Розіщення productive forces and регіоналістика - Стеченко Д.М.

1.2. Evolution of the process of production of productive forces

The practice of rozmyschennya productive forces is inherent, the inner logic of developing the sciences themselves about the territorial organization of the estate is demanding the glibok and ґrunovný vivchennia of such important categories as the principle of the productive forces.

The process of the growth of productive forces is a common category. For the encyclopaedic viznachennyam, the process of the post-Soviet era and the stages of development [7, p. 161], tobto in whose presence the presence of a chink of an hour. Problems rozmischennya productive forces did not encroach, the docks of the productive forces and the Suspilny sub-pravtsi did not reach the pinnacle of the river rozvitka. If the vibrobnitz is a little too natural for nature, vno did not bole vidokremlene vid spozhivannya: viroblnik buv one-hourly and spizivachem, vypolnny zasobi vibrobitvtva were known at most zhitlі. At tsei period, the process of roaming the vibrobitvita was accompanied by the population, population, population of points. Problem rozmischennya suto vibrobitvtva rosochinilas y problemi rozvitku і functііунування settlement. The problem of the growth of productive forces was hampered by the taka in the period of promising revolution, on the back of the development of the great machine industry. Same Todi becoming the can be censored the vibe of the people's area, the world, the territory for the virgin mind. Great machine promyslovist, sho vinikla on the fundamentals vikoristana parivih dviguniv, meaningfully persuaded the trend to the canvassy varovannyvosti virobnitsvva.

Lisha in the XIX century. In the usual situation, the practice of rozmischennya of the great virobnitsva, the optimal vibor of the rozmischennya pidpriemstv zalizhno vid dzherala енергії, сировини, робочої сили, ринків збуту. Більш вдалий вибір місця виробництва has changed into an important overtone отримання додаткової вартості. Same z tsogogo chasu meto pidvishchenya proizvodstvennost praci virobnitstva prostorovno rozczlenovuetsja vidpodіdno na navavnosty priyatlivyvyh natural, ekonomichnyh, sotsialnih ta nіshikh umov na pivnikh teritorіakh. Odnі з them мали значні reserves of mineral and syrovinnyh resources, інші - паливно-енергетичних, треті - водних, четверті володіли трудовими ресурсуів resources. At zv'yazku існуванням such відмінностей окремі a phase виробництва суспільного to a product диференціювалися in просторі.

As a result, the output of the product has been enlarged to be closed for the past terri- tories of the region, and for the sake of the pleasant disposition of the natural, hard-working and creative minds and resources. Tse positively vpolnulo on rozvitok і pogliblennya teritorialnogo podilu pritsi yak dzherela і збудника мотивів у діяльності люди на конкретній території.

Teritorialny podil pravtsі pevtsі povtsi povnyi order in rozstanovtsi productive forces that їхніх елементів (subjectsі праці, засобів праці, робочої сили) на території країни. At kitscevuyu pidsumku vin zumoviv whole process of the virbitnctva.

Otzhe, rozmіschennya productive forces - the process of folding processes, the process of coping with analogous parts of the process: the settlement of new teritoria (the first populated area), the development of natural resources, the concentrating and the roserezredzhennya ob'ektv in the government, the alignment and shaping of the nuclei, the framework of the territorial government of the state (Міжжі міст, інфраструктури) тощо.

Postupov Zrostav singing practical interest to the causes, singularities, methods of the growth of productive forces. In everyday life, the urgency of nybisl is relevant, ie, the content of the productive forces, the analisia of the past and the time of the yogic components, the character of the personality, the particularities of the becoming and the growth of the processes of the virbitvitva in the regional teritory areas.