Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.


4.1. Ponyattya loan і zavdanya yogo statistic vivchennya

The loan is a system of economic measures for the mobilization of people in the economy in the economy of the poorest countries and in the world of consumerism. The loan is granted to the gospodartskim organizatsiyam and the settlement of bank establishments on the conditions of tsil'ovogo vikoristania, termіnovsti, plostnost i povorostnosti.

Credit - ekonomichnі vіdnosnini, scho vinikayut mіzh creditor і pozhchalnikom z privodnu ostanzhanja ostanennja pozhalnіm posjchki v groshovіj abo prodazhnyj formi on umovah poverennja in pevnyj strings i zvichajno zі plastoju vіdsotkiv. Існує three forms of credit: commercial, banking and government.

A commercial loan is granted to one of the sales organizations in the sale of goods with payment. Він має commodity form is issued by a bill.

Bank loans are given to banks in the form of small forms, population and state. Loans and advances to banks and banks are not interdependent with respect to the remaining positives, even when they are self-employed in voglyadi vneshstv on streaming and depositary rahunks. The sphere of credit for the bank of the shirsh, the commercial: commercial loan, loan service, goods, and bank account - accumulated capital. Banking and commercial loans are strictly repaid by me. To be targeted in the commercial banks that are subject to those accredited loans that are due on the same promissory notes. Bank loans are classified for lines and types.

The special form of credit is the state credit , for which the creditor is the creditor, the power is abolished by the government, and the loan is put into the forefront, and it is implemented, in the main, through financial and credit establishments. Derzhavny loan vikoristovuyutsya for pokrtya parts of the countries of the world, and takozh regulyuvannya ekonomiki.

An acceptance loan is one for a loan, one that is used by commercial banks with its own cli- nites. On vіdміну від obedience to the credit, шо надається billholder (oderzhuvachu коштів on the bill), the acceptance credit отримує bill of exchange (the payer under the bill), який виступає the guarantor ambassadors. The credit of the bank is made out for the vicarities of the promissory note. In the document, the vystavnik vkazuet platnik, yakiy is guilty of accepting a bill, tobt dates to pay a fee. Clinte vystavlyaet on the bank a promissory note. The yogo bank accepts for the payment until the line of payment is paid to the bank account. Deposit in the bank is necessary to clear the bill. Poschalnik (promissory notes) may vicaristy acceptances by bank veksel yak plizhnyy zasib for kupіvі goods, pay your own zobov'azan before the other creditors, a region in a bank.

Oblіk bills can mozhe buti zdіysneno at the bank, scho yogo accepting. At such times the bank is not a guarantor, but a non-repayable lender. Oskilki I guess accept credit - pennies bills of note, banks visyvayut vimogi up to the level of klієntіv. Yakshcho poshchalnik not vikonav svoїh zobov'azan before the bank-guarantor for the bill of exchange, bank zdіysnyuє vozmogu vimogu up vekseleldavtsya z onstupnim primusovim stjagnennyam borgu z poschalnika.

Revolver credit - a loan, which is so zasosovuyetsya national and social markets poschkovyh kapitalyav. Він надається в межах встановленого ліміту заборгованості і строів погашення automatically, without additional negotiations between the parties to the loan.

Onkolniy credit - korotkostrokovy credit, scho poveratyetsya poschalnikom for the first vimogoyu bank. Onkolniy credit is to be used by commercial banks, as a rule, pid zabezpechennya oblgatsіy, vekselіv, інших цінних паперів і товаів. Pozhashuetsya poschalnikom zvichayno z povrezhzhennyam for 2-7 days. The rate of payments on the on-loan loan is lower, lower for the line items. Onkolniy credit vvazhaetsya naylіkvіdnіshuyu statuteyu activeu banku nislya kasovoї gotivki. Onkolniy credit zasosovuyutsya banks for regulyuvannya credit posyіїї, and takozh pіdtrimki neobhіdnogo рівня ліквідності bank.

Oblіkovy credit - nadaetsya banks with ob.slugovovannі pliіnogo turnover klієntіv. Він випливає з бисельного обігу. A bill is a grotesque document, but a memorial of zobovtsyannya vekseledavtsya abo vkazananoї him an individual to pay for the singing lines for singing a bag. The credit of the loan is made in the banknote of the bill, for a certain amount of money - yogo clay. Claynt oderzhuet groshi in formi gotivki abo by a refusal to a rakhunok. Transfer of a bill to the bank shall be made with a notice and a credit (transferable to the letter on the document). Oderzhuvachom kostyv on endosovannomu bills the bank. Tsya operatsiia moe nazvu "oblik vekselіv". The bank can make a bill of exchange before the line of yogas repayment (pre-announced before the collar is finished). In times of need, the commercial bank can, in its own way, re-bill the bill from the central bank with an analogue of the rank.

To the region in commercial banks to apply visokoliktivnye vecelі. At zv'yazku zim tsim perevaga nadaetsya promissory notes, in the fundamentals of which lie real goods. Oskilki Vekselі, as a rule, vystavlyayutsya on the lines no longer than 90 days, oblovkovy bankovyk credit є korotkostrokovym. The price of the purchase of a bill is yogo nominal value for the region's interest rate (the rate of a regional loan).

Міжнародний a credit - економічні відносини між powers, неноземними banks and the programs for the transfer of foreign currency chi of commodity resources on ambushes poverennya at pevnі strings ta, as a rule, in the form of vіdsotkіv. Sub'ektami mіzhnogo credit є banks, firmi, derzhavi, mizhnoronnі ta regionalnyi organizatsii.

Міжнародні credits to be classified for different visions, to characterize їх окремі parties. Zalizhno vіd strіvііv korіstyvnnya credit vіn pіlіlyаtsya on korotkostrokovyh (up to one rock), srednestostrokovy (vid 1 to 5, and in the active kraїnah i bіshe) that dovgostrokovy (ponad termіni koristustannya srednestostrokovym credit). Залежно від призначення міжнародні кредити моуть бути комерційними, фінансовими, проміжними. I will look at the form of information about the commodity and the currency of credit. Залежно від техніки надавня розрізняють credit in the form of money (often naming gotivkovymi, hocha currency pererahovuyutsya bezgotovyvomu order rahunku rahunok at the bank) that acceptance (in the form of acceptance - "zgodi platiti") tratti iimporter chi bank; Deposit certificates; Obligacyny posings; Consortsionalny credit is thin.

Lombard credit - a short-line loan to the outpost of the ruhoma lane, yake shvidko realizes. The name of a loan for a loan in the name of a region in Italy (Lombardy), de lihvar loans in such transactions in the middle ages. Pozhalnik zberіgaє right vlasnosti on mayno, viddane to the outpost to the creditor. Wartiness is forced, as a rule, I transfer credit to a loan. Yaksho credit will not be turned into lines, the right of authority on the zapadnoy mayno to pass to the lender, which real yogo and vidshkodovuyu vyrichki sumu borgu at once with nasohovaniami vidsotkami.

The loan for the classified loan is a commercial loan, it is not guaranteed to be billed in any way with bills of exchange, accepting drafts from the best boroviks of zobov's zaobovanni poshchalnik, and zarahovuyutsya at the front of the rakhunok. The procedure for repaying the debt of the parties (the creditor and the seller) and, as a rule, perebacha periodic payments to the creditor (once per пvроку, щоквартально, щомісячно тощо). Loan on a short time razhnuku perebachaet vysoky stepynov doviri creditor to poschalnika, okkilki pokonennya credit is not practical guarantor. Loan on a short-term fundraiser, in accordance with the rules of the financial year, in cases of cross-border fraudulent practices, fraudulent triviality, traditional business practices, fraudulent business practices, and business transactions.

Co-operative credit - to use co-operative credit facilities. Such a loan moe riznu sotsіalno-ekonomichnu sutnist, yaka zalizhit vid character vibronichih vidosin. The credit of the loan was established by the poses of those ministries and services to its members. Over the day's minds, the number of credit cooperatives will be rebuilt more and more at the university, get close to their functions to commercial banks, and actively engage in the struggle for the class.

Contocorporate loan - a kind of bank loan, a sort of nadaetsya klієntam, sho mait at the bank pochchny rakhunok. Oblig і lines of a pose viznachayutsya gospodarchikimi kontinami klієntu, ale in the interstitial fixed in the loan agreement lіmіtu по кожному позичальнику залежно від його фінансового стану і репутації.

Turn on the flow rahunku (payment, vneski) balances. At different times on the currency of the credit of the debit balance, the overdraft is called, the clause is drawn up. The loan can be repaid from the current rahunku by way of repayment, by refunding to інші рахунки, payment of promissory notes, purchase of securities of the company. The fee for this loan is viznachaetsya, vyhodyachi z diyuchoї vіsotkovoї rates, the oath of that line of credit, actually the vikoristanoho klієntom. For rozraunkiiv on nadaniem poschachkah vstanovlyuetsya periodichnost, yak rule, once a quarter abo pivroku.

To ompensatsionny credit - posy, scho nadayutsya Mizhnarodnym foreign exchange fund kraїnam - members on the lines of 3-5 rockyv for kompensuvannya korotchennya eksportnoy virchki, otprichinennogo timchasovimi and nezalezhnimi vіd kraїni-poschal'nika the reasons: stihіynі dashing, neperedbachene padinny svitovih tsіn; Provisional declines in the territories-importers; Introduced them protektsionistkih zashodіv tochno. Compensate loans do not have to interrogate the fate of 50% of the quota of the IMF. The fence for compensatory loans is 100% of the quota. For otenennya compensatory credit kraїna it is guilty to bring the IMF to the reality of the oborundovanoi cause, but the speed of the escort viruses has zoomed. The rally of the special rates on the compensatory loan is reflected in the rates on IMF loan credits.

The mortgage loan is a pre-mortgage loan, which is imposed on the outpost of the non-profit organization (land and utility). It is important for them to specialize in institutional institutions - mortgage banks, and in active regions - by commercial banks. Uncertainty pozhichki for tsim loan in the rows to bring up to vtrasti poschalnikom neruhomostі і transmissions її іншо власникові або банку.

For terminovysty rozriznyayut short-stitch, srednestostrokovy i dovgostrokovy credit.

In Ukraine, there is a dvirivnya bank system, which is stored in a central bank - the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and commercial banking systems. NBU zdіysnyuє kerіvnitsvto on the conduct of Ідиної державної політики at a loan for a loan, a penny, a rose and a foreign currency. NBU takozh zaimayatsya manages the processes of credit in economics, vyyavlennyam їх tendentіі і zakonomіrnostej. For you, you need statistical information about the credit input and credit resources, the warehouse for the types of positives, the roses, the shapes and the forms, the security and the warehouse, the positon, the investment effect of the science and technology visits, the loans.

The statistics, to the credit, to the box and the analysis of information about the economical and social processes in the loaned loans. Vona storages the program of statistical care, vskononalyuyet system pokaznikov, methodology їх rozraunku ta analizu, rozroblyaet the method of statistical analysis of specific evidences. The statistics of credit are borrowed from the loans for loans, viyavlenyam law, vyvchennyam vzaimozv'yuku vikoristan credit resources in order to receive loans for goods koshtivs tochno.

Загальні завання Statistics of Credit:

1. Organizatsiya statisticnogo obliku і звітності про кредині операції.

2. The system of displays, which characterizes credit reporting, їх стан і розвиток.

3. Viyavlennya statisticheskikh legitsirnosty u rozvitku klinicheskikh vidosin.

4. Subsequent vdoskonadlennya methodology and methods of analysis and analysis of the system of demonstration in urahuuvannam досягнень економічної науки і міжнародних стандарів.

For nadanі sobigi u viglyadі posychki klієnti bank to pay a fee at a visa billing rate. The goal of the point - to - point capita, yak is to form on the financial market. Цінова політика to bank to be sensed by such factors: type; The rate for loans is set by banks; Normative vimogi (rates) of the NBU; Tsіni, scho vstanovlyayutsya competitors; Фінансові the bank, the product of the yogo product and the service; Рівень і character попиту споживачів. Кількісним виразом банківського відсотка є rate, scho is itself vidnoshenny sumi koshtiv, rallying viglyadi vidsotka, to sumy posychki.

Statistics вивчає формування відсоткової rates під впливом основних факторів, досліджує їх динаміку та здійснює прогноззування. Відсоткова rate передусім зазнає впливу попиту і пропозиції на позичковий капітал. Збільшення попиту відповідно підвищує ціну, і навпаки. Another important person is an ichnik і інфляція. At її активізації зростають і відсоткові rates, оскільки інфляція знецінює гроші. One of the primary factors is the takozh oblikova rate of the NBU. Okrіm addition, for допомогою statistical methodsівівівідінізаються динаміка відсоткових rates під вплипли underlying factors, а and takozh vpliv on the dynamics of income to the bank of the dynamical system, the bid and the rate.

It is important to the factor of the effective credit institution - the statisticians who are not in control of the control over the bank for the viconnanness of the minds of the loan agreement, especially how to trim the poshevilnik cherginov vneskiv on the repayment of the poses and receipts for it. For zapobіgannya відповідним ризикам оцінють кредиспроможність позичальників. Taka otsinka є storozovoyu rated bank, nasampered credit risk, scho vin nese. Adzhe efektivne manages the credit risk - the basis for securing and stabilizing financial stability.

In the course of an analysis, that preventive forecasting of credit and credit to the bank and on the basis of managing a loan portfolio,

  • Vplyvu zovnishhnogo sredovischa on litspropromozhnist - vivchaevatsya stanovishche poschalnika in ekonomitsi v tsilomu, and takozh yogo zalizhnnost vіd biznes-tsikliv (zdatnist adequately reaguvati on situatsiyu zalizhno vid biznes-tsiklu);
  • Life cycle of virbitnitsva that basic types of products;
  • Zbutovіy strategіїї;
  • Building vibrobyati i prodavati kom tsinami, yakі kompensuyut vitrati that genuyuut pributok;
  • Solvency, priplivu gotіvki від звнішніх факторів.

З цією метою здійснюється групування напрямів кредитів з виокремленням наририкованіших, а саме:

  • For the backside of the business, de pending the pose unproportionately high in the face of the government;
  • For speculative goods with goods and fund assets;
  • For operations with non-farming for the use of peeps with the coppers;
  • For pidtrymka of a sign on the deposit to the bank without sufficient capitalization and misdemeanor;
  • Під проекти з ризиком морального старіння.

Під час оцінювання кредиспроможності клієнтів bank застосовується system показників, яка сигнаізує про можливі фінансові ускладнення that bankruptcy:

  • Перевищення критичного рівня простроченої заборгованості;
  • Nimirnne vichorostaniya short-line positok yak dzherela fіnansuvannya dovgostrokovyh contribution;
  • Низкоькі значення показників ліквідності;
  • Nedacha obivovkh koshtiv;
  • Pidvishchennya to nebezpechnyh between the parts posekchkovyh koshtiv in the zagalnoy obshchiz koshtiv;
  • Vykonannya zobov'azan before the creditors of those shareholders of the schodo svoechasnogo povonennya posich, vyplati vidosotkiv i divivendyv;
  • Погіршення відносин з підприємствами банівської системи;
  • Vikoristania novice dzherel fіnansovikh resursіv na vidnosno nevygіdnih umovah;
  • Застосування у виробництві замортизованого обладнання;
  • Negativnye zmіni in the portfolio.