Фізіологія і психологія праці - Krushelnytska Ya.V.

The role of the organization and the infrastructure of the vibronichevo navchannny

In the process of the vibronic novchannya, the role of nalezhit інструкціям інструктуража - the inception, the flow, the prisoner - is great. On rannіh Etap ovolodіnnya of labor navichkami іnstruktsії not povinnі Buti Nadto detalіzovanimi, dwellers not skovuvati іnіtsіativu i CREATIVE pіdhіd, but the stench povinnі vikonuvatisya.

Vstupny іnstruktazh pov'yazany s Explanation methylene i values robot organіzatsії robochem Georeferencing, obladnannya i yogo ekspluatatsії, rules tehnіki BEZPEKA, demonstratsієyu naybіlsh ratsіonalnih sposobіv i priyomіv vikonannya robot oznayomlennyam s robochem dokumentatsієyu, kreslennyami, schemes іnstruktivnimi materіalami. Після цього почається освоєння трудових прийомів.

The detailed design is carried out regularly on the basis of the complex. A meta - finished off chіtkogo vikonannya vsіh establishing robіt i operatsіy, norms virobіtku at Suvorov dotrimannі rules tehnіki Bezpeka i virobnichoї distsiplіni.

The final design is to be carried out by the method of writing a note on the results of the robotics exercises.

Didactic systems of vibronic nachchannya

Виробниче навчання on real robots mosquitoes guilty vrachovuvati concrete ichvi (rіven mehanizatsії prači, type vibrobnitsva) і characteristics of the labor process.

Vaughn organizes such didactic systems:

  • Zonal;
  • Narushchuvannya set of tired;
  • Stsenevoyu for the processes;
  • Переміщення за робочими місцями.

Zonalna system perebacha development of robots on the zones - parts of the folding robotic space with the transition to obsobovuvannya vsого робочого місця.

The system of narushchuvannya kit is exhausted before the time of the day before the day of the harvesting of the obeslugovuvannogo obladnannya with one-hour rozshirennyaem functions of the robot.

When navchana for the system, "staged after the processes", the workflows to the zobilishennyam folding structure and zmistu are postponed.

Navchannya for the system "for peremіschennya robochem mіstsyami" dozvolyaє poslіdovno osvoїti robot SSMSC guilty vikonuvati robіtnik danoї profesії on vuzkospetsіalіzovanih robochem mіstsyah.

Pershi Dvi Sistemi dotsіlno vikoristovuvati at organіzatsії virobnichogo navchannya in shops s temple rіvnem mehanіzatsії pratsі (operator automaticity lіnіy, nalagodzhuvalniki collapsible obladnannya, robіtniki-bagatoverstatniki). Dvі nastupnі sistemi vikoristovuyutsya vovchannnyi robitnikiv, zanyatyh on the convectors i streaming lines.

There, Praca de organіzovana for subject-tehnologіchnim principle virobniche navchannya robіtnikіv dotsіlno provoditi for operatsіyno-tehnologіchnoyu system, yak peredbachaє poslіdovne osvoєnnya tehnologіchnih operatsіy, potіm їh kompleksіv.

On vibrobnitvі zastosovuyutsya stenenova system of training and pidvistchennya kvalіfіkatsії robіnikіv. Over the course of the system it is necessary to work for Ідиним навчальними планами і програмами, розробленими for the skin stage і профіїї окремо. In the workshops it is possible to take part in the training of the robots, stovoiuyutsya navchalno-vibrochnichi dilnitsi, maysterni, laboratory, workshops, naval-kursi kombinati, yakі poekdit 'usi formi i vidav navchannya v vibrobnitsvy.