Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.


5.1. Поняття і соціально-економічне znachennja statisticov awning обігу

In the economy of the penny, the important thing is the chinnik, which vplyvaє on riven tsin, the vibrokintzvy and the payment balance to the balance. The ointment of grotesque masi is the result of the folding of the economy, and not of the sub-ects of the economy, but of the self-denial of credit-pennies, which means the rosemary of the grocery basis. Commercial banks install a rozmіr positok, інших активів і надлишкових резерів. The non-banking sector virishuє, yak rozpodіlyati svoї groshnі koshi mіzh stringed, oshadnimi, takochnimi contributions that іnshim zobov'yаnni, fіnansovimi assets ne simply zberigati gotіvku. The ointment of grotesque masi is to be shaped as a result of the reception of such riches.

In order to grow rozglyanemo viznachennya groshovoi masi, a factor, yaki vplyavayut on її zbіlshennya, podmo tlumachennya ponimattsya "groshny multiplikator." With its own worm, the cushion of the product and the national income, the balance of income in the economy - all the years ago, there are not enough people to pay for housing, housing, housing, property, and organisa zations. Takі vіdosnoni characterized by a penny penny owig, scho is the succunity of the operation, in the process of vikonannya yakih vidbuvaetsya rush groshovoi masi.

For managing the process of a penny-busting mother in the fundamentals of statistical information about the rosemir of the groschen, the yoga warehouse and the dinamiku, and the way in which the grotesque koshtivs are kept, the rozraunkovy disciplinary works are kept, the warehouse and the breadth of the grocery mashi, the purchase of the grocery.

Отримувати та обробляти статистичну інформацію щодо процесів у цій галузі статистики і є about the statistics of the groschen обігу. Same vona rozroblyaє program of statistical sposterezhennia, the way otrimannya і obrobnyki danykh, obruntovuyu methodologii obychislennya y analizu statistichnykh otzaznikiv. Statistics of groschen obihu takozh viyavlya statiirnosti at the warehouse of the grosgovogo obogu, in obyegovosti groshovoi masi, in rozraunkovyh operatsiakh bankov, dostavnennyi pіdpriemstvami rozraunkovoy disci plini. Okrim chyogo, in front of an indicated statisticov visuznut zavdannya shodo vivchennya otgayu, warehouse, dinamiki groshovoi masi ta її shvidkosti.