnichi chastkovkoi sumi zbitkiv. The rozmіr of insurance vіdshkoduvannya to be deposited in the two chinnikіv - insurance syumi and the insurance zbitku. Insurance Sum is characterized by the scale of insurance operations, tobet in a kind of rozmіrі is insured by that іn іnshy об'єкт. Її rozmіri viznachayutsya, z one side, vartisnoyu otsіnkoyu ob'ekta uchahuvannya, іnshogo - mozlivostyami і pobazhannami strakhuvalnik. Vidnoshennya insurance sumi to vartisnoї otsinki insurance characterize the insurance zabezpechennya, yak not mozhe peresvishvati 100%. Insurance zbotok is itself vartitsnu otsinku zapodіyannyh insured vtat.

Існують різні системи визначення розміру страхового відшкодування. Fundamentals of the method are the same as the proportionality of the advances. At the time of the insurance coverage, the insurant insists that the vipchuchyetsya in the rozmіrі zapodіyannyh zbitkіv, or not more than the insurance sumi. In the case of a proportional system, the insured person must be insured against insuring against the proportionality, the risk of insuring a sum of money and the insurance cover of insurance.

Insurance payments - tse pererahuvannya koshtіv insurer insurance. Wongs can be done once a day. The payment of insurance payments is made on the basis of insurance tariffs - payment for insurance. Insurance rate відображає ціну страхування. Tse basic competitor of competition on the insurance market. Chim more sheltered insurance, chem less than vitrathi insurvika, tim lower insurance rate of the insurance and the amount of bolshe mozmolisti for zaluchchennya noviks klієntіv. The insurance rate, the abortion rate B , is stored in two parts: the net rate of C , the loan is paid for the insurance premium, and the farnishment f , the loan is insured, the insurant's viturance, and the income of the yogi. Net-rate to be deposited in the pockets of the insurance companies in the insurance policy (on the basis of statistical data on the insecurity of insurances and in the middle of the collection of insurances on one sub-level), that is, insured persons who are hunted by the sight of insecurity.

The basis of the tariff plan is the net rate ( C ). Tse on dayi planova zbitkosti s Insurance Sumi. Vona is characterized by rozmіr відповідальності страховика. Chim menshy Tsey pokaznik, tim efektivnisa yogo diyalnist. Показник збитковості зажить від частки об'єктів, які suffered, тобто вірогідності insurance vipadku ( n ; N ), the middle rozmіru insurance vіshkoduvannya ( Net bets ) And in the middle of sums of insurance of objects ( Показник збитковості ).

Otzhe, ostentatnik zbitkostrosti rozrahovuyutsya for the formula

Показник збитковості .

For viznachennya planned rozmіru net-rate zastosovuyutsya dinamichnyi number osozniknikov zbitkostі.

Planned net-rate ( N ) for the formula

Planned net rate ,

  • De The actual amount of insurance is in fact - in the middle of the actual zbitkovost s Insurance; S - the middle of the square; T - кефіцієнт пяності відхилення, залежний від заданої ймовірності Р :

At P = 0.682 t = 1;

At P = 0.954 t = 2;

At P = 0.997 t = 3.

The gross rate is due for the formula

Gross rate ,

De f - a part of the navantazhennia in the gross-rate, yaka rozrahovuyutsya on the basis of the data about vitrati insurance organisatsiya and її pributok.

On the practice of zasstosovuyutsya tariffs, how to differentiate inferior to the parameters in the risk. In addition, the insurant can varivayuti tarifi і for rahunok znizhennya base rates, intermittent pributok, zaluchati bilshu kilkіst klієntіv i tim pіvishchuvati vlasnі dodi.

On the basis of absolute values, the following are displayed in the same way:

  • Mid-day insurance insured insurances ob'ektiv Mid-day insurance insured insurances ob'ektiv ;
  • In the middle of an insurance sum, Average insurance sum ;
  • The middle of the redemption of insurance premiums The middle of the redemption of insurance premiums ;
  • Part of the objects, yaki suffered ( n : N );
  • A widget of insurance payments in the form of insurance for payment ( W : P );
  • Insurance payments in the form of insurance for insured assets ( P : S );
  • A display of the insurance value of the insurance ( q = W : S );
  • Stepyn hoeplennya insurance field d = N / N max;
  • Frequency of insurance vipadkiv d in = n p / N ;
  • The average amount of insurance premium was The average amount of insurance premium was ;
  • Кефіцієн важкості страхових подій Кефіцієн важкості страхових подій ;
  • Кефіцієнт фінансової сталостсті Кефіцієнт фінансової сталостсті .

Osobliva uvaga pridilyayatsya rozraunkuku insurance rates: net-rates і brutto-rates, dinamitsy shots of robot insurance organizations.

Розглянемо використання показників страхування on such butts.

Приклад 1. Маємо дані страхових организаізацій район про добвільне страхування майна громадян:

Insurance field ( N max) - 256 250;

Кількість укладених договоів (кількість застраховх об'єктів) ( N ) - 102 500;

Sum of the insured lane ( S ), yew. UAH - 198,350;

Nadіyshol insurance vneskiv ( R ), yew. UAH - 2800;

Insurance of payment ( W ), yew. UAH 1680;

Kіlkіst об'єктів, що suffered ( n п) - 2050.

Viznachit showers, yaki characterize the disability of insurance organizations.


1) Stupin hoeplennya insurance field:

D = N / Nmax = 102500: 256250 = 0.4, 40%.

2) Frequency of insurance vipadkiv:

D в = n п / N = 2050: 102500 = 0,02, but 2%.

3) Medium of Sum Insured:

Sereda insurance sum yew. UAH

4) Sum of insurance premium summed:

Sereda Sum Insurace Insurance UAH

5) The average amount of insurance premiums:

The average of the sum of insurance payments UAH

6) Rate of payments

Rate of payments 60 per cent.

7) Zbitkovist insurance syumi:

Sumitovism insurance Sumi .

8) Co-ordination of insured insurances:

Коефіцієн важкості страхових подій , Or 42.35%.

9) Коефіцієнт фінансової сталостсті (з довірчою мовірністю 0,954, for anchor t = 2)

Коефіцієнт фінансової сталостсті

Chim Menshiy Tse koefіtsієnt, tim stabіlnіsh fіnansovyi stan.

Applied 2. Result of robotics of insurance organizations in 1 pivrіchchі are characterized by such giving:

№ organізації

Insurance premiums, million UAH.

Rate of payments

Виплати, млн грн.

















1) the average rate of payments;

2) the absolute amount of income insurance operations;

3) відносну дохідність.

Rozvianna :

1) The number of payments for an arrangement:

Rate of payments .

The average rate of payments is:

The average payout ratio , 40 per cent.

2) Absolutely sums of income are deductible yak rіznitsya vneskіv і виплат:

D = 1600 - 640 = 960 million UAH.

3) Відносна дохідність (відсоток дохідності) дорівнює:

Відносна дохідність 60 per cent.

The value of q can be multiplied by:

К д = 1 - К в = 1 - 0,4 = 0,60, нo 60%.

Приклад 3. Маємо дані страхових організацій about kindly insured lane, yew. UAH .:


Basis Periode

Potokniy period

Insurance sum

Of insurance

Кефіцієнт збитковості

Insurance sum

Of insurance

Кефіцієнт збитковості












84 000







140 000




1) індивідуальні індекси збитковості on the skin area;

2) the index of the average zbitkost in the two districts:

A) warehouse warehouse;

B) stocked warehouse;

C) structural vesicles.


1) iq = q 1 / q 2.

In the area of ​​1: iq = 0.8928, abo 89.3%, tobto zbotkovіst changed by 10.7%;

For area 2: iq = 1,25 - zbitkosti was grown by 25%.

2) Індекси середньої збитковості:

А) Індекс середньої збитковості змінного складу дорівнює:

Індекс середньої збитковості

Tobto zbotkovіst zbіtkіlі zlіshilas' for rahunok vplyvu dvoh factorів: зміни кефіцієнта збитковості та розміру страхових сум.

Tsey indices can be taxed by making changes to the sum of the payments with the insurance surcharges on the payment cards: W = Sq .

Тоді індекс середньо збитковості змінного warehouse матиме вигляд:

Індекс середньої збитковості ;

Б) Індекс середньої збитковості фіксованого складу дорівнює:

Індекс середньої збитковості фіксованого складу Abo 105.8%,

Tobto zbotkovist zbіtkіstіv zbіlshilas' for rahunok zbіlshennya zavisvіh vіpplatі (збитковості);

C) vpliv rozmіru insurance sum on the dynamics of the average zbitkostyi vivchaetsya for допомогою Індексу structural zrushen:

Vpliv rozmіru insurance sum 104%.

Serednaya zbitkіість zbіlіshilas for rahunok zrostanya sumi in the first district.

The index of structural zrushen can be distinguished, the vikorovoychichi vzaimozvvazok indeksiv:

The index of structural zrushen .

Applied 4. Dinamika zbitkostosti on insurance of a special lane is characterized by such display:









Збитковість зі 100 грн. Insurance Sumi, cop.








1) seredniorichny рівень збитковості;

2) net-rate (from the discount rate of 0.954);

3) gross rate, yakshcho vidomo, scho privantzhennya for danim kind of insurance become 20% ( f ).


1) Середньорічний рівень збитковості дорівнює:

Середньорічний рівень збитковості Cop.

2) The net rate is to be calculated for the formula

C = q + t • s,

Net rate

The annealing, C = 9 + 2 • 1.789 = 12.578.

3) The gross rate is calculated for the formula

Gross rate .

The oil, Gross rate Cop.

Nayvazhlіshim zavdannyam statisticov osobistogo ukrahvannya роз rozhraunok odnorazovyh tariff rates for prezhivannya, on vipadok deaths in the ryznim row of land і vidichi payments.

One-time net-rate for life expectancy is the formula:

One-time net rate ,

De One-time net rate - a one-time net-rate for live-in for an individual with viscous rockies for rows of tones; Lx +1 - чисеність осіб, які live to the line закінчення угоди; Lx - chisselnost osib, yaki live up to the age of insurance, that yaki was laid for pleasure; V - discount multiplier; S - insurance of sum.

A one-off bet on the vipadok is a death, a term that is vibrated to the singing lines. Вона дорівнює:

One-time bet on suicide bombers ,

De nAx - a one-time net bet for death vipadok for an individual in the vine of x rock in a string of n strips; Lx - the number of people insured against insurances; Dx, dx + 1 - the number of posts, yakі vmirajut through the long period of insurance.

Roshraunok tariff net rates vikonuetsya z vikoristannyam tables of mortality and median triviality zhittya. For practical rozraunkіv rozoblenі spetsialnyi tabatі komutatsіynikh numbers, in yakih mistyatsya pokazniki z tablits korotnostі, discount rizhniki і rozraunkovі pokazniki (komutatsіynі number). Warehousing tables in two types: for survival and for death vipodok.

Applied 1. Viznachiti for the individual in the case of 42 rock, one-time net-rate (zi 100 hryvnia insured) on the surviving line for 3 rock:

А) використовуючи discount rate at the rate of 3% (for the formula tEx ),

B) for giving komutatsynyh numbers (div.table.).



Чисельність осіб, які доживуть до віку x років

Numbers of numbers

At a time

On the vipadok death

Dx = lxVn

Cx = dxV x + 1



28 283



11 103




561 222




91 473




10 877



25 583



10 757



24 676





90 096


433 410










87 064


346 215



Primitka. The discount lot is raised at a rate of 3% of the richest. Sum of komutatsynnyh numbers accumulated postopovoz of the table.


a) Sum of komutatsіynikh numbers UAH;

B) Discount Multiple Abo 90.123 UAH. Зі 100 UAH.

The lack of clarity is explained to the roundups of komutatsіynikh numbers.

Attachment 2. Vnazachiti one-time net-rate for death vipadoki for individuals in vіtsі 40 rockів a string on 2 роки, використовуючи дані таблиці.


When the number of people in the table is equal to the net-rate of pre-privatization:

For vicarious comitic numbers Abo 0,799 UAH.

Applied 3. In the course of the periode, the average number of pricyuyuchih on pidpriemstvi bula 200 osib, z yakih vibrochnichi traumas distali 10 osib z vratoyu prazsezdatnosti 120 people-dniv.

Viznachit pokazyki rіvnya travmatizmu:

1) the frequency;

2) importance;

3) koefitsynt nepratsezdatnostі (kіlkіst people-dnіv nepratsezdatnostі on one працюючого).


1) frequency of injuries (HH) = (Number of offenses, yaki suffered: Serednospiskova chiselnіst pratsyuyuchih) • 100 = (10: 200) 100 = 5, tobto 100 pritsyuyuchih 5 osib rebounded injuries;

2) importance of traumatism (VT) = People-day non-labor: Kilkost neschasnikh vidadkiv = 120: 10 = 12 days;

3) кефіцієнт непрацздатності (Кн) = Кількість днів непрацздатності: Середньоспискова чисельність працюючих = 120: 200 = 0,6 days.