Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.

13.5. Conversion of financial rent

Conversions of rented cars are rented to the flow of rental payments in their payment. In a simple viglyadі зміна of minds, the rent is paid in one-hour payment. Takozh kilka rum mozhut bouti ob'ednani in one.

Yakshto peredachaetsya, scho conversion of rent is not guilty to bring up zmіni fіnansovyh nalіdkіv for kozhnoi side, then vona is guilty of adhering to the principle of fіnansovoї еквівалентності.

Серед різновидів конверсій можна виокремити такі: викуп ренти, відстрочка платеів, консолідація боргів.

Vikup rents perebacha zamenu one-time payment of the ussov rozpodileny u chasi payment (napriklad, kompensatsiya fund, yak stvoiєyutsya shlakom vneskіv abo vidrahuvan). Zgіdno with the principle of fіnansovoї еквівалентності, викуп ренти - це виплата сучасної magnitudes цієї ренти на даний момент.

The payment line is a one-time payment for financial rent, todo a loan. Napriklad, the commercial loan has a fee for the product, as a rule, it is necessary to raise money for rent. For zhreberzhennya principle fіnansovoї еквівалентності сучасну value of rent pririvnyut to the value of payment, yak zamenyuetsya (vartit vіdvantazhenoї produktsii). Todi for the given amount of time, the value of the member of the rent is equal to the payment amount of the rent term. In the case of a different payment, I pay the prize to the credit of zaborgovanosti, or at the cross-border, with the principle of financial and financial incentives.

Applied 10. Productivity of the goods 100 tis. Uah., Scho rally through the stretch of three rock. The loan is deposited with 10% of the payments, and the payment is made to the pigs. The buyers are given an ad for three months, at a rate of one hour per line, to get to ware goods. Yak zdіysnyuvatimsya repayment of the loan?

Розв'язання : Spotchatka neobhіdіno viznachiti vartіst goods on кінець відстрочки:

The daily quantity is to blame for three rock.

The consolation of rent is the subject of a rent to one. The principle of fіnansovої еквівалентності у даном разі передбачає виконання такої рівності:


De A - the daily value of rent, yakі zameniynitsya; Aq is the daily value of q- rent ( q = 1, 2, .., k ).

With a general rental service, you can meet the tasks of the nihilism, zokrema: a) viznachennya rozmiru member of the general rent; B) viznachennya terminu ob'nednanoї rent. In both vypadkas, they are assigned the parameters of the rent.

Аналіз змінних потоів оплатыів

Zmіnna rentsi - tse rentsa, zakleniya zakomnijutsja vidovpodno before yakogis to the law rozvitku.

Irregular potyk payments - tse potik payments, the members of yakogo zminiyutsya chaotically. Hours інтервали між двома сусідніми payments mozhut бути бы-якими. At such a time, the characteristics of the offspring are deprived of the direct rozraunku.

The sum is added:


The hourly value:


De t - the hour before the flow of payments before the moment of payment, Rt - suma payment (member of the rent).

Змінна ренти з развими змінами участів ренти

The trivalent of rent is dorivnyu n . Tie lines rozpodіleno k k perіодів, у кожному member ренти постійний і дорівнює Rt .

Incremental value:


The hourly value:


The rate of permanent increase in payments

Yakshto a is the absolute payment increment, then a = Rt - Rt - 1, then the value of the rent is assigned to the following formula:


It is enriched by the sum of rent to be so ranked:


Main categories are understood

Finance rent, abo annuity

Amounted sum of rent

The daily value of the rent

Vichnaya renta

Zapitannia і zavdannya for self-control

1. Що ви розумієте під таким визначенням: многожину розподільних у часі платів називають:

A) financial rent;

B) annuity;

C) the flow of payments;

D) Do you have more money?

2. The Jacob in the direction of the formulas is the formula of the narrative:

a) B) at) D)

3. Що вироммієте під визначенням: сума всіх членів послідовності платів з нахованими на them відсотками на кінець yого the line:

A) capitalized the value of the rent;

B) there is a sum of money;

C) the daily value of the rent;

D) is the value of the rent?

4. Yakі з викладених нижче висловлювань wrong:

A) the member of the rent - the amount of the dermal in charge;

B) vidtsotkova rate - the rate, yaka vikoristovuyutsya narushchuvannі abo diskontuvannі platіv, z yakih zakrydaetsya rents;

В) perіод ренти - час, вимірюваний від початку фінансової ренти до кінця останнього її періоду;

Г) потік платеів - це це многожина розподілених у часі платеів?

5. In the case of curves below formulas, the value of the rent is:

a) B) at) D) 6. Pіd rentsomu rozumіyut:

A) multiplied by the number of payments;

B) potyk payment, uksi nenii yakogo posivnnyi magnitudes, and hours of the interview of the household with post-payment payments;

C) potyk payment, usi lenki yakogo positivnі magnitudes nezalezhno vid pokhozhennja tsikh kharakterov, їh prizichennja i tsil;

D) the multiplication of rozpodeleny in the hours of positive, and negative payments.

7. What is finance rent?

8. What parameters describe the financial rent?

9. Is there a sum of rent?

10. Give the value of the relative value of the rent.

11. In the kits of the skin district on the rakhunok, a sum of money should be refunded to the bank. Річна сума внесків 100 groshn. Od. І on ці кошти accentuate 8% річних. To know the summed up sum of rent through 10 rockies for the tidings, but on the koshty on rahunka nahokvartalno.

12. It is necessary to exclamate the sum, yaka potribna in order to be able to bilo viplachuvati creditori kozhni pivroku 50 groshn. Od. Stretching 2 rock, yakshcho on your rajunok at the bank vysotkoty nahachyvatsya schomisyachno for ricchnuyu rate of 12%.

13. It is necessary to know the advanced sum of rent for the tidings, how to nestle the leather pivot. Row of rent 10 rock. Payment of payments once per liter of rock for 100 gros. Od. The rate, for the alleged increase in payments on the payment, is 10%.

14. Rents of 2 rocks. Riczno suma rents to become 100 groschen. Od. Нарахування відсотків щомісячне за покою 12% річних. To know the value of rent.

15. The rent is paid 2 times per day. Riczno suma renti - 100 groshn. Od. The rent is viplachuvatimetsya stretching two of the rock. Нарахування відсотків щомісячно at a rate of 12%. Vnachatiti narschenu sumu renti.

16. Viznachiti value of the river vneskiv, yakshcho neobhidno up to the end of the decimal day, create a fund, doc dorivnuvatime 100 000 grosch. Od. The rate of viscosities is 10%.

17. Row of rent 10 rock. Payment of payments - once per liter of rock for 100 groschen. Od. The rate for the alleged increase in payments is 10%. Vnachachiti accumulated sumu renti.

18. Row of rent 5 rock. Нараування відсотків у кінці року at a rate of 5%. A member of a rent is 100 groshn. Od. To know the value of rent.

19. Vnachachiti value sukomysyachnyh vneskiv on spetsialniy rahunok at the bank for repaying the streaming zaborgovosti in rozmіrі 100 000 groshn. Od. It is necessary to extinguish the stretching of two people. The rate of viscosities is 12%. Відсотки доховуться щомісячно.

20. Row of rent 10 rock. Payment of payments - once per liter of rock for 100 groschen. Od. The rate for the alleged increase in payments is 10%. Vnachachiti accumulated sumu renti.

21. Row of rent 5 rock. Нараування відсотків у кінці року at a rate of 5%. A member of a rent is 100 groshn. Od. To know the value of rent.