Fіnansova statistics - Shustіkov AA

11.3. Obl_k (diskontuvannya) for folding rates vіdsotkіv

In fіnansovіy praktitsі dosit often zustrіchayutsya іz zavdannyam zvorotnogo viznachennya naroschenoї sumi: Quest sumoyu S, yak slіd zaplatiti through deyaky h n, neobhіdno viznachiti the bag P. Tsya situatsіya vinikaє, if vіdsotki utrimayutsya bezposeredno at vidachі pozichki. In danomu razі seem, scho scrip S diskontuєtsya. Rіznitsyu S - P = D nazivayut discount.

Rozrіznyayut two methods diskontuvannya - ically mathematical diskontuvannya i bankіvsky Obl_k.

Ically mathematical diskontuvannya zastosovuyut in quiet vipadkah, if Quest S, n i is the neobhіdno Know P:

ically mathematical diskontuvannya .

de mnozhnik diskontuvannya - Mnozhnik diskontuvannya.

The value of P, Yakscho Won viznachena for S, nazivayut diskontovanoyu S, the abo Suchasnyj Size of installment S, abo teperіshnoyu vartіstyu.

The magnitude of V   n nazivayut oblіkovim, abo diskontovanim, mnozhnikom.

Yakscho vіdsotki narahovuyutsya m razіv on Year, the formula matim Taqiy viglyad:

Discount magnitude .

Discount mnozhnik dorіvnyuє

Discount mnozhnik .

6. Butt Neobhіdno viznachiti, yak treba poklast the bag rakhunok on the bank at scho narahovuє 10% rіchnih for folding rates vіdsotkіv, dwellers in 5 rokіv otrimati the bag in 1000 UAH.

Rozv'yazannya: UAH.

The value of the P harakterizuє Pochatkova scrip, yak on narahuvannya vіdsotkіv daє value S. Sumi P i S pov'yazanі mіzh him-of-line vіdsotkovoyu i bet she ekvіvalentnі: platіzh S after n rokіv rіvnotsіnny sumі P, yak viplachuєtsya in teperіshnіy hour. Rіznitsyu S - P nazivayut discount.

Di = S - P = S (1 - V n); Dj = S - P = S (1 - V mn).

Vlastivіst suchasnoї quantities polyagaє in fact scho denote Vishcha rate vіdsotkіv, team silnіshe diskontuvannya i bіlshoyu mіroyu zmenshuєtsya P for vsіh іnshih rіvnih minds.

Vpliv line payment:

Spіvvіdnoshennya Discount mnozhnikіv (easy th foldable vіdsotkovі rate):

for less then a string of Year - (1 + nin) -1 <(1 + ic) - n;

for bіlshe line by Year (1 + nin) -1> (1 + ic) - n.